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2018秋仁爱版八年级英语下册课件:unit 6 topic 2 secion d

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  • 上传时间:2018-12-16
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    • 1、Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 2 How about exploring Tiananmen Square?,Section D,收到一张明信片 去泰山度假 算出数学题 从北到南 在中国的东部 在广场的中央 满的 观光巴士,Word competition,receive a postcard,go to Mount Tai for a vacation,work out the math problem,from north to south,in the east of China,in the center of the square,be full of,tour buses,Word competition,空间,空地 从人群中挤出 从四面八方 踩;台阶;脚步 在一棵树旁 旅游经历 禁不住,space,push ones way out,in all directions,step,beside a tree,travel experiences,cant help doing sth.,Translation,1.我们学校占地面积10万平方米。

      2、,Our school covers 100 000 square meters.,2.加拿大在美国的北面。,Canada is on the north of the USA.,3.我们对他所说的话感到吃惊。,We are surprised at what he said.,4.请不要踩踏草地(lawn)。,Please dont step on the lawn.,Dont forget to close the window _ you leave. Helen went to fly kites _ she finished her homework. Jack didnt go to bed_10:30 last night. Hell send me a message _ he gets to London. _I got to the station, it began to rain heavily.,用when, before, after, until, as soon as填空,每词只用一次。,Complete the sentences,before,aft

      3、er,until,as soon as,When,While,when,before,As,until,As soon as,as soon as, 表示语句的动作紧接着从句的动作而发生。如:I will give him the message as soon as I see him. (我一看到他,就告诉他这个消息。) “not until” 表示“直到才”,指主句的动作在从句所表示的时间才开始,谓语一般用非延续性动词; “until”则表示主句的动作在从句所表示的时间之前就开始,并且一直持续到该时间为止,其谓语一般用持续性动词。 “主将从现”:即主句用一般将来时态,从句只能用一般现在时。 从句的位置: 时间状语从句放在主句之前或之后均可。但在主句之前时,应用逗号与主句分开。,be,That would _ very interesting.,It can _ one million people.,Tiananmen Rostrum is _ Tiananmen Square,I cant _ to see it.,Its about one and a half hours

      4、_ bike.,by,in the north of,wait,hold,Read Michaels diary for his trip to Tiananmen Square. Pay attention to the form of the diary.,Body,Day of the week, date,Weather,The form of a diary,Read 1a again and fill in the blanks. Then put the key information in the right order.,1,2,3,4,5,lost,looked,found,arrived,Answer the questions according to 1a.,How was the weather? What was the day? What did they do before they rode to Tiananmen Square? Where did they go first? Whats in the center of the square?

      5、 When did they find Darren was lost? How did they feel before they found Darren?,Exercise,( ) 1. - Please ring me up _ you come to my house. - Sure, I will. A. after B. while C. before ( ) 2. As soon as we _ at the park, well begin to plant trees. A. arrive B. arrived C. will arrive ( ) 3. We cant help _ around because of the exciting news. A. to jump B. jump C. jumping ( ) 4.Taiwan is _ the southeast of China and Japan is _ the east of China. A. to, in B. in, to C .on, to ( ) 5. - _ is it from

      6、your home to school? - Its about ten minutes walk. A. How far B. How long C. How many,Choose the right answer.,1.直到他告诉我,我才知道发生了什么事。,I didnt know what happened until he told me about it.,2.昨晚他等着看足球赛一直到深夜。,He waited for the soccer game until it was mid-night.,3.别担心,她一到北京就会打电话给你。,Dont worry. She will ring you up as soon as she arrives in Beijing.,4.当你在玩电脑游戏时,我正在做作业。,While you were playing computer games, I was doing my homework.,Exercise,Summary,We learn New words and phrases: everywhere, thank goo

      7、dness Adverbial clauses of time with “when, while, after, before, after, as soon as, not until”. How to write a diary.,We can Talk about our own travel experience. Write diaries in English.,Did you ever get lost in a new place? How did you feel when you were lost? What did you do?,Talk about it.,Describing Your Outdoor Experience Talk about the pictures in groups with the help of the following questions. Write a story and share it with your classmates.,1) Why was the boy lost?,3) Who did he ask for help?,2) How did he feel when he was lost?,4) What should we do when we are lost?,Homework,Review the new words, phrases and useful expressions in this topic. Write a diary to talk about your own travel experiences. (when, where, who, how, what ) Collect some traffic signs and preview Section A of Topic 3.,The end. Thanks!,

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