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2018年秋人教版八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 5 第三课时

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  • 文档编号:62020023
  • 上传时间:2018-12-16
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    • 1、Unit 9 Do you want to watch a game Show?第三课时 Section B(1a1d)工,单项填空。 )1.Almost all children like ,JIts very funny to watch them.A,.news 了B.sports Shows Cecartoons D.scary movies )2.Lostin Thailand(泰回) is aln) movieywe all like watching it,A.difficult B.enjoyable C,boring D.hard( )3.Idislike watching comedies most of them are meaningless,A.S0 了B. bit C, because D.or( )4.Tony likes sports shows Showsi, ,he do jike watching news,人A,.SO;Or B.oriso C,but;and D.and;but .一Do you like this movie?一Yes.I t

      2、hink its very ,工want to See it againA. boring B.exciting C.bored 了D.excited)6. Ready Player One(头号玩家) is action movie. A.a B.an C,the)7.一 doyou sitcoms? 一Ilove them,A.Howithink of B. What;like of C,. Whatithink of)8.He soap operas, He thinks they are boring.A,. doesmt mind 了B. Sikes C,cant stand)9. My father dossn t Jike soap 0peras. He thinks they areA.educational 了,successful C.meaningless)10.一Lets go to the movies tonight,一.What time?A.Tm sorry 了B. Good idea C,. Youre rightD,/D. What;likeD. c

      3、an standD. excitingD. No way工,根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词。1. After finishing her homework,Mary watched a (动画片) on TV to relax,2. Mr,. Browns speech seemed (毫无意义的) to me,so Ileft the hall early,3.His quick (行动) saved the childs life.4. We like to watch those movies pecatse they are ,(令人兴容的),5.Iam 严肃的) about my study,亚.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.This weekend was wonder),.工had a good time,2. The teacher asked us to watch the education) movie,3. We had some enjoy) experience and we had fun.4.工dont like the show. Ethink

      4、 it (hore),S.Ilike listening to music because it can make me feel relax), 椒.按要求完成下面的句子。1. She hopes that she will be a writer one day. (改为同义句) |She hopes a writer one day. 刹2. How does she like the talent show? (改为同义句) |does she the talent show? Whatthink of 名型 3. Iplan to watch a sports show tonight, (对画线部分提问)do you pian tp watei tonigbl24. Mr. Green likes watching game shows because they are very interesting, (对画线部分提问)does Mr Green watching game shows?5.I can learn some jokes from the sitcom.

      5、(对画线部分提问)can YOU from the sitcom?T ,配对阅读。左栏是五种类型的电视节目 ,右栏是七个不同电视节目的内容介绍。请将五种类型与电视节目进行匹配。其中有两项是多余的。有.The First Hal太of MY Life tells about the story of the housewife Luo Zijun.After divorcing(离婚) her husband(丈夫) ,she works hard and grows up into aSuccessful professional woman.了B, Date with Lu Wu is hosted by Lu Yu She interviews a large number of famouspeople from different fields of the society.C.Wak oj Fame was a very popular TV show, Lots of people took part in it and(jsitecom performed their t

      6、alents, Some of them are famous stars now,DTportpmeii tels the stories of mn group of young people happened in their|( 。 )2.8ame show apartineit (公寓) .The dialugae 证 he Show is iateresting and funny,and makespeople laugh. The show is very popular among young people.( )3.soap opera |E. Peppa Pig tells the story of the pink pig sister and her family. Its very popular|among little kids,(4talent show |F.Zjaowen Worild isa CCTV show of morning news. It broadcasts (播报) the newsfrom all over the world, JS.talk show G.Whos Still Standing ? is a very wonderful game on jiangsu TV, Lots of peopletake part in it and answer the challenging 有挑战性的) questions.

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