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2017秋七年级英语人教新目标上册练习 课时作业22unit 5 section b 3a~self check

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  • 文档编号:62006846
  • 上传时间:2018-12-16
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    • 1、Unit 5Section B (3aSelf Check)班级姓名分值实际得分50分.用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)1Let your sister play(play) soccer.2That sounds boring(bore)3He has(have) a book.4You dontplay(play) sports every day.5Jack only watches(watch) sports on TV.用have, has, dont, doesnt填空(10分)1I have a book and he has a pen.2They have a TV, but they dont have a computer.3She has a sister, but she doesnt have a brother.4Does he have a tennis ball?No, he doesnt.5Do you have a baseball?No, I dont.单项选择(10分)1C your father _ a brother?AIs; haveBDo

      2、; hasCDoes; haveDDoes; has解析:一般现在时的一般疑问句中,当主语是第三人称单数时,句首应加Does,动词用原形,故选C。2Do Barry and Peter have a baseball?Yes, B.Athey areBthey doCthey have Dhe does解析:指代 Barry and Peter应用they,一般疑问句的回答要和问句保持一致,故选B。3Tim and Jim, lets play C soccer.AaBtheC/Dan解析:play与球类名词连用时,球类名词前不加冠词。4The music is BI like it.AwellBrelaxingCboringDbad解析:句意:这首曲子很令人放松,我喜欢它。故选B。5The history class is DI dont like it.AinterestingBrelaxingCfunDboring解析:既然是不喜欢,应是枯燥的,D项符合句意。6Math is difficult, C it is interesting.AandBonlyCbutDtoo解析:句

      3、意:数学很难,但是它很有趣。前后句表转折,故用but。7Mary, lets B computer games.Ato playBplayCplayingDplays解析:lets后跟动词原形,故选B。8Can you go to play basketball C lunch?AforBon CafterDin解析:“午饭后”用after lunch,故选C。9How do you like Li Yundi?A cool guy!His music B really beautiful.AtastesBsoundsCsmellsDlooks解析:taste“尝起来”;sound“听起来”;smell“闻起来”;look“看起来”。根据句意“他的音乐听起来真的很美”可知选B。10C man in a black hat is my music teacher.He often plays _ piano with us.AA; theBThe; aCThe; theDA; /解析:特指戴黑帽子的人应用the,又因为play与乐器类名词连用时,乐器类名词前加the,故选C。.从方框中选

      4、择合适的单词补全对话(10分)A:_1_ play computer games!B:That sounds _2_, _3_ I dont have a _4_.A:Well, _5_ you have a volleyball?B:Yes.A:Then lets _6_ volleyball.B:Oh, volleyball is so _7_.A:OK.Lets watch TV.B:That sounds _8_.Hmm.Lets play _9_.Do you have a soccer ball?A:No, I _10_.1Lets2.interesting3.but4computer5.do6.play7difficult8.boring9.soccer10dont.任务型阅读(15分)Peter is sixtysix.But he looks young(年轻的)He has two childrena son and a daughter.He has 10 tennis bats, 12 soccer balls, 8 baseballs, 6 basketbal

      5、ls and 18 volleyballs.But he never plays sports.He only collects sports things.His son, Carl, likes soccer.He is in the city soccer club(俱乐部)He plays soccer every day with his friends.And his daughter, Nancy, likes volleyball.But she doesnt play it.She only watches it on TV.根据短文内容,回答问题。1Does Peter look old?No,_he_doesnt.2How many(多少) children does Peter have?Two.3Who plays soccer every day in Peters family?Carl.4Does Peter play sports every day?No,_he_doesnt.5Does Nancy play volleyball?No,_she_doesnt.

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