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    • 1、2019英语考研作文模板句合集(必备)考研英语作文想要的高分,其实不难。在写句子的时候。要学会承前启后,注重逻辑,把简单的句子串联起来,才能写出出彩的文章。下面这些语句熟背于心,才能以不变应万变。描述原因的句型1.due to /because of /for the reason that (因为.)2.The chief reason why is that 3.Another factor/ reason is that 4.There are ample / powerful/ sufficient/ various reasons in saying that 5.One may criticize/ find fault with/ disapprove of but the real cause/ 6.motivation/ root/ purpose of is 7.results from/ arises from/ can be attributed to the fact that As far as I am concerned, there are some

      2、reasons accounting for this phenomenon. 描述结果的句型1.However important we may regard school life to be, there is no denying the fact that children spend more time at home than in the classroom. Therefore, the great influence of parents cannot be ignored or discounted by the teacher. One may criticize the authorities for the accident, but the real reason lies deeper. 2.Thus/ As a result/So/Consequently/Hence/Accordingly/Thereby 3.It may result in/ yield/ give rise to some other problems 4.It would ca

      3、use / produce/ bring about a considerable / noticeable change in 5.Among all the reasons of , one should be emphasized that 论证说明句型1.It is obvious / apparent/ clear/ conspicuous / without doubt that 2.A recent report indicates that 3.According to the statistics provided by , it can be seen that 4.Based on the survey/analysis/investigation of , there is a 5.growing/increasing/decreasing number of people who show concern about 6.There is sufficient evidence showing that 7.This sets forth the import

      4、ant fact that 8.No on can ignore / overlook / be exempt form the fact that 9.No one can deny / withdraw the fact that 10.As is known to all / It is well-known / that 11.I am convinced that 12.There is no doubt that 13.My idea/ view/ belief/ can be proved/ supported by 举例说明句型 1.Fake commodities can do great harm to both consumers and society. For example, 2.when a person bought fake medicine, it was useless in curing his disease and really 3.a waste of money. Sometimes it can even cause death. 4.

      5、I will take for example 5.Another special consideration in this case is that 6.For instance / example 7.Take as an example 8.We may cite / quote / take a common example to illustrate that 9.Our society abounds with the examples of 10. may be exemplified / proved by the following fact that 对比句型1.One the one hand On the other hand 2.Nothing can rival 3. has merits as well as drawbacks. 4. while 5. whereas 6. is not the same as 7.A is just the opposite 8.A differs from B in that 10. (The case) is n

      6、ot the same. 11. instead 12.Otherwise 13.Contrary to widely accepted views, I believe that 14. varies from person to person. 15.What people fail to consider is that A is superior/inferior to B. 对照句型1.A is similar to B. A is to B what C is to D A and B have something in common 2.Just as, so 3.Similarly/ Likewise The advantages of A are much greater that B. 4.The same is true of / The same can be said of Compared with B, A has many 5.advantages. Wonderful as A is, however, it has its own disadvant

      7、ages, too. Although 6.A enjoys considerable advantages over B, it cannot compete with B in. 递进句型 1.Moreover 2.Furthermore 3.In addition 4.Besides 5.Apart from 6.Whats more 7.What is more important 列举句型1. (In my opinion, borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship.) 2.First of all, asking a friend for money puts your friend in an uncomfortable position. 3.Second, I think borrowing money from a friend can alter his perception of you. 4.Finally, if you borrow money from a friend

      8、, it changes the balance 5.in the relationship. 6.To begin with 7.In the first place In the second place In the third place 8.For one thing For another 转折句型 It goes without saying that advertisement has brought our life color, convenience, comfort, or any enjoyment undreamed of, but it is also worthwhile to point out that some advertisements have gone too far in this direction. But some other people become indulged in the games. They play from dawn to dusk, live in the unreal world, and give up

      9、all but everything. They are too stupid to make it clear that the real life is the most important. We used to write down our daily feelings and personal things on papers, which is called diaries. These are personal world full of our secrets. Today, however, some people prefer internet blogs to diaries. Nevertheless, there are other factors to be taken into consideration / account. Good as is, it has its own disadvantages, too. It is partly right to say that but we should not neglect that fact that However, the advantages of outweigh any benefit we gain from It is true that but this is not to say Given the fact that, it by no means indicates that On the contrary In contrast 并列句型 Few people are immune


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