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    • 1、圆梦计划入学考试专升本复习指南 圆梦计划入学考试专升本复习指南 英语科目考试大纲 英语科目考试大纲 一、 考试形式考试形式:机考机考 二、 考试时间:考试时间:60 分钟分钟 三、 考试题型考试题型 共 30 题,其中情景对话题、词汇与语法题、改错题、词句翻译题、逻辑排序题情景对话题、词汇与语法题、改错题、词句翻译题、逻辑排序题(每 题 3 分,25 题共 75 分) 、1 篇阅读理解题阅读理解题(每题 5 分,5 题共 25 分) 。 所有题型均为单选题。考试结束后当场公布考试成绩,60 分以上即为通过,如未 通过,下次考试时可继续再考。 四、四、 题型简介题型简介 (一)情景对话题(一)情景对话题 考查学生对英语生活、工作场景的基础情景对话运用的掌握程度。每题在两句话中 留出一定空白,要求考生根据上下文情景,从每题所给的 4 个选择项中选出最佳选项。 样题: 1. My recorder is broken. Could I use yours? _, but you have to return it tomorrow. ( ) A. Im not sure B. No prob

      2、lem C. Im sorry D. I hope so 答案:选 B, no problem 表“没问题,可以”的意思。 (二)词汇与语法题(二)词汇与语法题 考查考生对名词、 冠词、 副词、 数词、 代词、 介词、 比较级和最高级、 一般现在式、 一般进行式、 过去式、 将来式、 常见句式的掌握情况。 每题在一句或两句话中留出空白, 要求考生从每题所给的 4 个选择项中选出最佳选项。 样题: 1. He _ eight hundred thousand dollars for his car. ( ) A. paid B. spend C. cost D. took 答案:选 A,考察 pay 过去式 paid 的用法以及 pay 的词义。payfor sth,表“花了 多少钱买什么东西” 。 2. I have to _ my coat because it is getting colder. ( ) A. get off B. buy out C. bring in D. put on 答案:选 D,put on 表“穿上,戴上” 。 3.I usually go to Ca

      3、mbridge by train. ( ) Why not_by coach? A. going B. to go C. go D. to going 答案:选 C,why not do sth 表“为何不(做)” ,why not 后接动词原型。 (三)改错题(三)改错题 测试考生对英语语法的掌握和理解程度。每题句子中有 ABCD 四个标注,要求考生 从每题所给的 4 个标注中选出词语用法有错的一项。 样题: 选出题干中有错的一项: 1. Which do (A) you like better (B), coffee and (C) or (D) black tea? ( ) A. A B. B C. C D. D 答案:选C,or 表“或” ,是前后两者间择一;and 表“和” ,是前后两者并列。语句 考查选择性疑问句,是两者择一的情况,and 在句中多余,需删除。 (四)词句翻译题(四)词句翻译题 测试考生的单词词汇量、 语法和上下文理解等综合能力。 要求考生根据题干要求, 选出最佳的英译汉翻译选项。 样题: 1. 找出句中划线的单词或词组的正确翻译: The manager

      4、never laughed; neither did she lose her temper.( ) A. 失去信心 B. 发脾气 C. 发牢骚 D.丢面子 答案:选 B,lose ones temper 表“情绪失控、发脾气” 。 2. 找出下列与中文句子最匹配的翻译选项:他是外地人。( ) A. He is outsider here. B. He is a native here. C. He is not a stranger here. D. He is not a native here. 答案:选 D,native 表“当地人” ,D 项意义反说,即“他不是本地人” 。A 项 outsider 表“圈外人、局外人” 。C 项stranger 表“陌生人” 。 (五)逻辑排序题(五)逻辑排序题 考查考生对语篇整体逻辑关系的理解和对英语语境的运用能力。题干中有四个乱 序的语句,要求考生在给定的四个选项中选出正确语序的答案。 样题: 1. 对下列语句进行排序,使前后语句通顺:( ) a) Shall I sign this letter in your name? b) Her

      5、e you are. c) Please give me the materials about the letter. d) No, you neednt. Give it to me after you finish typing it. A. c-b-a-d B. a-b-d-c C. a-d-c-b D. c-a-d-b 答案:选 A,以 c)句子的 letter 和 give 为着手点,选出 c)后的应答句 b), 再看 a) 和 d)的问答顺序。 (六)阅读理解题(六)阅读理解题 测试考生理解书面英语的能力, 考查考生理解总体和特定信息的能力。 要求考生根 据所提供的 1 篇短文的内容,从每题所给的 4 个选择项中选出最佳选项。 样题: Even if your child is an excellent student, you cant expect that he will always dutifully do his homework. The following is some useful advice for helping them deal with t

      6、heir homework. Set a regular time and place for study. Give homework its own special time and place, and if your child is in middle or high school, let her set her own timetable. Take it step by step. Children may get overwhelmed by too much homework they have to do. Encourage your child to calmly work out what needs to be done and how much time it will take, and then make a plan. Help your child break homework down into manageable steps. Help out. You shouldnt have to do your childs homework or

      7、 re-teach the material covered in class, but you can help out by showing your interest and by encouraging independent problem solving. Praise a job well done.Kids, no matter what their age, need to know that they are doing a good job. Praise them for their successes and encourage them to keep up the good work. A little praise will go a long way in building healthy study habits. 1.What should a child be encouraged to do when having too much homework? ( ) A. Have an interest in it. B. Set little t

      8、ime for it. C. Ask his parents for help. D. Do it in manageable steps. 答案:选 D,根据下划线部分的句意,找到关键词“manageable steps” 。 附:圆梦计划专升本英语入学考试单词复习表附:圆梦计划专升本英语入学考试单词复习表 1 action 46 classmate 91 fill in 2 adapt 47 climb 92 final 3 adjust 48 come 93 floor 4 admire 49 come in 94 follow up 5 adopt 50 come on 95 get along 6 against 51 come out 96 gift 7 agree 52 come up with 97 give out 8 agreement 53 congratulation 98 give up 9 allow 54 contract 99 glass 10 along 55 convenient 100 ground 11 always 56 cost 101 ha

      9、nd out 12 amend 57 cousin 102 happy 13 among 58 creative 103 have on 14 amusement 59 cut down 104 headache 15 antique 60 dangerous 105 health 16 anywhere 61 dead 106 hesitation 17 apply 62 deadly 107 high 18 appointment 63 death 108 hit 19 appreciate 64 decide 109 how far 20 argument 65 decision 110 how long 21 arrive 66 decrease 111 how soon 22 as for 67 deny 112 human 23 as soon as 68 departure 113 humor 24 assign 69 detail 114 illegal 25 at most 70 develop 115 importance 26 athlete 71 dictionary 116 improve 27 attack 72 die 117 in advance 28 attract 73 disappoint 118 in common 29 attraction 74 during 119 in order to 30 August 75 education 120 in the middle of 31 be famous for 76 encourage 121 in time 32 be interested in 77 end up with 122 in vain 33 beat 78 enter 123 increase 34 below 79 environment 124 indoor 35 besides 80 establish 125 instead 36


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