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2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修一同步教学综合:unit 1 单元(按话题)复习课件

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  • 文档编号:61648952
  • 上传时间:2018-12-08
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:361KB
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    • 1、Unit 1 Friendship,话 题:人际关系(Interpersonal relationships),1stress v _ 2considerate adj. _ 3depressed adj. _ 4actually adv. _ 5shortcoming n. _ 6consequently adv. _ 7benefit n& v. _ 8familiar adj. _ 9treasure v. _ 10appreciate v. _,强调,体贴的,失望的,沮丧的,实际上,缺点,所以;结果,益处;有益于,熟悉的,珍惜;珍藏,感激;欣赏,11communicate v. _ 12precious adj. _ 13relationship n. _ 14fall in love with _ 15trust each other _ 16turn to sb.for help _ 17look down upon _ 18take.seriously _,交流;沟通,珍贵的,人际关系,相爱;爱上,相互信任,向某人求助,看不起;轻视,认真对待,1. Not until t

      2、hen did I realize the value of friends. 直到那时我才意识到了朋友的价值。 2I will appreciate it if you can give me a hand to solve this problem. 如果你能帮忙解决这个问题,我将不胜感激。 3Being polite is the most important step to develop relationship among friends. 礼貌是建立朋友关系当中最重要的一步。 4What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others. 我想强调的是我们中的每一个人都应该更多地倾听别人。,(2018河北石家庄高三质检)假定你是李华。你的美国朋友David生日将至,你画了一幅中国画“竹”,作为生日礼物寄送给他。请你写一封信,说明其寓意并表示祝福。,Dear David, Hows everything going? As your birthday is drawing near, Ive p

      3、repared a gift for you. Its a Chinese painting “bamboo”, which I specially drew for you. In Chinese culture, bamboo carries many best wishes and excellent qualities. On one hand, it stands straight and stays green all year round, so its always full of life. I wish you as strong and energetic as bamboo. On the other hand, its hard outside but hollow inside. If compared to bamboo, one is usually considered to be strongwilled and modest. All in all, we use bamboo to represent a noble and gentle per

      4、son. I hope you like the gift and wish you a happy birthday. Yours, Li Hua,美文欣赏,1李明过去经常为一些小事而心烦不能冷静。(be upset about; keep calm) 2老师们很关心他,多次和他面对面地交谈。(be concerned about; face to face) 3现在,他再也不扰乱同学们了,并经常加入到他们当中来解决一些问题。(no longer; join.in.; settle) 4他和同学们现在相处得很好。(get along with) 5在我看来,正是老师的爱和关心完全改变了他。(as far as sb. is concerned; it is.that.; entirely),教材与话题写作,Li Ming used to be upset about some small things and couldnt keep calm.,The teachers are concerned about him and often talk with him face to

      5、face.,Now, he no longer disturbs his classmates and often joins them in settling some problems.,He is getting along well with his classmates now.,As far as Im concerned, its the love and concern from the teachers that has changed him entirely.,用本单元所学知识完成下列句子,将以上句子连成短文,要求衔接连贯、过渡自然。,短文改错,Li Ming used to be upset about some small things and couldnt keep calmly. The teachers are concerned about him and often talk with him face in face. Now, he no longer disturbs his classmates and often join them in settling some problems. As a result, he is getting along well with your classmates. As far as I am concerned, its the love and concern from the teachers which has changed him entirely.,carm,to,joins,that,his,下面是李华的一篇作文,文中有五处错误,改正错误并背诵该文,

      《2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修一同步教学综合:unit 1 单元(按话题)复习课件 》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修一同步教学综合:unit 1 单元(按话题)复习课件 》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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