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2017-2018学年高一英语新人教版必修1学案:unit 4 using language

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  • 文档编号:61648729
  • 上传时间:2018-12-08
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    • 1、Using Language.重点单词1congratulation n祝贺;(复数)贺词2judge n裁判员;法官 vt.断定;判断;判决3sincerely adv.真诚地;真挚地4express vt.表达;表示 n快车;速递5outline n要点;大纲;轮廓6headline n报刊的大字标题7cyclist n骑自行车的人.核心短语1give/make_a_speech发表演说2be_pleased_to_do_sth很高兴地做某事3be_proud_of为而自豪,以为荣4compare_with和相比,和比起来5wake_up醒来6raise/collect_money_for为筹钱.经典句式1Your speech was heard by a group of five judges,all_of_whom agreed that it was the best one this year.评委会的五位评委听了你的演讲,他们一致认为这是今年最好的。2As_you_know,this is the day the quake happened.years ago.正如

      2、你所知,年前的这一天正是唐山发生地震的日子。3From July 5 to 28,a team of cyclists known_as Bikers for Disaster Hit Areas will ride their bikes 1,888 km from Lijiang,Yunnan Province,to Lhasa,Tibet.从7月5日至28日,一队被称为“助灾车队”的自行车手,即将骑自行车从云南的丽江出发,进行1 888公里的旅行,最后到达西藏拉萨。阅读清障congratulation /knrtulen/ n祝贺;(复数)贺词be pleased to do sth乐于做某事judge /dd/ n裁判员;法官vt.断定;判断;判决judging from/by.根据判断,常作状语。“of whom”引导的定语从句,修饰先行词judges。be proud of.为感到自豪;因而骄傲who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词those。honour vt.尊重;尊敬 n荣誉;光荣would like to do sth愿意做某事have sb do sth让某人做某事as

      3、引导定语从句,指代整个主句的内容。family在这里指“家人”。sincerely /snsl/ adv.真诚地;真挚地,原文呈现Office of the City GovernmentTangshan,HebeiChinaJuly 5,201 _Dear _,Congratulations!We are pleased to tell you that you have won the high school speaking competition about new Tangshan.Your speech was heard by a group of five judges,all of whom agreed that it was the best one this year.Your parents and your school should be very proud of you!Next month the city will open a new park to honour those who died in the terrible disaster.T

      4、he park will also honour those who helped the survivors.Our office would like to have you speak to the park visitors on July 28 at 11:00 am.As you know,this is the day the quake happened thirty_ years ago.We invite you to bring your family and friends on that special day. Sincerely,Zhang Sha课文译文中国河北省唐山市政府办公室201_年7月5日亲爱的_:恭喜你!我们很高兴地告诉你,你在以新唐山为主题的高中演讲比赛中获胜了。评委会的五位评委听了你的演讲,一致认为你的演讲是今年最好的。你的父母和你的学校应该为你感到非常骄傲!下个月我们市将开放一个新公园,以纪念在那次可怕的灾难中死去的人们,并向那些为幸存者提供过帮助的人致敬。我们办公室希望你在7月28日上午11点给来公园的参观者做演讲。你知道,三十_年前的

      5、这一天正是唐山发生地震的日子。在那个特殊的日子里,我们邀请你带着你的家人和朋友一起来。诚挚地张莎.Skim the text and choose the best answers.1Whats the main idea of the text?AA terrible earthquake of Tangshan.BBefore the earthquake of Tangshan.CDuring the earthquake of Tangshan.DDamages of the earthquake of Tangshan.答案A2Match the main idea with each paragraph.Para.1(D)AThe earthquake caused unbelievable destruction to Tangshan.Para.2(B) BThe earthquake happened and caused deaths or injuries in Tangshan.Para.3(A) CHelp came soon after the quakes

      6、.Para.4(C) DNo one paid attention though strange things happened.Choose the best answer according to the text.1Whats the speaking competition about?AThe earthquake which happened in Tangshan.BThe old Tangshan.CNew Tangshan.DNew China.2Why will the city open a new park?ATo honour those who died and those who helped the survivors in the disaster.BTo honour the students who have won the speaking competition.CTo show respect to the heroes who died for the new Tangshan.DTo show respect to the people

      7、who work for the new Tangshan.3When did the terrible earthquake happen in Tangshan?AOn August 26. BOn August 27.COn July 27. DOn July 28.4If you are the student who has won the competition,who can you bring to the park?AYour family.BYour friends.CYour family and teachers.DYour friends and family.5The student is invited to_.Atake part in the high school speaking competition about new TangshanBgive a speech to the park visitors on July 28Chelp to prepare for the opening of the new parkDvisit the n

      8、ew park just as a guest答案1.C2.A3.D4.D5.B1Congratulations!(教材P30)祝贺你!congratulation n祝贺;(复数)贺词归纳拓展(1)offer/send ones congratulations to sb向某人致以祝贺congratulations to sb on sth为某事向某人祝贺Congratulations!祝贺!/恭喜!(2)congratulate v祝贺congratulate sb on sth为某事向某人祝贺We sent our congratulations to her when she passed the exam.当她通过考试时,我们向她表示祝贺。I congratulate you on what you have achieved.祝贺你取得的成绩。Congratulations (congratulate) to you on your superb performance!祝贺你精彩的演出!2Your speech was heard by a group of five judges,all of whom agreed that it was the best one this year.(教材P30)评委会的五位评委听了你的演讲后,他们都认为你的演讲是今年最好的。judge n裁判员;法官 vt.断定;判断;判决A colorblind man cant judge colors.色盲的人不能判断颜色。归纳拓展judge sb/sth as/to ben./adj.判断/认为是judge that.判断;认为judge.by/from.根据判断judging by/from.从来判断Dont judge a book by/from its cover.勿以貌取人。Judging (judge) from what he said,he was very disappointed.从他的话来判断,他非常失望。The concert was judged to have been a great success.这场音乐会被认为是大获成功。名师点津judging from/by.置于句首作状语,不受句子主语的限制,构成独立成分。

      《2017-2018学年高一英语新人教版必修1学案:unit 4 using language》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年高一英语新人教版必修1学案:unit 4 using language》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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