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2017-2018学年高一英语人教版必修一学案设计:unit 2 english around the world2.2

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    • 1、Unit 2English around the worldPeriod 2文本研读课自主预习Step 1Read the short dialogue in Warming Up and find out the differences between British English and American English.思考导引Step 1:Try to finish the following form with paired words.WordsBritish EnglishAmerican English电梯lift汽油gas公寓flat秋天地铁underground大学垃圾rubbish垃圾箱dustbin假期两星期two weeksStep 21.Mark the countries that use English as the first or joint first language in this map.世界地图2.Which country has the largest number of population speaking English as

      2、the first foreign language?课堂探究1.THE ROAD TO MODERN ENGLISHThe passage is mainly about the and of the English language.2.Topic SentencesPara.1:Para.2:Para.3:Para.4:Para.5:3.Read Para.1 carefully and answer the following question.How did English become worldwide?Translation4.Focus on Para graphs.35 and complete the table with correct historical events.TimeEventsAD 4501150English was based more on German.Between about AD800 and 1150By the 1600sIn 1620Later in the 18th century17651947By the 19th ce

      3、nturyNow5.Read and discussQ1:Why did the writer decide to end the passage with a question?Q2:Why should we learn English?课后提升1.It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.be based on sth.以为基础1)Translation:2)His new story what happened in the coal mine many years ago is the best seller this year.A.based onB.basing onC.was based onD.was basing on3)这部电影是根据真实故事改编的。(Translation)2.more than 多于more than+数词+名词= over+数词+名词,其意思是, 反义词是。more than one +单数名词,其意思是,在意义上表示复数,但作主语时,谓语动词要用。Eg.

      4、 That mountain is more than 1,500 meters high. More than one student has read the book.more than + n./v. (=not only)more than + adj./adv./分词(=very,extremely)more A than B 与其说B,不如说A。【链接训练】1)We advertised for pupils last autumn,and got 60.A.more thanB.more ofC.as much asD.so many as2)Harry is my neighbor.He is a good friend of mine as well.A.less thanB.at leastC.at mostD.more than3)She was more than kind to us.(Paraphrase)4)与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。(Translation)3.Which sentence in the text is the closest in

      5、meaning to the following?1)American English spelling came from The American Dictionary of the English Language.2)More and more people begin to learn English in China at present.参考答案思考导引Step 1:elevatorpetrolapartmentautumn/fallsubwayuniversity/collegegarbagetrash canholiday/vacationfortnightStep 2:1.the United Kingdom,the USA,Canada,Australia,New Zealand,South Africa2.China.课堂探究1.history;development2.Para.1:Many people all over the world speak English.Para.2:Native speakers can understand each ot

      6、her even if they dont speak the same kind of English.Para.3:Why has English changed over time?Para.4:Finally by the 19th century the language was settled.Para.5:English is now also spoken as a foreign or second language in South Asia.3.In 17th century,people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and then English began to be spoken in many other countries.在17世纪英国人开始航海征服了世界其他地区。于是,许多别的国家开始说英语了。4.TimeEventsAD 4501150English was based more on German.Between about AD 800 and 1

      7、150It was less like German more French:Vocabulary enriched.By the 1600sA wider vocabulary was used.In 1620Settlers moved to America.English was spoken there.Later in the 18thcenturyBritish people were taken to Australia.English began to be spoken there.17651947Britain ruled India.By the 19th centuryEnglish was settled;two big changes in English spelling happened.NowEnglish is also spoken as a foreign or secondlanguage in South Asia.课后提升1.1)当时的英语更多地是以德语为基础的, 而现代英语不是。2)A3)The film is based on a true story.2.多于;less than;不止一个;单数【链接训练】1)A2)D3)哈里不仅是我的邻居,也是我的知心朋友。4)She was very/extremely kind to us.5)He is more lucky than clever.3.1)The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling.2)Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly.

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