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2017-2018学年高一英语人教版必修一学案设计:unit 1 friendship 1.2

  • 卖家[上传人]:小**
  • 文档编号:61648697
  • 上传时间:2018-12-08
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  • 文档大小:94.50KB
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    • 1、Unit 1FriendshipPeriod 2文本研读课自主预习Step 1Can you give a brief description of one of your friends? Step 2Finish doing the survey on Page 1.Work out your score according to the scoring sheet on page 8 and fill in the blanks below and then try to recite it.4-7 points:not a good friend8-12 points:a fairly good friendmore than 12 points:an excellent friendThe scoring sheet on page 8 shows the most possible points you can get is .After up my score I got points.Im quite pleased with that because it shows

      2、 in general (总体上)Im pretty good to my friends.The lowest score I got is for Question 5,because I thought letting my friend look at my paper in an exam was what I should do.Now I have come to realize that would only do harm to him or her in the long run (从长远来看).My friend Liu Li looks because she gets only 8 points.I am about her and Ive decided to invite her to my dog with me after school with the hope of her down.思考导引1.Why do you need friends?2.Does a friend always have to be a person? What else

      3、 can be your friend?3.Do you think a diary can become your friend? Why or why not?课堂探究1.Scan the passage and fill in the form below:NamePlaceTimeHer familyThey had to ,or they would be caught by the German Nazis.What we can learn from her diaryShe hadnt been for too long,so she was crazy about everything to do with .To have a good look at by herself,one evening she stayed awake on purpose until 11:30,but she didnt dare as the moon gave far too much light.Another time five months ago,she nature f

      4、ace to face for the first time in a year and a half.She hated to look at nature through dirty and she hoped to it.2.Read the text carefully and answer the following questions:(1)What is a true friend like in Annes opinion?(2)What is an ordinary diary like according to Anne? What about her diary?(3)How did Anne feel about nature after she and her family hid away?(4)Why do you think her feelings changed towards nature?3.Read and discuss(1)What do the following two words imply(暗含)in Annes letter?Wo

      5、rdsWhat is implied?outdoorsnature(2)How would you describe Annes feelings as she was looking out at the night sky?课后提升1.Complete the following sentences with the Chinese hints.be concerned about / for:a feeling of worry (对关心;关注)be concerned with:to be about sth.(与有关;涉及)(a)The family all (担心)his safety.(b) (她为什么如此关注)his attitude to her work? There seems nothing to do with him.(c)The public (越来越关注)the spread of the deadly disease.(d)The book (主要涉及)the relations of the two countries during the Cold

      6、 War.2.translate the following sentences Study the seutence and then into English.I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky,.kept me spellbound.A:there was a time when.曾经一段时间(1)从前有段时间女孩是不能上学的。(2)中国曾经是世界上最强大的国家之一。B:kept me spellbound“使我着迷”,spellbound 为过去分词,作宾语补足语。3.Replace the sentences.I happened to be upstairs one evening.常用搭配:.happened to do .It so (just)happened that.事故发生的时候,我碰巧在场。I happened to be there when the accident happened.=4.Finish the sentences.it was the first t

      7、ime in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.It / This /That is /will be the first /second.time that.某人第一/二.次做某事(1)这是我第一次见这么大的西瓜。 I have seen such a big watermelon.(2)他说那是他第二次去欧洲。 he had been to Europe.5.Remember the following sentence patterns.Its no pleasure looking through these any longer.Its no use talking with him.Its no good doing such a thing.Its funny / fun watching myself in the mirror.Its a waste of time doing the work.Its worth reading the book.Its worthwhile visiting

      8、 the place.参考答案自主预习Step 2:10;adding/ I added;12;upset;concerned;walk;calming思考导引(略)课堂探究1.Name:Anne Frank;Place:In Amsterdam in the Netherlands;Time:During World War Her family:hide awayWhat we can learn from her diary:outdoors;naturethe moon;open a windowsaw/looked atcurtains;experience 2.(1)In Annes opinion,a true friend is a person whom you could tell everything to,like your deepest feelings and thoughts.(2)According to Anne,an ordinary diary is where most people like to set down a series of f

      9、acts.Anne wrote down her deepest feelings and thoughts in her diary.She told everything to her best friend-her diary.(3)She felt so crazy about nature.(4)Because she had been indoors too long,she was so eager to see the outdoor world-the blue sky,the singing birds,the beautiful flowers,the bright moon.3.(1)outdoors:freenature:the blue sky,the singing birds,flowers,the bright moon(2)very sad,lonely,helpless,depressed (忧愁的),maybe hopeless.课后提升1.(a)are;concerned about(b)Why is she so concerned about(c)is more and more concerned about

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