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2017-2018学年高一英语人教版必修1课件:unit 3 travel journal period 3

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    • 1、,3 知识讲练课,Unit 3 Travel Journal,Period,Words and expressions:,1. Which kind of transport do you prefer to use, bus or train? 你比较喜欢哪种交通工具,公共汽车还是火车? 【观察思考】 1)The products cant be transported because of heavy snow. 那些产品因大雪而无法运送。 2)The film transported us back to New York of the 1950s. 这部电影把我们带回到20世纪50年代的纽约。 3)The goods were taken good care of during transport. 货物在运输期间保存良好。,【归纳总结】 transport 用作动词时,意为: 运输,运送,即“to take sb./ sth. from one place to another in a vehicle”; 用作名词时,意为“运输;运送;交通工具”; transporter

      2、名词,运输者; transportable 形容词,可运输的,可运送的; transportation 名词(Am. E),运送,运输 【词汇扩展】以trans 为前缀的词: transfer 移交,转移; transform 转变,变化; translate 翻译; transplant, 移植,【尝试运用】 用以上词及其正确形式填空。 1) The citys public _ system is excellent. 2) The ship which _ us from Qingdao to Dalian is called “Princess II”. 3) His bike is his only means of_. 4) How can I _ money from my bank account to his? 5) Surgeons have successfully _ a liver into a four-year-old boy.,【点拨】1)transport 2)transported 3)transport 4) transfer 5) transpl

      3、anted,【观察思考】 1) “Would you like meat or fish?” “Id prefer fish, please.” “你喜欢肉还是鱼?”“请给我鱼吧。” 2) I prefer English to Chinese. 我喜欢英语甚于中文。 3) I prefer speaking the truth to lying. 我宁愿讲实话而不愿说谎。 4) I prefer to go to America for my further study. 我更愿意去美国深造。 5) Anne prefers me to replace her at the meeting. 安妮更愿意我代替她去参加会议。 6) Would you prefer that we put off our meeting till next week? 你是否更愿意把我们的会议推迟到下一周?,【归纳总结】 prefer用作动词,表示“更喜欢,认为胜过”,可用于如下结构: prefer something 更喜欢某物 prefer A to B 喜欢A甚于B prefer doing A

      4、to doing B 喜欢做A甚于做B prefer to do something 更喜欢做某事 prefer somebody to do something 宁愿某人做某事 prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A而不做B prefer that (should) do 宁愿/喜欢(that 从句为虚拟语气,should 可以省略),【尝试运用】 1) She preferred _(go) with us rather than _(stay) behind. 2) I would prefer _(read) books to _(watch) TV. 3) Id prefer you _(drive), if you dont mind. 4) Would you prefer that I _(go) with you?= Would you prefer me _(go) with you?,【点拨】1) to go; stay 2) reading; watching 3) to drive 4) (should) go; to go,

      5、2. Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. 从高中起,我姐姐王薇和我就一直梦想做一次伟大的自行车旅行。 【观察思考】 1) He has had a car ever since he was 18. 他从18岁起就有汽车了。 2) I was bitten by a dog once and Ive been afraid of it ever since. 我曾经被狗咬过,从那以后一直怕狗。 3) I havent heard from him ever since last year. 我自去年以来就未曾收到过他的信。 【归纳总结】 ever since 意为“从那以后”,since 作为介词,只接时间点,不接时间段。,【尝试运用】 1) Problems relating to peoples livelihood have been the focus of the government, especially _ he i

      6、ncluded them in his government work report. A. when B. if C. since D. until 2) She had been worrying _(自从) the letter arrived.,【点拨】1) C 2) ever since,【观察思考】 1) She dreams of running her own business. 她梦想自己开业做生意。 2) I dreamt about you last night. 昨天晚上我梦到你了。 3) It was a kind of trip most of us only dream about. 这是我们大多数人只能梦想的旅行。 【归纳总结】 dream about/of 表示“梦想,梦见”,后可接名词、代词或动名词。 dream 可以做名词,表示“梦想;梦境”。,【尝试运用】 1) I dream _ having a beautiful garden. 2) That night he _(dream) a strange _. 3) Little did I d

      7、ream of _(elect).,【点拨】1) about/of 2) dreamt; dream 3) being elected,3. I am fond of my sister but she has one serious shortcoming. 我喜欢我的姐姐但她有个严重的缺点。 【观察思考】 1) I am not overly fond of cooking. 我不怎么喜欢烹饪。 2) She has many shortcomings, but we are all fond of her. 她虽然有很多缺点,但我们都喜欢她。 【归纳总结】 be fond of 表示“喜欢”,后接名词、代词或动名词形式。 表示“喜欢”的词或词组还有: enjoy,“喜爱”,指在某种或活动中获得乐趣,后面常用名词、代词和动名词形式; prefer, “更喜欢”,指在两者中比较喜欢其中一个; like,“喜欢”,侧重介绍性格和习惯上的爱好。,【尝试运用】 1) I _ jazz to rock music. 2) More and more young people are fond

      8、 _ playing tennis nowadays. 3) Im fond of _(play) the piano. 4) I _ reading newspapers. 5) He enjoys _(talk) to me.,【点拨】 1) prefer 2) of 3) playing 4) like/enjoy 5) talking,4. She gave me a determined lookthe kind that she would not change her mind.她给了我一个坚定的眼神这种眼神表明她是不会改变主意的。 【观察思考】 1) I am determined to win the game. 我决心要赢得这场比赛。 2) The proposal had been dropped in the face of determined opposition. 这个提议在强烈的反对下胎死腹中。 3) I determined that I would never see him again. 我决定再也不见他。 4) He determined to

      9、leave as soon as possible. 他决定尽早离开。 5) What determined you to marry him? 是什么使你下定决心嫁给他的?,【归纳总结】 determined,形容词,表示“坚定的,坚决地;果断的”, 同showing a persons determination to do something; determine 用作动词时,可以用于以下结构: determine something/ that/ wh- to do 决定 determine to do something 决定(决心)做某事 determine somebody to do something 是某人下决心做某事,【尝试运用】 1) A. She made up her mind to go and settle in America. B. She _ _(determine) to go and settle in America. 2) _(我已下定决心要去) and nothing will stop me. 3) _(determine) that he would not come back again, he left his home alone. 4) That incident _(determine) her to be a nurse. 5) Have you _(determine) what to do after graduation?,【点拨】1) was determined 2) I am determined to go 3) Determined 4) determined 5) determined,5. To climb the mountains was hard work but we looked around us, we wer

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