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2017-2018学年高一英语人教版必修1课件:unit 5 nelson mandela–a modern hero period 3

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    • 1、,3 知识讲练课,Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero,Period,Words and expressions:,1. As a matter of fact, I do not like violencebut in 1963 I helped him blow up some government buildings. 事实上,我并不喜欢暴力,但是在1963年的时候,我帮助他炸毁了一些政府大楼。 【观察思考】 1)My father blew up when I didnt come home last night. 我昨晚没回家,父亲大发雷霆。 2)Stop at the gas station and well blow up the tyres. 在加油站停一下,我们要给轮胎打气。,【归纳总结】 blow up vi. _ vt. _,【点拨】爆炸, 大发雷霆 ; 炸毁, 给充气,【尝试运用】 Complete the following sentences. 1)A police officer was killed when his c

      2、ar _. 2)I have to stop at the gas station to _ my front tires. 3)I really _ when I learned my son lied to me.,【点拨】1)blew up 2)blow up 3) blew up,2. Elias went to see Nelson Mandela when he was in trouble. 遇到困难时,伊莱亚斯去找曼德拉。 【观察思考】 1)Please telephone us when you are in trouble. 遇到困难时就给我们打电话。 2)We had no trouble (in) finding his office. 我们没费吹灰之力就找到了他的办公室。 3)He took the trouble to show me the way to the station. 他不嫌麻烦地为我指去火车站的路。 4) He went to the trouble of finding out when our train was leaving. 他费心

      3、为我们打听到了我们乘坐的火车的开车时间。 5)I dont like giving trouble to people I dont know. 我不愿意给我不认识的人添麻烦。,【归纳总结】 in trouble _ 。 have trouble (in) doing sth. _。 take (the) trouble to do sth. 在这一结构中,其中的冠词用不用均可,但含义稍有不同:用冠词,表示_;不用冠词,表示_。 go to (the) trouble to do/of doing sth. _ give trouble to sb. _,【点拨】处于困境中;做某事有困难; 不怕费事或不怕麻烦而去做某事;尽心尽力或费尽心血而去做某事;不辞辛劳做某事/费心做某事;麻烦某人,打扰某人,【尝试运用】Complete the following sentences. 1)He never comes except when he is_ (有麻烦). 2)The teacher _ (费尽心血)explain the difficult question to us. 3)Th

      4、e boy is _(有困难)getting along with his stepmother.,【点拨】1)in trouble 2)took trouble to 3) having trouble,3. Why did Nelson Mandela turn to violence to make black and white people equal? 曼德拉为什么付诸于武力去实现使黑人白人平等的理想? 【观察思考】 1)Nobody will turn against his country. 没有人会背叛自己的国家。 2)Please turn down the television. 请把电视机的音量调小点。 3)He turned down my suggestion without hesitation. 他毫不犹豫地拒绝了我的建议。 4)The child picked up a purse and turned it in to the policeman. 那个孩子捡到了一个钱包,然后把它交给了警察。 5)The farmers are turning wa

      5、ste land into rich fields. 农民们正把荒地变成肥沃的田地。 6)Dont forget to turn all the lights off before you go to bed. 在你上床之前,不要忘记把所有的灯都关上。 7)The man turned over and went to sleep again when the telephone rang. 当电话铃响的时候,那个人翻了个身,又睡着了。,【归纳总结】 turn to _ turn against _ turn down _ turn in _ turn .into . _ turn off _ turn on _ turn over _ in turn _,【点拨】求助于;背叛;(音量)关小,拒绝;上交; (使)成为;关掉(水源、 煤气、 电灯等);打开(水、 煤气、 电灯、无线电等);(使)打翻/翻身/翻动;轮流,【尝试运用】 In the new city there wasnt a single person the poor boy could turn for help. A

      6、. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom 用适当介词填空 1)Nothing could make the brave man turn his motherland. 2)Dont rush. Please wait in line and get on the bus turn. 3)He asked his teacher to give him the chance one more time but his teacher turned him . 4)Be sure to turn the lights when you leave the classroom.,【点拨】D 1) again 2) in 3) down 4) off,4. The scientist from whom I learned a lot never lose heart when he was in trouble. 给了我很多启发的科学家在有困难时从不会丧失信心。 【观察思考】 1)He failed many times, but he didnt los

      7、e heart. 他失败了许多次,但他并没有失去信心。 2)He lost his heart to her the first time he saw her. 他第一次见到她就爱上了她。,【归纳总结】 lose heart _ lose ones heart to = _, 意为:_,【点拨】 丧失信心;fall in love with sb.;爱上某人,【尝试运用】翻译以下句子。 1)不要失去信心,一切都会好起来的。 _ 2)她喜欢上了一位年轻士兵。 _,【点拨】 1)Dont lose heart, all will turn out fine. 2)She lost her heart to a young soldier.,Sentence Structures:,1. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no

      8、 rights at all. 过去30年来所出现的大量法律剥夺我们的权利,阻挡我们的进步,一直到今天,我们还处在几乎什么权利都没有的阶段。 【观察思考】 1)The city has seen many changes. 城市历经了许多变化。 2)The following year saw the death of both his sisters. 第二年他的两个姊妹都死了。 3)They came to the corner which had seen many accidents. 他们来到了那个发生过许多次事故的拐角处。,【归纳总结】 see,find,witness等词可用_作主语,以拟人手法增添语言色彩,see可译为“_”。,【点拨】时间或地点名词;(在某段时期)发生(某情况),经历,经受,【尝试运用】 The year 1949 _ the founding of the Peoples Republic of China. Asaw Bwatched Cobserved Dnoticed,【点拨】 A,【观察思考】 1)At that time we had reached a stage where we had more black readers than white ones. 那时候我们已到了黑人读者比白人还要多的阶段。 2)Increasing poverty has led to a situation where the poorest openly admit that they cannot afford to have children. 日益严重的贫困处境使得最为贫穷的人们只得公开承认他们养不起孩子。 3)Hes got himself into a dangerous situation where he is likely to lose control of the plane. 他使自己陷入可能对飞机失去控制的危险境地。,【归纳总结】 在定语从句中, 当先行词是stage, point, spot, position, situ

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