安卓APP | ios版本
安卓APP | ios版本


  • 卖家[上传人]:给****
  • 文档编号:61625570
  • 上传时间:2018-12-07
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  • 文档大小:667KB
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    • 1、招聘成功的人才 微软招聘过程及经验,为什麽讲这个题目?,微软聘用的独到之处,面试更看重必备的竞争条件(多于工作经验长短) 非常严谨而规范的面试过程。不存在例外,包括内部人员流动。 筛选及面试的淘汰百分比很高 - 宁缺勿滥. 注重培养实习生。实习经验及表现在正式聘用中起一定作用。 内部人员流动更注重目前工作表现,级别及评语 聘用部门而不是人事部门作最后决定。 并不保证所有的合格候选人被聘用(取决于名额) 高科技企业中较难也是最长的面试过程。,日程,招聘目标 (Goals) 招聘过程 (Process) 竞争条件及必备条件 (Competency) 面试与决策 (Interview) 如何招揽并留住人才(Keep talented people),招聘目标,聪明 (BillG) 能够迅速创造性地理解和着手解决复杂问题 要锋利, 并能够及时吸收和消化新事务 在任何情况下, 当有人向你解释当时状况时,能立刻建议说:这样做怎么样? 能够问有深度的,透彻的问题。 能够实时地吸收和消化信息 记忆力强 能够把似乎不相关的领域的事物联系起来 富有创造性,使工作有高效率 勤奋,合作,适应性和灵活性强 特殊

      2、技能 技术热情 着眼大局(有利于全公司),招聘过程,确定人才资源需求 实例: Authorization Manager 项目 中型长期项目,受限于Windows.Net 日期 1 项目经理, 2 设计人员 (高级, 初级), 1 测试 Hotfix Manager 项目 小型短期项目,Web发布,要求快 .5 项目经理, 1 设计人员, 1 测试,招聘过程,确定人才资源需求 描述工作性质和必需条件 实例: The Software Design Engineer will be a team member on the Authorization Manager project, leading design/implementation of the Authorization Manager engine. Authorization Manager implements a role based access control model, which allows applications to control user access based on role informa

      3、tion defined via policy. The person holding this position will own the dual interfaces to the engine, XML policy store management, business rule evaluation , access check functionality of the engine, and be involved in design of the next generation Authorization Manager. Candidates should have solid background in C/C+, COM, XML, WIN32, and good design and leadership experience for medium-sized projects. The candidate should have 5 years related working experience and ideally also have knowledge

      4、on Windows security in general. The Hiring Manager for this job requests that candidates be at least level 62 to be considered for this job.,招聘过程,确定人才资源需求 描述工作性质和必需条件 实例: The Software Design Engineer will be a team member on the Authorization Manager project, leading design/implementation of the Authorization Manager engine. Authorization Manager implements a role based access control model, which allows applications to control user access based on role information defined via policy. The person

      5、 holding this position will own the dual interfaces to the engine, XML policy store management, business rule evaluation , access check functionality of the engine, and be involved in design of the next generation Authorization Manager. Candidates should have solid background in C/C+, COM, XML, WIN32, and good design and leadership experience for medium-sized projects. The candidate should have 5 years related working experience and ideally also have knowledge on Windows security in general. The

      6、 Hiring Manager for this job requests that candidates be at least level 62 to be considered for this job.,招聘过程,确定人才资源需求 描述工作性质和必需条件 实例: The Software Design Engineer will be a team member on the Authorization Manager project, leading design/implementation of the Authorization Manager engine. Authorization Manager implements a role based access control model, which allows applications to control user access based on role information defined via policy. The person holding this position will own the

      7、 dual interfaces to the engine, XML policy store management, business rule evaluation , access check functionality of the engine, and be involved in design of the next generation Authorization Manager. Candidates should have solid background in C/C+, COM, XML, WIN32, and good design and leadership experience for medium-sized projects. The candidate should have 5 years related working experience and ideally also have knowledge on Windows security in general. The Hiring Manager for this job reques

      8、ts that candidates be at least level 62 to be considered for this job.,招聘过程,确定人才资源需求 描述工作性质和必需条件 实例: The Software Design Engineer will be a team member on the Authorization Manager project, leading design/implementation of the Authorization Manager engine. Authorization Manager implements a role based access control model, which allows applications to control user access based on role information defined via policy. The person holding this position will own the dual interfaces to the engine, XML

      9、 policy store management, business rule evaluation , access check functionality of the engine, and be involved in design of the next generation Authorization Manager. Candidates should have solid background in C/C+, COM, XML, WIN32, and good design and leadership experience for medium-sized projects. The candidate should have 5 years related working experience and ideally also have knowledge on Windows security in general. The Hiring Manager for this job requests that candidates be at least level 62 to be considered for this job.,招聘过程,确定人才资源需求 描述工作性质和必需条件 发布工作位置空缺信息 收集筛选简历集区 员工推荐,公司网站,内部空缺信息,合同公司 建立面试循环小组 确定协调人 面试准备 面试 提供面试决策 跟踪,日程,招聘目标 (Goals) 招聘过程 (Process) 竞争条件及必备条件 (Competency) 面试与决策 (Interview) 如何招揽并留住人才(Keep talented people),招聘标准:必备条件,解决问题能力 创造力 模糊问题决策能力 沟通能力 驱动能力,招聘标准:部门合作,团队精神 沟通 冲突协商 听取意见 人际关系,招聘标准:个人素质,自我开发 自信 真实可信 镇静 模糊决策 创造力 勇气 身体力行,招聘标准:工作能力,决策力 驱动力 工作表现 计划组织及协调力 解决问题能力 管理能力,招聘标准:技术知识,技术热情 对技术的热情及执著 创新力 知识和技能 取决于个别工作性质和要求,招聘标准:其他,长期发展 领导力 公司决策力 培养他人能力 客户至上 客户意见


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