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    • 1、2018中考英语真题(附答案)一、听力理解(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共计20分)略二、单项填空(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. There Is _oldpiano in _corner of the living room.A. an; the B. an;不填 C. a; the D. a; a22. -She is too busy to help us finish the work-Lets do it_A. herself B. myself C. itself D. ourselves23. I am afraid we cannot _to take a taxi. Let s goby underground insteadA. refuse B. afford C. forget D. fall24. Her smile made me feel warm and lively. It was like a hidden_.A. competition B. interv

      2、iew C. treasure D. tradition25. Tianjin is one of_cities in China.A. big B. bigger C. the biggest D. the bigger26. Mum asked me to_for dinner.A. lay the table B. go to sleep C. keep a diary D. lake a vacation27. In the picture, he sits _me, looking very happy.A. beside B. among C. up D. through28. -Can you open a gift_after you receive it In England?-Yes. We dont have to wait.A. main B. immediatelyC. nearly D.loudly29. -Must I come before 6: 30 tomorrow?-No. You_ There will be plenty of time.A.

      3、mustnt B. cant C. couldnt D. neednt30. Tony was drawing a picture_ I was doing my homework.A. if B. because C. while D. until31. -Jerry, have youever been to the Great Wall?-Yes. I_ there with my parents lastyearA. go B. went C. will go D. have gone32. Harry invited me_with him when his parents were out of town.A. stay B. stayed C. staying D. to stay33. Dr Bethune _ still_in both China and Canada todayA. is; remembered B. is; rememberingC. will; remember D. has; remembered34. -Please tell me_.-A

      4、t ten oclockA. where you have your English lessonB. where do you have your English lessonC. what time you have your English lessonD. what time do you have your Englishlesson35. -Tom fell of hisbike and hurt his knee. -_.A. Pretty goodB. That s too badC. That s funny D. That s a good idea三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)My name is Damian Costa. I was born in a small village in Italy in 1952. I spent the first few Years of my life there before my family36to Perth Australia We arrived in Australia in the

      5、 summer of 1957. I went to37and I had to attend special classes to learn English as all the lessons were taught in English.We did not have much38. so we lived very simply. My parents worked as cleaners. They earned(挣钱)just enough for us to survive(维持生活)and39a little money. My father had always wanted to40a small restaurant. Finally.41ten years of hard work, in June1967, he managed to save enough and opened our first pizzeria(比萨饼店).42business was slow at first, it soon got better. I helped out at

      6、 the pizzeria after school and at weekends. Just two years after we43my father decided that we needed a full-time waiter. Then he decided to44 me the art of makingwood-fired pizzas.Today we have three branches(分店),in Perth. Sydney and Adelaide. My children have45 learned how to make pizzas and they quite enjoy it. I hope to pass on the business to them.36.A.returnedB.movedC.pointedD.connected37.A.school B.hospitalC.churchD.business38.A.paperB.illnessC.health D.money39.A.saveB.borrowC.shareD.choo

      7、se40.A.sellB.seeC.open D.leave41.A.beforeB.afterC.during D.between42.A.BecauseB.IfC.Although D.Whether43.A.playedB.relaxedC.started D.stopped44.A.likeB.teachC.believeD.lend45.A.perhaps B.neverC.hardly D.also四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读下面面的材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ADear Susan,How are you? Im going to visit Hong Kong with Mum and Dad next month. Well arrive on the second of August. its so exciting! We can meet each other soon!I will spend a day in Ocean Park on the thirdof August. I know that

      8、 youve visited Ocean Park many times before. Can yougive me some advice on what to see in Ocean Park?I would also like to visit you at your homeon the fourth of August. Are you free on that day? Ive bought a present foryou. I think youll love it.By the way. would you like to go to Disneyland with me? I really want to take some photos with you in Disneyland You knowI love the famous cartoon characters of Disney such as Snow White and MickeyMouse very much. I know you love them too.When can you go to Disneyland with me?Please let me know. Ill stay until the ninth of August and go back to England on that day.See you soon.Love,Lily46. When will Lily arrive in Hong Kong?A. On the second of AugustB. On the third of AugustC. On the fourth of AugustD. On the ninth of August47. How long will Lily spend in Ocean Park?A. Half a dayB. One dayC. One and a half daysD. Two days48. What will Lily do onthe fourth of August?A. Buy a presentB. Visit


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