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    • 1、西交18年3月课程考试英语2(新录)作业考核试题一、 单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分)1.I had great difficulty _ the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.A.findB.foundC.to findD.finding正确答案:D2.The new gym is _ as the old one.A.three times as largeB.three times the sizeC.three times larger thanD.as three times large正确答案:A3. I cant get on well with some of my classmates. They just leave me in the cold. _. But whats the reason?A.Sorry to hear that.B.How about that?C.Dont mention it.D.Never give up!正确答案:A4.Dad, I won first place

      2、 in the speech contest._! Im proud of you, my daughter.A.CongratulationsB.Good luckC.My pleasureD.Good idea正确答案:A5.Is there _ in todays paper?A.important somethingB.important anythingC.something importantD.anything important正确答案:D6. What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game. _. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.A.It just dependsB.Its up to youC.All rightD.Glad to hear that正确答案:B7.You cant imagine how my sister finished the relay race _ her left foot wounde

      3、d so much.A.thatB.forC.withD.while正确答案:C8.The Browns _ the trains; if not, they would have been at the get-together as scheduled.A.must missB.must have missedC.should missD.should have missed正确答案:B9. Your spoken English is so good. Have you been abroad? Yes. I _ in London for two years.A.have stayedB.stayedC.had stayedD.have been staying正确答案:A10. Have you been wasting time on computer games again? _. Ive been studying a lot and I need a break.A.No wayB.I dont agreeC.Not reallyD.I couldnt agree m

      4、ore正确答案:C11.Chinas space station, _ three capsules and covering an area of no less than 60 square meters, will be completed within 10 years.A.making up ofB.made upC.consisted ofD.consisting of正确答案:D12. How do you find the concert in the Beijing Grand Theatre last night? _. But the conductor was perfect.A.I couldnt agree moreB.I dont think much of itC.I was crazy about itD.I really like it正确答案:B13.The discovery of new evidence led to _.A.the thief having caughtB.catch the thiefC.the thief to be c

      5、aughtD.the thief being caught正确答案:D14.Mr. White _ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt turn up.A.should have arrivedB.should arriveC.should have had arrivedD.should be arriving正确答案:A15. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the British Museum? Sorry, Im a stranger here. _.A.Thanks anywayB.It doesnt matterC.Never mindD.No problem正确答案:A16. Thank you very much for helping me when I was in trouble. _.A.Dont mention itB.With pleasureC.Thats rightD.You said it正确答案:B17.The guide was enthusiastic and

      6、 knowledgeable and we spent a lovely evening wandering into places which we _ straight past otherwise.A.had walkedB.were walkingC.would have walkedD.must have walked正确答案:C18. The weather here in summer is so changeable. Please take an umbrella when you go out. _.A.Well, dont worryB.Well, it just dependsC.Oh, take it easyD.OK, just in case正确答案:D19. Have a nice weekend. Thank you. _.A.See you laterB.What about youC.The same to youD.Its my pleasure正确答案:C20.Had it not been for the haze(雾霾) weather p

      7、henomenon, there _ fewer car accidents in Beijing then.A.wereB.would beC.may beD.would have been正确答案:D二、 阅读理解 (共 3 道试题,共 30 分)1.Psychologists have discovered that even the most independent-minded of us will conform to social pressure when we are with a group of people. In one classic experiment, people were shown a vertical line and asked to find a line of identical length from a selection of three. You might think that this is an absurdly easy task, and when people perform it by themselves they

      8、 do it very well. However, psychologists have discovered that we are very easily swayed by the opinions of other people when we do this task in a group. In one study, a group of three people was set up, where two of the people were confederates (同伙) of the experimenter. When the confederates deliberately gave wrong answers, people were often swayed to give the wrong answer also. In fact, 75% of people gave at least one wrong answer, with some people conforming to peer pressure on every occasion.

      9、 But why do people conform in this way? In an easy task like this, it seems that people do not want to step out of line with the prevailing opinion of the group. On more difficult tasks, people also conform because they lose confidence in their own ability to make decisions and prefer to trust the majority opinion instead. A typical example of this kind of conformity arises when we come across people in distress. Would you help a woman who has been attacked in the street? It turns out that you are muc


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