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    • 1、Unit 15 Learning 学习,考纲知识预览,重点单词,1 vt.简化 adj.简单的,易懂的 2. v怀疑 n嫌疑犯,被怀疑的人 adj.可疑的 adj.(对)起疑心的;令人起疑的 n怀疑,疑心 3 v教导,指导 n教育,指导 adj.有益的,有教育意义的,simplify,simple,suspect,suspect,suspicious,suspicion,instruct,instruction,instructive,考纲知识预览,4 n作业;任务,工作 vt.分配;指定,任命 5 adj.可选择的,另类的 n选择,替代物 6 n惩罚,处罚 vt.惩罚 7 vt.反映;反射 n反射;反省;想法 8 adj.少量的,微小的 adv.稍微地,微小地,assignment,assign,alternative,alternative,punishment,punish,reflect,reflection,slight,slightly,考纲知识预览,9 v误解 n误解,误会 v理解,懂 10 n接近或进入之路 adj.(场所)易到达的,(事物)易到手的,(人)易接近的 1

      2、1 adj.值得的 adj.值得努力的 adj.值,值得 12 v缺乏,缺少,没有 n缺乏;匮乏;短缺 adj.没有的,缺乏的,misunderstand,misunderstanding,understand,access,accessible,worthy,worthwhile,worth,lack,lack,lacking,考纲知识预览,13 vt.忽视,不管,不理会 n无知 无知的,愚昧的 14 v使适应,改编,改造 adj.有适应能力的 n改编本,改写本 15 v鼓舞,鼓励 n灵感,给予鼓舞(激励)之人/事 16 adj.传统的,保守的 n惯例,习俗,ignore,ignorance,ignorant,adapt,adaptable,adaptation,inspire,inspiration,conventional,convention,考纲知识预览,17 adj.有用的,有益的 n& v利益;对有益,受惠 18 vt.假定,假设 n假定,假设 19 n欣赏 vt.重视,鉴赏,感激 20 v感到遗憾;惋惜 adj.失望的,令人惋惜的,beneficial,benefit,

      3、assume,assumption,appreciation,appreciate,regret,regretful,考纲知识预览,高频短语,1 老实说,说实话 2 裁员;解雇 3 发呆 4 充满 5 除之外 6 关掉(的)开关 7 行为不检点,品行不端,frankly speaking,lay off,go blank,swell with,aside from,loose conduct,switch off,考纲知识预览,8 在某种程度上 9 出发 10 延期,推迟 11 习惯于 12 经常做,倾向于 13 赞成,赞许 14 总的来说 15 最后,总之,to a certain extent,set off,put off,be accustomed to,tend to,approve of,as a whole,in conclusion,考纲知识预览,常考句型,1Now Im the School of Continuing Education at Qinghua University with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Enginee

      4、ring by distance learning. 现在,我就要从清华大学继续教育学院远程计算机工程专业毕业,获得学士学位。,about to graduate from,考纲知识预览,2In the past,if someone like me to get into university through the college exam,he no chance of getting a degree. 过去,像我这样高考失败而没有进入大学的人是没有机会拿到学位的。 3I decided that it was time I an Internet user. 我觉得是成为互联网用户的时候了。,had failed,would have had,became,考纲知识预览,4Anyway,its time now. 不管怎样,我现在得走了。 5.I difficult at school. 在上学时,我本不该这么叛逆 6Sometimes I wish I him and ask for his opinion! 有时我真希望能给他打个电话问问他的意见!,could phone

      5、,shouldnt have been so,for me to go,名师一线讲坛,1. worthwhile adj. 值得努力的,值得花钱的,值得花时间的 (1)It is worthwhile to do/doing sth.值得做某事 (2)worth adj.值得 be worth doing值得做 It is worth ones while to do/doing.值得做,名师一线讲坛,(3)worthy adj.值得的 be worthy of+n.值得的 be worthy to be done/of being done值得做,名师一线讲坛,It is worthwhile to see the film/seeing the film. 这部电影值得一看。 The work is well worth mentioning. 这项工作很值得一提。 His deed is worthy to be praised/of being praised. 他的行为值得称赞。,名师一线讲坛,【注意】 (1)worthwhile常用于It is worthwhile doi

      6、ng/to do sth.句型中,表示做某事是值得的,但不能说sth.is worthwhile doing。 (2)worth常用“be well worth doing”表示“很值得做”,不用very。 (3)be worth doing中doing是主动形式表示被动含义,不可用being done。,名师一线讲坛,即时训练,1.It is not_to discuss the question again and again. Aworth Bworthy Cworthwhile Dworth while 解析:选C。由worth的用法可知,此句只适合词组be worthwhile to do sth.。,名师一线讲坛,2The museum is_visiting. Aworth of Bworthy Cworth Dworthy to 解析:选C。be worth doing意为“值得做某事”。,名师一线讲坛,2. suspect vt.& n 怀疑;不信任;嫌疑犯;可疑对象 adj. 可疑的;不可靠的 suspect sth.怀疑某事 suspect thatclause怀

      7、疑 suspect sb.of(doing)sth.怀疑某人有某种罪行或做过某事 suspect sb.to be.猜想某人是,名师一线讲坛,I began to suspect(that)they were trying to get rid of me. 我开始怀疑他们试图摆脱我。 They suspect him of murder. 他们怀疑他犯有谋杀罪。 What made you suspect her of having taken the money? 你凭什么怀疑钱是她偷的? The police arrested the suspect yesterday. 警方昨天逮捕了那个嫌疑犯。,名师一线讲坛,即时训练,3Johnson was taken away by police yesterday. Sure.It is said that he was _ of a theft. Acharged Bsuspected Cinnocent Dguilty 解析:选B。be suspected of“被怀疑”。与charge搭配的介词是with;innocent,gu

      8、ilty与句意不吻合。,名师一线讲坛,3. alternative adj. 可选择的;另类的 n(两者或两者以上)选择;二选其一;可供选择的东西;替代物 alternative energy可替代能源 an alternative to.的替代品 have no alternative but to do sth.别无选择只好做,名师一线讲坛,Im afraid I have no alternative but to report you to the police. 恐怕除了向警方告发你以外,我是别无选择了。(朗文P39) The only alternative to being taken prisoner was to die fighting. 除了当俘虏之外,唯一的选择就是奋战至死了。(朗文P39) We had to fight;there was no(other)alternative. 我们必须战斗,此外别无选择。(朗文P39),名师一线讲坛,即时训练,4I offered the_suggestion of spending the vacation in the mountains or by the sea. Aalternative Banother Cother Dothers 解析:选A。alternative“两者择一的”,其他的无此用法。,名师一线讲坛,4. lack vt.& vi. 缺乏,缺少,没有 n 缺乏,没有,缺少的东西 lacking adj. 没有的,缺乏的;不足的 for lack of因缺乏 a lack of 缺少 have no lack of不缺乏 lack for nothing一无所缺 be lacking in.在方面缺乏 lack money/courage缺钱/缺乏勇气,名师一线讲坛,A lack o


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