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2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练20 unit 5 theme parks 新人教版必修4

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    • 1、题组提分练20 Unit 5 Theme parks限时35分钟加黑体小题训练推理判断题之文章出处题、读者对象题和预测推断题阅读理解A(2018孝感模拟)体裁:说明文话题:旅游与交通难度:Nowadays more travelers are finding their way to the sun coasts of Mexico, where ancient civilizations once honoured the sun, modern sun worshippers are discovering superb vacation destinations. Airlines now schedule weekly flights from major national and international points to a variety of sun coast resort areas.The peninsula of Baja California provides one of the most splendid vacation sites in the W

      2、estern Hemisphere. The entire peninsula can be easily reached by car, as well as by sea and air. At the southern end of the peninsula, La Paz and Cabo San Lucas offer rapidly expanding luxurious facilities to accommodate the growing inflow of visitors. In addition, La Paz, with its duty-free zone, is a shoppers paradise.Kino Bay, a coastal resort on the mainland near Hermosillo, is expanding and will soon offer new luxurious tourist accommodations.Puerto Vallarta, once a sleepy fishing village,

      3、is now one of Mexicos fastest growing resorts. The red-tiled roofs and cobblestoned streets contrast with the luxurious new hotels. The annual temperature averages around 80 , offering a perfect climate for parasailing, skin diving, surfing and other aquatic sports. Evening entertainment includes seafood dinners, floor shows and disco dancing that lags until daybreak. Big-game hunting and fishing are also popular within this region of coastal Mexico.【语篇解读】文章介绍了三个景点的情况。1In ancient times, people i

      4、n the sun coasts of Mexico _.A. worshipped the sunB. built a pyramid to honour ancestorsC. built roads leading to other placesD. went fishing in waters along the coasts答案与解析A细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的honoured the sun可知选项A正确。2La Paz is an ideal place for shopping, because there people _.A. can buy whatever they want toB. dont have to fulfill their dutiesC. dont have to pay tax for their shoppingD. can buy things at reduced price答案与解析C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句话“这是免税区,是购物者的天堂”可知选项C正确。3The passage is probably intended

      5、for _.A. job seekers B. touristsC. sailors D. students答案与解析B读者对象题。短文介绍了三个旅游景点的情况,故应该是写给游客的。故B项正确。词汇微存accommodate vt.容纳; contrast with .与对比阅读技巧9内容细节巧判断文章出处/读者对象题几乎所有题材都可能涉及考查文章出处/文章类别或读者对象题(如第3小题)。其常见设问形式有:This passage would probably/most likely be found in _.The passage is probably intended for _.文章前面有日期、地点或通讯社名称newspaper;推销介绍新产品advertisement;文章中有click_here等网络用语website;旅游胜地方面的介绍travel guide;时尚、名人或娱乐方面的介绍magazine/journal/entertainment section;科普知识science report;文化教育性的文章education section。阅读理解B(201

      6、8西安八校联考)体裁:记叙文话题:日常生活难度:I can never forget the stamp incident which happened when I was a primary school pupil.My best friend, Apple, was a stampcollector. He tried every way to get stamps and spent every penny he had on them. Once he obtained a beautiful or precious stamp he would be more than happy. I was always his companion in his search for stamps.One day, Apple whispered to me mysteriously that he had found a most wonderful stamp on a letter addressed to our young arithmetic teacher, who w

      7、as a very pretty and kindhearted girl. Apple wanted that stamp badly and the idea of stealing occurred to him. I was frightened and begged him not to do that.That evening Apple hurried to my home and showed me a letter. It was a mans handwriting. In the letter the man implored (恳求) our teacher to forgive him and asked her to meet him at the gate of Central Park at eight that evening. If not, hed take it that she would never forgive him, and it meant the end of their relationship.“The teacher ask

      8、ed me if there was any letter for her this afternoon. You see, she knows I am a stampcollector and always wander about the place where letters are delivered. When I said No, she looked rather sad.”Apple told me. We were completely at a loss. Too frightened to go to the teacher, we decided to go to the meeting place ourselves.At the park gate, we saw a tall young man with glasses, walking back and forth as if he was waiting anxiously for someone. I did not know how long we had been there. Finally

      9、, the man left, looking very worried and disappointed.A few days later, Apple ran to me with stamps in his hand and tears in his eyes. He told me that these were from our teacher. She said that she once had a friend who was a stampcollector too, but she had lost him forever, so the stamps she had collected for him were no longer useful.【语篇解读】Apple喜欢收集邮票,但是他这次的行为却伤透了两个人的心。4How did the author feel about Apples plan that day?A. Excited. B. Scared.C. Anxious. D. Regretful.答案与解析B细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句可知Apple偷邮票的计划使作者感到害怕,故选项B符合语境。5Why did the man write to the authors teacher?A. To apologize to her.B. To ask about the letter.C. To show his forgiveness.D. To end their relationship.答案与解析A细节推断题。根据第四段第三句“implored (恳求) our teacher to forgive him”可知这封信是给作者老师的道歉信,故A项正确。6What happened to th

      《2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练20 unit 5 theme parks 新人教版必修4》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练20 unit 5 theme parks 新人教版必修4》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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