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2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练21 unit 1 great scientists 新人教版必修5

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    • 1、题组提分练21 Unit 1 Great scientists限时70分钟完形填空(2018东莞质检)体裁:记叙文话题:兴趣与爱好难度:John CarpenterJohn Carpenter did not like to buy toys that somebody else had made. He liked the fun of _1_ them himself. The thought that they were his own work _2_ him.Tom, one of his playmates, thought a toy was worth nothing _3_ it cost a great deal of money. He never tried to make _4_, but bought all his toys. “Come and look at my horse,” said he, one day. “It _5_ a dollar, and it is such a beauty!” John was soon _6_ his fri

      2、ends horse, and he was examining it _7_ to see how it was made. The same evening he tried to make a _8_ one for himself. He went into the wood shed, and _9_ two pieces of woodone for the head of his horse, the other for the body. It took him two or three days to shape them to his _10_. But what about the wheels? This _11_ him. With great efforts, he finally got some _12_ pieces of wood which could suit his _13_. Proud of his great _14_, he ran to his friend Tom, crying, “Now then, Tom, here is m

      3、y horse. Look!”“Well, that is a _15_ horse,” said Tom, “Where did you buy it?”“I didnt buy it,” _16_ John, “I made it.”“You made it yourself! Oh, well, its a good horse for you to make. _17_ it is not as good as mine. Mine cost a _18_, and yours didnt cost anything.”“It was real fun to make it, though,” said John, and away he ran with his horse _19_ after him.Does it really cost nothing and all his efforts are _20_? Of course not, I will tell you. John Carpenter now is a master workman, and will

      4、 soon have a shop of his own.1A. collecting B. makingC. doing D. inventing2A. concerned B. annoyedC. amazed D. delighted3A. since B. in caseC. unless D. as if4A. anything B. somethingC. nothing D. everything5A. used B. costC. wasted D. needed6A. searching B. feelingC. admiring D. attending7A. patiently B. casuallyC. willingly D. hurriedly8A. vivid B. commonC. similar D. rare9A. picked out B. gone throughC. picked up D. came over10A. surprise B. regretC. relief D. satisfaction11A. excited B. chee

      5、redC. puzzled D. amused12A. flat B. roughC. sharp D. round13A. approach B. curiosityC. concern D. purpose14A. dream B. workC. house D. wood15A. funny B. horribleC. royal D. dull16A. asked B. repliedC. reminded D. insisted17A. So B. AsC. But D. After18A. pound B. billC. note D. dollar19A. rolling B. slippingC. passing D. marching20A. for sure B. in vainC. available D. meaningful答案与解析【语篇解读】约翰卡朋特喜欢自己做的玩具,并因为这个爱好成为一个工匠大师。1B根据上文提到的不喜欢别人制造的玩具,他喜欢自己做玩具。make“制造”,符合语境。collect“收集”;do“做”;invent“发明”。2D根据第1空

      6、前的the fun以及第19空前的real fun可知,对于他而言,玩具是自己制造的,让他很开心。delight“使开心”,符合语境。concern“使担忧”;annoy“使生气;惹恼”;amaze“使吃惊”。3C根据第4空后的bought all his toys可知Tom认为一个玩具除非是花很多钱买的,否则就一文不值。unless“除非”,符合语境。4ATom从不做任何东西,所有的玩具都是买的。anything“任何东西”,符合语境。5B根据设空后的a dollar及主语it可知,该空应用cost“花费”。use“使用”;waste“浪费”;need“需要”。6C约翰喜欢上了朋友的玩具马,他耐心地察看,观察它是怎么做成的。admire“欣赏;羡慕”,符合语境。search“搜寻;搜索”;feel“感受”;attend“出席;照顾”。7A解析见上一题。patiently“耐心地”,符合语境。casually“随意地”;willingly“情愿地”;hurriedly“匆忙地”。8C当天晚上,他就开始动手为自己做了一个类似的马。similar“相似的;类似的”,符合语境。vivid“生

      7、动的”;common“常见的”;rare“稀有的”。9A他挑了两块木头,一块做马头,一块做马的身子。pick out“挑选”,符合语境。go through“经历;经受”;pick up“捡起;接收;接某人;染上”;come over“顺便来访;过来”。10D他花了两到三天才做出自己满意的造型。to ones satisfaction“令某人满意的是”;to ones surprise“令某人吃惊的是”;to ones regret“令某人遗憾的是”;to ones relief“令某人宽慰的是”。11C车轮怎么办呢,这可把他难住了。puzzle“使迷惑;难住”,符合语境。excite“使兴奋”;cheer“喝彩”;amuse“使开心;逗乐”。12D他费尽周折找到一些圆形木头做轮子。根据生活常识,车轮是圆形的。round“圆的”,符合语境。flat“平坦的”;rough“粗糙的”;sharp“锋利的;敏锐的”。13D他找圆木头的目的是做车轮。purpose“用途;目的”,符合语境。approach“方法”;curiosity“好奇”;concern“关心”。14B马是他的作品。work

      8、“作品”,符合语境。dream“梦想”;house“房间”;wood“木头”。15A根据第17空前的a good horse可知,Tom说这匹马很有趣。funny“有趣的”,符合语境。horrible“可怕的”;royal“皇家的;盛大的;高贵的”;dull“乏味的”。16B根据上文Tom问“你从哪里买的”可知,该处表达约翰回答说“我自己做的”。reply“回答”,符合语境。ask“问”;remind“提醒”;insist“坚持;坚决要求”。17C前后语境是转折关系,故用连词but。18D根据上文第5空后的a dollar可知,D项“美元”符合语境。19A小马带有轮子,故应该是在约翰身后滚动着。roll“滚动”,符合语境。slip“滑倒”;pass“经过”;march“行军”。20B难道小马真的一文不值,他的努力徒劳无功吗?in vain“徒劳”,符合语境。for sure“一定的”;available“可得到的”;meaningful“有意义的”。词汇微存workman n工匠; shape vt.塑造完形技巧5上下文中寻信息完形填空选项的设置多用以考查学生通过上下文的提示或暗示,对

      9、文意进行整体把握的能力。联系空白处的含义与前后句的意思进行合理推断;开头的题目从下文中查找信息;中间或最后的题目从上下文中查找信息;常见信息多为单词、短语、句子,有时是语境暗示。小题补练完形技巧5补练1需“瞻前”【考例】(2017北京卷). She asked her mother why he did that, and her mother said that the man was homeless and hungry . More recently, the foundation began another campaign called National Red Scarf Daya day when people donate $20 and wear red scarves in support of Canadas _ and homeless.A. elderlyB. hungryC. lonely D. sick答案与解析B单独就本空来看,四个选项都有可能。但是由前面的“the man was homeless and hungry”可知,此处应该选用hungry。(2017全国卷)While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life, college sets the stage fo

      《2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练21 unit 1 great scientists 新人教版必修5》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练21 unit 1 great scientists 新人教版必修5》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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