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2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练23 unit 3 life in the future 新人教版必修5

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  • 文档编号:60942570
  • 上传时间:2018-11-21
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    • 1、题组提分练23 Unit 3 Life in the future 限时35分钟加黑体小题训练主旨大意之标题归纳题阅读理解A(2018湖北重点高中联考)体裁:说明文话题:旅游与交通难度:Have you ever been to the tiny Welsh village of HayonWye, situated on the River Wye on the WelshEnglish border. In the distance, it looks like any other small European town. But HayonWye has a delightful quirk that sets it apart from other small towns. Its home to 1,400 people and hundreds of thousands of books, making it the largest center for secondhand books in the entire world.(最后一句点明主旨)You wont find

      2、 a Barnes and Noble in HayonWye, but what you will find is over 30 charming, cozy secondhand bookshops rich with the smell of old books.(By the way, theres a scientific reason you love that smell.) Theres a bookstore specializing in outofprint childrens books. A shop called “Murder and Mayhem” sells mainly crime and detective literature. And one outdoor bookshop, the Hay Castle Bookshop, is built around the walls ofyou guessed ita castle. How could a book lover possibly ask for anything more?(Th

      3、ough this is a Welsh town, it would be very easy to develop this Japanese literary habit here.)One of the towns most unique features is its “honesty bookshops”. There are basically just bookshelves sitting out in the open, without a cashier or employee to speak of. A sign announces the prices of the books (which are often less than one US. dollar), and a collection box for money sits nearby. Customers are trusted to pay, on their honour. There are no security cameras or anything; just good oldfa

      4、shioned trust.(书店经营理念)Apart from being a popular tourist destination for literary fanatics throughout the entire year, HayonWye also throws a literary festival each year at the end of May. Bookworms from all over the world flock to this tiny village to hear famous writers speak, attend book signings, and, of course, stock up on reading material. And theres plenty for the kids to do (and read) too! Here, your child grows up loving to read.【语篇解读】文章介绍了一个特别的欧洲小镇,它的人口没有书本多,书店没有营业员和收银员,每年举办吸引读书爱好者的文学节

      5、。1What can be the best title of the passage?A. A Small Town with More Books than PeopleB. Honest People in a British TownC. The Most Unique Bookshops in the WorldD. Bookshopsa Good Place for Tired Travelers答案与解析A标题归纳题。第一段提到这个小镇有1 400人,但是书本却有成千上万本,故选项A作为标题正确。2Which of the following can take the place of the underlined word “quirk” in the first paragraph?A. Atmosphere. B. Situation.C. View. D. Feature.答案与解析D词义猜测题。第一段说明这个小镇与其他小镇的不同之处:书本比人口多,这属于这个小镇的特点,故画线词应与feature同义。3The small town has the followi

      6、ng features except that _.A. its the largest center for secondhand booksB. the bookshops there are in the Japanese style, with no security camerasC. there is a literary festival each year for book-lovers throughout the worldD. customers to the honesty bookshops help themselves buying books答案与解析B推理判断题。第三段介绍书店没有收银员、摄像头等,只是诚信,但没有提及是日本风格,故选项B符合题意。4In which column of a magazine can you probably find the passage?A. Finance. B. Fashion.C. Travel. D. Health.答案与解析C文章出处题。本文介绍这个小镇与众不同的特色,以及每年吸引众多爱书者的文学节,故这

      7、篇文章应出自杂志的旅游栏目。词汇微存oldfashioned adj.旧式的;老式的阅读理解B(2018茂名五校联考)体裁:记叙文话题:文学与艺术难度:How do you get to Carnegie Hall (卡内基音乐厅)? “Practice, practice, practice” is the well-known answer. But for some inspiring young musicians from the Afghanistan National Institute of Music in Kabul, the road to the famous concert hall was more difficult.The Afghan Youth Orchestra(AYO) is made up of young people who study at the Afghanistan National Institute of Music. It was the first orchestra created in Afghanistan in 30

      8、 years.Gulalai Norestani, 14, plays a traditional string instrument. Like many students, Gulalai became an orphan when her parents were killed during the ongoing war. Music is her salvation (救赎). “Music for me is a language of peace,” Gulalai said. “It connects people.”Milad Yousufi, 18, is a piano student. “Music is my life,” he said. Milad also lost many of his family members during the war. When music was banned, he couldnt even touch a piano. So as a 12-year-old boy, he started painting and

      9、drawing.“I used to draw a piano,” he said. Finally, Milad was free to play a real piano.“Our dream came true,”he said.“It is everyones dream to play in Carnegie Hall.”And he has more dreams.“I have a dream to continue my education in America,” he explained. “I am working hard to make that happen. Then I have a dream to come back to Afghanistan and teach and serve people.”Because of continuing limits in Afghanistan, Gulalai and Milad listen mostly to the kind of classical music they played at Carnegie Hall. But Gulalai says shes heard a bit of Jennifer Lopez and Shakira and she likes them. Milad says he has heard of Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber, but hasnt yet had a chance to listen to them.Before Milad went onstage that night with the band of Afghan kids who had survived a war, I asked him if he had ever experienced true peace. “No, no

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