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德国汽车工业质量标准VDA 1_en

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  • 上传时间:2018-11-20
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    • 1、VDA Quality Management in the Automobil Industry Quality Evidence Guidelines for the Documentation and Archiving of Quality Requirements and Quality Records 2nd completely revised edition 1998/1 1 Quality Evidence Guidelines for the Documentation and Archiving of Quality Requirements and Quality Records 2nd completely revised edition1998/1 Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) 2 Exclusion of Liability The volumes of the VDA document series “Quality Management in the Auto- motive Industry“ re

      2、present recommendations that may be used by every- one. Those who apply these documents must in each practical case take care of their correct application. They are considered to represent the actual state of the art at the date of their individual edition. By applying the VDA Recommendations nobody shall escape his obligations for his own doings. Insofar, everyone is acting at his own risk. Any liability of the VDA and of those having contributed to the VDA Recommendations shall be excluded. Ev

      3、eryone who finds any incorrectness in the application of the VDA Recommendations or any possibility of an incorrect interpretation is reque- sted to inform the VDA accordingly without delay, in order to be able to eli- minate possible defects. Copyright Protection The documents including all their parts have been protected by copyright. Any utilization beyond the stringent limits of the statutory copyright is not permitted without approval by the VDA and may be subject to prosecution. This appli

      4、es above all to copies, translations, microfilm reproductions, and the storage and processing in electronic systems. ISSN 0943-9412 Copyright 1997 by Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) Qualittsmanagement Center (QMC) D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Lindenstrae 5 Overall production: Druckerei Henrich GmbH D-60528 Frankfurt am Main, Schwanheimer Strae 110 Printed on chlorous-free bleached paper 3 Preface In view of the permanently increasing quality requirements, quality im- provement of product

      5、s manufactured by the automobile industry, vehicles as well as their components, but also services will gain more and more importance. The Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA) has initiated the establishment of a working group, in order to create one of many pre- requisites, not only to maintain the quality level that has actually been rea- ched, but to be able to increase it even further - and this in an economically reasonable scope -; this group should re-consider the subject of ” duty of doc

      6、umentation” from today s view and define the results thereof in a revised 2nd edition of Volume 1 of the VDA series of documents “Quality Management in the Automobile Industry“. The duty of filing documents that today exists only partially, has been designated by the short term “duty of documentation“ and has become the determining element in Volume 1 ” Parts to be documented by automobile manufacturers and their suppliers” which was established in 1973. In addition, there has been the intent to

      7、 increase the safety of certain parts, the so-called safety parts, by obtaining a documentation of e.g. test results through the use of the D marking. The 2nd revised edition however deals mainly with the true reason for the filing of documents, the demonstration of proof. It can be seen today, that no quality improvement can be reached by filing quality documents and specifically with the related archiving procedure. The quality standard that was achieved is documented only. Nevertheless, a com

      8、pany may want to or will have to demonstrate proof for various reasons (audit, recall, product liability, requirements from public authorities), that its quality management system is functioning and that only those products are manufactured which comply with all requirements. Documents play an important role with regard to this procedure of demonstrating proof. Therefore, this subject is treated with priority in the present paper. This paper should be understood as guideline, i.e. each entrepren

      9、eur must define himself: how he will comply with the requirements of his customers, how he will assure quality, how he will describe it, how he will deal with requirements of public authorities, how he will assure the efficiency of the measures planned by him, and to which extent he will protect himself against which problems. 4 This 2nd edition is addressed to management representatives, in order to provide them with information, why they must take care of the management of documents, as well as to planning representatives, to give them an overview on what must be considered, in order to have documents that are suited for the demonstration of proof under economical aspects. We are grateful to the companies involved and to their representatives for having contributed to compile this volume. Contributions were made by the following companies: Adam Opel AG Audi AG Becker Automotive Systems GmbH BMW AG Dr.-Ing.h.c.F.Porsche AG Fichtel definitions are described in

      《德国汽车工业质量标准VDA 1_en》由会员L**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《德国汽车工业质量标准VDA 1_en》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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