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    • 1、基于约束理论的IT制造业设备管理问题研究以A企业为例摘 要进入21世纪,科技飞速发展,近年来,IT行业的产品迭代速度更是迅猛,然而在产品线上的设备寿命却在不断的延续,面对复杂并且不断更换的产品线,如何更好的管理每条产品线上的各个设备以及如何提高每条产品线上设备的利用率成为当前各个互联网企业管理者研究的重点课题之一。当前我国的制造业面临着严峻的挑战,企业为保证自身在激烈的市场竞争中获得有利地位求得生存,不仅仅要提升自身的核心竞争力,还需要加强企业设备的管理,提升设备综合效率(Overall Equipment Effectiveness,OEE),这就体现在设备订购数量,维修成本以及设备有效开动率等各项指标的衡量上。OEE方法简单且实用,能有效监测和改进生产工艺,提高生产效率,已广泛应用于西方国家的制造业。首先,文章在前人的研究基础上,分析了约束理论在制造业中的重要作用,回顾了国内外设备管理的综合现状,并根据A 工厂的实际状况分析了设备的预订和后期管理。本课题研究是在互联网巨头B 公司要A 工厂为其提升产能的背景下产生。在约束理论的指导下,结合OEE的方法,了解平面抛光车间的问题,利用先

      2、进技术指南来改进,提高设备综合效率,避免大笔资金购买新设备,从而提高生产能力,降低单位生产成本,改善产业链中间的竞争。基于对约束理论的理解,本文描述了综合设备能力在设备管理过程中的重要地位,并通过综合设备效率计算方法计算和分析了A工厂的不同生产过程。鉴于公司资源有限,根据约束理论,对整个生产链中设备覆盖的扩展进行了深入的分析和研究,并对抛光设备的设备和结构,过程控制和自动化控制等方面进行了改进。影响生产的主要问题已经取得了很好的改进。关键词:约束理论,设备管理,设备综合效率,平面抛光IIIRESEARCH ON IT MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT BASED ON CONSTRAINT THEORY- TAKE ENTERPRISE A AS AN EXAMPLEABSTRACTEntering the 21st century, the rapid development of science and technology, in recent years, the IT industry products iteration speed is

      3、 rapid, but in the product line of equipment but is a continuation of life, in the face of complex and constantly changing product line, how to better management of each product line equipment and how to improve the utilization rate of each product line equipment become the focus of the current Internet enterprise management research topic. Current our countrys manufacturing industry is facing serious challenges, enterprise in order to ensure their position in the fierce market competition for s

      4、urvival, not just to improve their own core competitiveness, also need to strengthen the enterprise Equipment management, improve Equipment comprehensive efficiency (Overall Equipment Effectiveness, OEE), it is embodied in the Equipment order quantities, the maintenance cost and Equipment effectively to start the rate the indicators to measure. The OEE method is simple and practical. It can effectively monitor and improve the production process and improve the production efficiency. It has been

      5、widely used in the manufacturing industry in western countries.Firstly, on the basis of previous studies, this paper analyzed the important role of constraint theory in manufacturing industry, reviewed the comprehensive status of equipment management at home and abroad, and analyzed the equipment reservation and late management according to the actual situation of plant A. This subject is generated under the background that Internet giant B company wants A factory to improve its capacity. Under

      6、the guidance of the constraint theory, combined with the method of OEE to understand the problems of the planar polishing workshop, make use of the advanced technical guidance to improve the comprehensive efficiency of the equipment, avoid large capital purchase of new equipment, so as to improve the production capacity, reduce unit production cost, and improve the competition in the middle of the industrial chain.Based on the understanding of the constraint theory, this paper describes the impo

      7、rtance of comprehensive equipment capacity in the process of equipment management, and calculates and analyzes the different production processes of A plant through the comprehensive equipment efficiency calculation method. In view of the limited company resources, the expansion of equipment coverage in the whole production chain is analyzed and studied based on the constraint theory, and the improvement of equipment and structure, process control and automation control of polishing equipment is

      8、 made. The main problems affecting production have been improved.KEYWORDS: constraint theory, equipment management, equipment comprehensive efficiency, plane polishing目录摘要I第一章绪论11.1研究背景与研究意义11.1.1研究背景11.1.2研究意义21.2国内外研究现状21.2.1国外研究现状21.2.2国内研究现状31.3研究内容与研究方法31.3.1研究内容31.3.2研究方法4(1)文献研究法41.4本文的重点、难点与创新点4第二章约束理论与设备综合管理概述62.1约束理论概述62.1.1TOC基本含义62.1.2TOC基本方法72.2设备管理相关理论82.2.1设备前期管理82.2.2设备运行管理92.2.3设备维修管理92.3设备综合效率概述102.3.1设备综合效率的定义102.3.2设备综合效率分析问题的基本过程112.4基于约束理论分析设备综合效率12第三章A工厂设备综合效率现状分析133.1工厂基本

      9、情况133.1.1平面抛光作业线作业现状133.1.2平面抛光工艺流程布局153.2工厂设备管理组织结构及职能173.2.1工厂设备管理组织结构173.2.2工厂设备管理组织职能173.3工厂设备运行流程环节183.4平面抛光设备的综合效率现状183.4.1时间开动率分析183.4.2合格品率分析193.5A工厂设备预定模型现状203.5.1设备前期采购制约203.5.2设备采购步骤制约213.5.3当前预定模型的缺陷223.5.4新设备预定模型缺陷23第四章设备管理模式对设备综合效率的影响分析254.1设备的前期管理不完善254.1.1设备的选型考虑欠缺254.1.2设备验收与资料管理不完善254.1.3设备安装调试过程参与较少264.2设备运行管理存在不足264.2.1管理执行力度不够264.2.2设备的管理流程流于形式264.2.3员工积极性不高且考核制度不完善274.3设备维修管理比较落后284.3.1维修观念落后284.3.2维修技术手段落后284.3.3过度依赖社会维修29第五章基于约束理论的设备综合使用效率分析及提升305.1基于约束理论的设备综合使用效率分析305.1.1各生产环节设备生产节拍平衡305.1.2各生产环节设备综合效率计算315.1.3基于约束理论的瓶颈设备分析315.2基于约束理论的设备综合效率提升325.2.1减少设备故障停机时间325.2.2延长设备使用寿命335.2.3降低不良品率345.3设备综合效率提升后的收益375.3.1改善后的设备综合效率计算375.3.2改善后的效益推广38第六章 A工厂设备日后管理方向及建议396.1完善前期设备管理工作396.1.1做好前期设备选型工作396.1.2完善设备的验收与资料管理工作416


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