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版汽车供方质量管理体系Quality management systems Automotive suppliers Particular requirements for the application Particular requirements for the application TS16949 English edition

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  • 文档编号:60873627
  • 上传时间:2018-11-19
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    • 1、 ISO/TC 176 N660TECHNICALISO/TSSPECIFICATION 16949Second edition20020301Quality management systemsAutomotive suppliersParticular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2000Systmes de management de la qualitFournisseurs de !automobileExigences particulires pour !application de !ISO 9001:2000Reference number ISO/ITS 16949:2002(E)IATF final Daft July 26ISO/TS 16949:2002(E) ISO 2002All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any

      2、 form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.International Organization for StandardizationCase postale 56 CH1211 Genve 20SwitzerlandInternet isoiso.chThe content inside the boxed text of this document is ISO 9001:2000 text and is protected by the above copyright statement.The text outside the boxes has been originated by the International Automotive Task Force. Copyright for this text is held by ANFIA, CC

      3、FA/FIEV, SMMT, VDA (see below) and the car manufacturers DaimIerChrysler A.G., Ford Motor Company, General Motors Corp.Neither this Technical Specification nor any extract from it may be reproduced in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission being secured.Requests for permission to reproduce and/or translate nonboxed text should be addressed to one of the addresses below:International Automoti

      4、ve Oversight Bureau (IAOB/USA)Associazione Nazionale Fra Industrie Automobilistiche (ANFIA/Italy)Comite des Constructeurs Franais dAutomobiles (CCFA/France)Fdration des Industries des Equipements pour Vhicules (FIEV/France)Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT/UK)Verband der Automobilindustrie Qualitatsmanagement Center (VDAOMC/Germany) ISO 2002 - All rights reserved ANFIA, CCFA/FIEV, SMMT, VDA, DaimIerChrysler AG, Ford Motor Company, General Motors Corp.Page ixAll rights reservedCont

      5、entsContentsiiForewordviRemarks for certificationviiIntroductionviii0.1 Generalviii0.2 Process approachviii0.3 Relationship with ISO 9004x0.3.1 IATF Guidance to ISO/TS 16949 : 2002x0.4 Compatibility with other management systemsx0.5 Goal of this Technical SpecificationxQuality management systems Automotive suppliers Particular requirements forthe application of ISO 9001:200011 Scope11.1 General11.2 Application12 Normative reference23 Terms and definitions23.1Terms and definitions for the automot

      6、ive industry24 Quality management system54.1 General requirements54.2 Documentation requirements54.2.1 General54.2.2 Oualitv manual64.2.3 Control of documents64.2.3.1 Engineering specifications74.2.4 Control of records74.2.4.1 Records retention75 Management responsibility75.1 Management commitment75.1.1 Process efficiency85.2 Customer focus85.3 Quality policy85.4 Planning85.4.1 Oualitv objectives85.4.1.1 Quality objectives Supplemental85.4.2 Ouality management system planning95.5 Responsibility,

      7、 authority and communication95.5.1 Responsibility and authority95.5.1.1 Responsibility for quality95.5.2 Management representative95.5.2 1 Customer representative105.5.3 Internal communication105.6 Management review105.6.1 General105.6.1.1 Quality management system performance105.6.2 Review input105.6.2.1 Review input Supplemental115.6.3 Review output116 Resource management116.1 Provision of resources116.2 Human resources116.2.1 General116.2.2 Competence, awareness and training126.2.2.1 Product

      8、design skills126.2.2.2 Training126.2.2.3 Training on the job126.2.2.4 Employee motivation and empowerment126.3 Infrastructure126.3.1 Plant, facility and equipment planning136.3.2 Contingency plans136.4 Work environment136.4.1 Personnel safety136.4.2 Cleanliness of premises137 Product realization137.1 Planning of product realization137.1.1 Planning of product realization Supplemental147.1.2 Acceptance criteria147.1.3 Confidentiality147.1.4 Change control147.2 Customerrelated processes157.2.1 Determination of requirements related to the product157.2.1.1 Customerdesignated special characteristics157.2.2 Review of requirements related to the product157.2.2.1 Organization manufacturing feasibility167.2.3 Customer communication167.2.3.1 Customer communication Supplemental167.3 Design and development167.3.1 Design and development planning167.3.1.1 Multidisciplinary approach177.3.2 Design and development inputs

      《版汽车供方质量管理体系Quality management systems Automotive suppliers Particular requirements for the application Particular requirements for the application TS16949 English edition》由会员L**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《版汽车供方质量管理体系Quality management systems Automotive suppliers Particular requirements for the application Particular requirements for the application TS16949 English edition》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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