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德国汽车工业质量标准VDA 4.1_en_ug

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    • 1、 3 VDA Quality Management in the Automotive Industry Partnership Processes Methods 3rd Edition 1996 Quality Assurance Part 1 prior to Serial Application 4 Quality Assurance prior to Serial Application - Partnership - Processes - Methods 3rd Edition 1996 Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) Liability exclusion The VDA volumes are guidelines available for anyone to use. It is the responsibility of the person using the guidelines to ensure it s correct use in each specific case. The VDA volume

      2、s take into account state of the art technology, current at the time of issue. By using the VDA guideline, nobody is relieved of the responsibility for their own actions. Each person acts, in this respect, at their own risk. Liability by VDA, and those persons involved in issuing VDA guidelines, is hereby excluded. If during the use of VDA guidelines, errors or the possibility of misinterpreta- tion are found, it is requested that these be notified to the VDA immediately, so that any possible fa

      3、ults can be corrected. Referenced standards The extracts from standards identified with their DIN number and issue date are reproduced with the permission of the DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e.V. (German Institute for Standardization). The version with the latest issue date is definitive for the use of the standard, which can be obtained from the publishers Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin. Copyright The publication, including all it s parts, is protected by copyright. Any use outside of the

      4、 narrow boundaries of copyright law, without the written permission of the VDA, is unauthorized and illegal. This applies in particular to copying, translation, microfilming and the saving and processing in electronic systems. ISSN 0943-9412 Copyright 1996 by Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) (Association of the German Automotive Industry) D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Lindenstrae 5 Overall production: Druckerei Henrich D-60528 Frankfurt am Main, Schwanheimer Strae 110 Printed on chlorine-f

      5、ree bleached paper with crude oil free printing color Preface to the 3rd Edition With the 2nd Edition of the VDA Publication 4 in 1986, essential methods of quality assurance prior to serial application were described for the first time. Quality work in the Automotive and Supply Industry has strongly decen- tralized through the introduction of TQM (Total Quality Management) and extended to all areas of a company. Thereby the responsibility for the quality of a product or service has been handed

      6、to the departments, which have a direct influence on the product or service provided. Furthermore, additional methods have come into practice, which are com- prehensively described in the VDA Volume 4, Part 1, 3rd Edition using examples. These methods are the precondition for effective cooperation between suppliers and car manufacturers; they control quality-relevant criteria in the pre-series phase (see also VDA Volume 2, Quality Assurance of Supplies in the Automotive Industry). The phases and

      7、 scopes of the methods are summarized in an outline. FMEA has changed in it s overall scope and has been further developed as System FMEA for product and process. The significance of FMEA and the scope of this chapter 5, in connection with the comprehensiveness of the description, made it necessary to issue a separate VDA publication, Volume 4 Part 2. We would like to thank all the companies and their employees, for their help with this publication, as well as the many individual suggestions fro

      8、m the circle of involved authors. Due to the input of personally acquired know how“ and the large scope of the examples described, the employees of the following companies are named before each chapter. 2 AUDI AG, Ingolstadt BMW AG, Munich Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart Continental AG, Hannover Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Qualitt e.V, (DGQ) Frankfurt Fichtel it converts the customer requirements into internal company characteristics and technical terms. These internal company characteristics are tran

      9、sformed into parts characteristics during the development phase using a second quality table (QT-II). These then again form the basis for determining the process parameters during production planning, with the help of a third quality table (QT-III). During the standardization phase, the fourth quality table (QT-IV) is established, which derives standards for the individual working steps as well as, servicing requirements and necessary training measures from the process parameters. 44 QFD can be applied to products and services, for new developments during the concept phase, for decisions about new product generations and for further development of existing products fit to market requirements. It is worth investing the time for QFD in the long run, as the following advan- tages arise -customer orientation, -transparency and -team work. The application of the QFD method requires, that each department and every company employee understand themselves to be an Internal custo

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