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【优品】2018-2019学年高一英语新人教版必修1课件:unit 2 england around the world language points (序列二)

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    • 1、人教版 必修一,Unit2 English around the world,Period 2 Language points,1. Do you know that there is more than one kind of English in the world? 你知道世界上不止有一种英语吗? more than one +名词单数, 后面的谓 语动词用单数。 More than one student wants to go to swim.,Explanation,more than 的反义短语是less than, 意为 “少于” 1)more than 还可以与名词、形容词、副词、动词、动名词连用,意为 “不只是;非常,极其;岂止”,They are more than classmates. They are close friends. When I asked him for help, he was more than glad to come. He accepted the task more than happily. He more than walk

      2、ed there. He almost ran there.,非常,极其,不只是,岂止是,2) “more than + 主语 + can do” “非所能;是所不能” The beauty of the city is more than he can describe.,What she said is more than I can understand.,3) more.than. “与其不如;是而不是” 这个结构连接两个相同词性的词:名词、形容词、副词、短语或句子。 It seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar book. Its more blue than green. She is more vain than proud. He was more frightened than hurt.,We advertised for pupils last autumn, and got_ 60. A. more than B. more of C. as much as D. so many as,高考链接,2. In so

      3、me important ways they are very different form one another. 在某些重要方面, 它们彼此有些差异。 inway 在方面;以方式 We should solve this problem in a different way. In a way, what he did was reasonable. 从某种意义上;在某种程度上 Dont stand in the/my way . In no way will I believe him again.,碍事;挡路,绝不,3. Nearly all of them live in England. 他们几乎全部都住在英格兰。,almost与nearly 两者都可以修饰全肯定词 all, every, always等词;都可以连接动词。 Almost all of them went there. Nearly all of them went there. He nearly/almost always arrives late. She fell and nearly/almos

      4、t broke her neck.,只用almost的场合: a. 和no, none, nothing, nobody, nowhere, never全否定词连用; Theres almost nothing in the cup. Theres hardly anythng in the cup. b. 和too, more than连用。 It is almost more than we feared.,只用nearly的场合: a. 被very, not, pretty等修饰; b. 和具体数字连用。 There is not nearly enough money for a new house. There are nearly 60 students in our class.,练一练:用nearly或almost填空。 1. He said _ nothing interesting. 2. _ 1000 people were here. 3. There is not _enough book for the whole class.,Nearly,nearly,

      5、almost,1.与nothing连用, 所以填almost 2.与具体数字连用, 用nearly 3.被not修饰时, 用nearly,4and because of that, English began to be spoken in many other countries.,because of + 名/代/宾从 We have made such great progress because of your help. She didnt come to the party because of what you had said.,because (连词)+ 从句 I was worried because Mary was late. He couldnt walk as fast as the others, because his leg was injured.,He realized she was crying_ what he had said. A. because B. because of C. as D. since,B,5.Today, more

      6、people speak English as their first, second, or foreign language than ever before. than ever (before) “比以往任何时候” We study harder than ever (before). ever since 从那以后 for ever 永远,6. even if= (even though)是连词词组, 用来引导让步状语从句,意为 “尽管;即使” (=though, although),He likes to help us even though he is very busy.,2.We wont give up _ we should fail 10 times. A. even if B. since C. whether D.until,A,even though,1.He likes to help us _he is very busy.,7. come up 走近;上来;(被)提出 1)A child came up to me and showed me th

      7、e way to the station. 2)The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up. 3)A number of questions came up at the meeting. come up with 提出,想出 He came up with a practical plan at the meeting.,come out 出现,显露,出版,发表, come to 总计;苏醒 come across 碰到; 遇到,无意中发现 come along 一道走 come true 实现,成真 come on 加油;来吧,come的常用短语,8. So why has English changed over time?,那么, 英语在一段时间里为什么会起变化呢?,Over :贯穿, 经过(一段时间),e.g Over the years, he has become more patient.,She will come to Hangzhou over the weekend. I will stay her

      8、e over Saturday.,9. It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.,(1) base on / upon 以为基础,This movie is based on facts. He based his hopes on the good news he had yesterday. Teaching is an art ed on science.,(2) present (adj.) 目前的, 现在的;出席的,到场的,He was present at the meeting yesterday.,at present(=at the present time) 目前 in the present situation 在目前形势下 be present at 出席,在场,present n. 礼物 = gift He bought me a computer as my birthday present. present v.给,提出,展现,显现 present sb. with

      9、sth. =present sth. to sb. 把交给,颁发,授予 On his birthday,his friends presented _ (送给他一本书),him with a book / a book to him.,10. rule n. 规则,统治 v. 支配,统治 He does everything by rule. He makes it a rule to walk a half hour before breakfast The queen ruled the country.,11. Shakespeare made use of a wider vocabulary than ever before. 莎士比亚使用了比以前更为广泛的词汇量。make use of 利用,使用 make good / full use of 充分使用,很好地利用 make no use of sth. 没有利用 make little/ much use of 几乎不用,多利用 make the best/most of 充分/最有效利用,The number of people invited _ fifty, but a number of them _absent for different reasons. were ; was B. was ; was C. was ; were D. were ; were,C,12. such as / for example 都是用于例举事物 such as例举同类事物(部分例举) He knows several languages, such as English, French and German. for example (举一个例子说明问题) Some students, for example, John, didnt finish homewo

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