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中考英语 题型解题指导 同义句转换课件 人教新目标版

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    • 1、同义句转换,近几年,同义句转换题在很多省市的中考题中出现。在做同义句转换题时,首先要理解原句的意思,然后根据要求补全句子或写出整句,使两句意思相同或相近。下面,我们归纳了中考中同义句转换题的常见考点,希望帮助大家掌握一些同义句转换题的解题技巧。,考点一:运用意义相同或相近的词(词组)进行转换。 具体运用时,我们应注意替换词在句中的位置、形式、替换后句中其他部分的相应变化,尤其是时态,替换后的句子要与原句的时态保持一致。下面,我们为大家罗列了一些需要掌握的同义词(词组)和近义词(词组)。,1. a lot of=lots of =plenty of 2. a large number of=a great many of 3. a little=a bit 4. all over the world=across / around / in the world 5. almost=nearly 6. alone=on ones own=by oneself 7. also=too 8. arrive in / at=get to=reach,9. as soon as possible=

      2、as quick(ly) as possible 10. at first=in the beginning 11. at last=in the end=finally 12. at once=right now 13. be able to=can 14. be angry with=be mad at 15. be back=come back 16. be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.,17. be from=come from 18. be full of=be filled with 19. be over=finish=end 20. be pleased=be glad / happy 21. be quick=be in a hurry 22. be used for doing=be used to do 23. be weak in=be not good at=be bad at 24. begin=start 25. by air=by plane 26. by now=so far=up to now,27. care

      3、for=look after=take care of 28. care for=like 29. catch a cold=have a cold 30. certainly=of course=sure 31. cross=go across 32. consider doing=think about doing 33. die out=disappear 34. do well in=be good at 35. enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth.,36. even though=even if 37. feel like doing=would like to do=want to do 38. for example=such as 39. friendly=kind 40. get along with=get on with 41. get into=enter 42. give back=return 43. give sb. a hand=help sb. 44. give out=hand out,45. go to sleep=ge

      4、t to sleep=fall asleep 46. happen=take place 47. have a good time=enjoy oneself 48. have a look at=look at=take a look at 49. have a seat=take a seat 50. have no idea=dont know 51. have to=must 52. hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from,53. help sb. with sth.=help sb. (to) do sth. 54. hold on=wait a moment 55. instead of=take the place of 56. in order that=so that 57. in order to=so as to 58. join=become / be a member of 59. join in=take part in 60. more than=over 6

      5、1. no longer=not . any longer=no more=not . any more,62. one more .=another one . 63. over and over again=again and again 64. prefer . to=like . better than 65. put on weight=get fat 66. return=come back / give back 67. ring sb. up=call sb.=phone sb.=give sb. a call / ring 68. see a film=go to the movies 69. send for=ask sb. to come,70. show up=appear 71. shut=close 72. smart=clever 73. so long as=as long as 74. stay away from=keep away from 75. take after=be similar to=look like 76. take exerci

      6、se=do sports 77. take pride in=be proud of 78. teach oneself =learn all by oneself,79. try ones best=do ones best 80. use up sth. =run out of sth. =sth. runs out 81. walk to .=go to . on foot 82. whatever=no matter what 83. worry about=be worried about 84. whatever= no matter what,1. Mark returned to his country after he finished university abroad. (保持句意基本相同) Mark _ to his country after he finished university abroad. (2015 上海),中考链接,came / went back,2. No matter what they may say, Ill keep on hel

      7、ping the sick girl in the poor village. (改写句子,句意不变) I wont _ helping the sick girl in the poor village, _ they may say. (2015 山东济南) 3. My father likes noodles better than rice. (改为同义句) My father _ noodles _ rice. (2014 甘肃兰州),stop,whatever,prefers to,考点二:运用反义词(词组)改写。 下面是同义句转换题中常用的一些反义词(词组): 1. above below 2. before after 3. down up 4. all none 5. in out 6. in front of behind 7. over under 8. both neither 9. asleep awake 10. bad good 11. beautiful ugly 12. big small 13. bestworst 14. boringinteres

      8、ting,15. busy free 16. clean dirty 17. cheap expensive / dear 18. clever foolish / silly 19. cold hot 20. cool warm 21. dead alive 22. different the same 23. easy difficult / hard 24. full hungry / empty 25. happy unhappy / sad / upset,26. hard soft 27. high low 28. short long / tall 29. new old 30. open close / closed 31. old young 32. strong weak 33. thin thick / fat 34. left right 35. light heavy 36. always never 37. badly well 38. early late 39. yes no 40. fast slow,41. far near 42. begin fi

      9、nish / end 43. borrow lend 44. buy sell 45. forget remember 46. laugh cry 47. like dislike / hate 48. pass fail 49. pull push 50. put on take off,1. I sometimes borrow Lilys bike. (改为同义句) Lily sometimes _ her bike _ me. (2015黑龙江绥化) 2. Michaels grandfather is too old to drive a car. (改为同义句) Michaels grandfather isnt _ _ to drive a car. (2015 贵州黔西南),中考链接,lends to,young,enough,考点三:主动语态与被动语态相互转换。,1. Some reporters will interview a government official on traffic problems. (改为同义句) A government official will _ by some reporters on traffic problems

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