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2018秋七年级英语上册 module 8 choosing presents unit 2 she often goes to concerts同步习题课件 (新版)外研版

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    • 1、Unit 2 She often goes to concerts.,Module 8 Choosing presents,目录,contents,课前预习,课堂导学,课文理解,巩固提升,课前预习,目录,contents,课前预习,一、必背单词,CD,concert,magazine,scarf,silk,课前预习,一、必背单词,dress,T-shirt,exercise,shoe,money,课前预习,一、必背单词,film,song,match,weekend,课前预习,一、必背单词,choose,wear,spend,hear,课前预习,一、必背单词,expensive,dear,afraid,二、常用短语(请在课文中画出下列短语) 1. 一盒巧克力 a box of chocolate 2. 一张电影票 a cinema ticket 3. 一张音乐会门票 a concert ticket 4. 一条丝绸连衣裙 a silk dress 5. 保持健康 stay healthy,课前预习,6. 锻炼 get some exercise 7. 喜欢做某事 like doing

      2、sth. 8. 去买东西 go shopping 9. 花费很多钱 spend a lot of money 10. 阅读大量书刊杂志 read lots of books and magazines,课前预习,11. 许多,大量 lots of / a lot of 12. 去听音乐会 go to the concert 13. 去看足球比赛 go to the football match 14. 在电视上 on television 15. 买她最喜欢的歌曲光盘 buy CDs of her favourite songs,课前预习,16. 在周末 at weekends 17. 给某人挑选某物 choose sth. for sb.,课前预习,三、经典句型(请在课文中画出下列句型),课前预习,课堂导学,目录,contents,1. Damings grandparents like to stay healthy, so every day they get some exercise in a park near their home. 大明的祖父母喜欢保持健康,所以每天他们

      3、在他们家附近的一个公园里锻炼。 so意为“所以,因此”,是连词,表示因果关系,后面接句子,不能与because同时使用。,课堂导学,。如: (1)Its raining heavily, _ we decide to stay at home and watch TV. 雨下得很大,所以我们决定待在家里看电视。,so,课堂导学,exercise意为“锻炼,运动”,是不可数名词,常与take,do,get等动词连用;作可数名词时,意为“练习,训练,体操”。,课堂导学,如: (2)My father takes _ every morning in the park. 我爸爸每天早上都在公园锻炼。 (3)Our math teacher often asks us to do many _. 我们的数学老师经常要求我们多做练习。,exercise,课堂导学,exercises,2. Choose your birthday present. 挑选你的生日礼物。 choose意为“选择,挑选”是及物动词。choose sth. for sb.=choose sb.sth. 意为“给某人挑选礼

      4、物”, choose to do sth. 意为“选择做某事”。,课堂导学,如: (4)Id like _ my mother. 我想为我妈妈选一条围巾。 (5)He_a cake. 他选择做蛋糕。,choose a scarf for,课堂导学,chooses to make,3. They sometimes wear T-shirts. 他们有时穿T恤衫。 wear意为 “穿;戴 ”,是及物动词。 如: She always wears the red dress. 她总是穿那条红裙子。,课堂导学,辨析: put on与wear,课堂导学,【学以致用】 (6)He _ a white T-shirt today. 他今天穿着一件白T恤衫。 (7)_ your coat. Its cold outside. 穿上你的外套,外面冷。,wears,课堂导学,Put on,4. She spends a lot of money. 她花费很多钱。 spend意为“花费(时间、金钱);度过”,是动词,主语是人,常用结构有: sb. +spend+金钱 / 时间+ on sth. 在某事 /

      5、 某物上花费时间 / 金钱,课堂导学,如:Kitty spends two hours on her homework every day. 凯蒂每天花两个小时做家庭作业。 sb. + spend +金钱 / 时间+(in)doing sth. 花费时间 / 金钱做某事 如:They spend 4, 450 yuan buying the big colour TV set. 他们买那台大彩电花了4450元。,课堂导学,【学以致用】 (8)I spend one hour _ English every day. 我每天花一小时读英语。 (9)He spends lots of money _ the house. A. in B. on C. with D. for,(in)reading,课堂导学,B,5. They usually watch football on television at weekends. 他们通常周末时在电视上看足球赛。 on television “通过电视,在电视上”。介词on在此表示“通过方式”。,课堂导学,类似的表达还有: on the rad

      6、io 通过收音机 on the phone 通过电话 on the Internet 通过网络 at weekends 意为“在周末”。,课堂导学,目录,contents,课文理解,一、请认真阅读课本Act. 2 短文,完成下列题目。 ( ) 1. Why doesnt Damings mother buy chocolate? A. Because its expensive. B. Because its unhealthy. C. Because its not delicious. D. Because she doesnt like it.,B,课文理解,( ) 2. Who likes reading? A. Damings grandparents. B. Bettys cousin. C. Tonys sister. D. Linglings aunt.,B,课文理解,( ) 3. What is TRUE according to the passage? A. Betty loves reading books and magazines. B. Damings m

      7、other always spends money on clothes. C. Damings parents like going to concerts. D. Tonys sister often goes to concerts.,B,课文理解,( ) 4. Damings grandpas birthday is coming. What presents will be the best for him? A. Some rock CDs. B. Some special chocolate. C. Some T-shirts. D. Some dresses.,C,课文理解,( ) 5. Whats the topic(主题)of the passage? A. Choosing birthday presents. B. Introducing family members. C. Going to concerts. D. Having a birthday party.,A,课文理解,二、请根据课本Act. 2,完成下列短文填空。 Choosing birthda

      8、y presents is not easy. We should know the peoples likes and dislikes so that we can choose the perfect present. Damings grandparents like to take 1. _ every day to keep healthy. Damings mother likes chocolate,,课文理解,exercise,but she seldom buys it because its not very 2. _. She always goes shopping,and 3. _ a lot of money buying clothes. She has got 11 silk 4. _, 20 dresses and a lot of shoes. Bettys cousin loves reading so much that she reads lots of books and 5. _.,课文理解,healthy,spends,scarves,

      9、magazines,She also likes going to see films but she never watches sports. Tonys sister enjoys going to 6. _ but its too 7. _ so she buys 8. _of her favourite songs instead. Linglings aunt and uncle like,课文理解,concerts,expensive,CDs,watching football on television at 9. _, but they never go to football matches. Which birthday presents do you 10. _for them?,课文理解,weekends,choose,三、根据课文内容,完成下列思维导图,然后口头复述课文。,课文理解,T-shirts,clothes,films,songs,football,巩固提升,目录,contents,4,一、根据首字母或汉语提示,用单词的适当形式填空。 1. Miss Wang often _ (戴)a red scarf. 2. Linglings mother always buys _

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