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    • 1、 To develop students skills of recognizing complex sentence stnJcture目 To give students practice in using common vocabulary items Methodology : Individual differences may be rather wide in students ability to do this exercise. Encourage all stuclent目towork out the answers independently. because this is a good exerCse to involve students in using the language actively. Should there be any difficulties, they can discuss with each other or in class after they finish it. .Translation Tin时10minutes P

      2、urposes: To consolidate. by translating the particular part of the text, understanding of the text To help students memorize vocabulary items used in the text To give students practice in developing their translation skills Methodology: This exercise c且nbe assigned as homework. It wiU do studenls good to give them some wriUen work. Mter reading ther work. you can comrnent on students common mistakes or problems in class if lhere are any. Ksy to terc嗣S I. Reading comprehension 6 A. Read the text

      3、and 8.I1!iwer the following qu因tions. Students can use their own words to answer the questions. The W1swers provided here are only for reference. 1. Americans love new frontie阻.For example,也叮hankerafter wide-open spaces; they like 10 explore; they like to make rules but refuse to follow them. 2. Cyberspace. 3. Real estate. becaui5e both real estatc and cyberspace consist of different parts, and each part is suitable for a particular group of people. 4. Yes, but first. it s fundamental to underst

      4、and the nature of cyberspace. 5. Self-rule. 6. E-mail conversations. iIonnation and entertainment services, cyberspace com- mumtles. 7. People of similar interests and tastes form a corrununity. For example, communi- lies 00 CompuServe tend to be professional, those on America Online are aff1u ent young singles. . . 8. It allows communities of any size and kind to flounsh. Cyberspace ntles have Unit 1 mora1 authority thal lerrestrial governments dont have. 9. Corrununities cater to their own mem

      5、bers inclination. 10. Their own local government besides terrestrial gove口1ffient. 11. Banning them and using labels and automatic filters to get rid of them. Yes. 12. No. it is no1. People are excited about it because it offers a 10t of infonnation and freedom. B. Global uode回国ndingand appreciaton of the阳:xt. 1. The analogy between real estale and cyherspace: Real estate parkland, church shopping mall, dru.gstore red-light四ne school district Cyberspa,四 common land private and rented out places

      6、10 he avoided places for children Main point: A real estate s n且deup of different areas, and it recognize自由e differences between these pa吐白.The same is true of cyberspace. So when the author suggests that we think o cyberspace as a real estate, she is using a good analogy. 2. Different pa由incyberspace, their corresponding similes and characteristics: Par恒SimHes Characterisd四 1. e-m国Itelephone They are private. consensual皿d conver百abonsconversatlons requlre n。而gulation. 2. nfonnation and bookstor

      7、es. malls. Items are nol 国venif not reques- entertrunrnent movie houses ted. servlces 3. cyberspace com-b且Z曰,restaurants Rules are being imposed to keep munltles bathhouses out unwanled ads, discussions and partcipants. 3. Differences between the rules in a terrestrial government and those of a cyberspace community: The rules in a terr四trialgovernment: People cannot choose their own community; they are forced to be a member of a certain community just because th町happento be bom or live in a plac

      8、e. Rules of a terreslrial government do not have moral authority. The rules of a cyberspace com皿unity:Any minority groups are allowed to exist and flourish. People choose their own cOmnIunities and follow communily rules. 7 If they do not 1ike the rules.也町canleave freely. So the rulcs of eybcrspacc communities have moral authori町, 4. This article is written in an infonnal and conversational style. For example, the author uses some slangy words, incumplete sentences, conlractions, and addresses t

      9、he reader as “you“. n. Vocabulary A. Find a word or phrase from. the paragraph indicated in the bracket that means the same as由efollowing. 1. formerly 2. embrace 5. p陀csely 9. be targeted to 6. unwanted 10. at hand 3. artificial 7. extraneous 11. be sued for 4. regulate 8. passionate B. Choose the best word to complete each of the following sentences: 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. D 111. Cloze ( 1) eyen (5) annually (9) because ( 13) exacy ( 17) to IV. Translation (畸) Translation of曲eTe.皿 (2) as (6) by (10) simply ( 14) concern (18) led (3) that (7) they ( 11) across (15 )由自ponse ( 19) between 信息空间:出随愿 (4) won ( 8) virtual ( 12) stil1 ( 16) acces自 (20) place 盖章美国人的内心深仕具有一种酷量探索新领域的气质。我们揭求宽敞的塌地,我们喜探 索,喜政制定规章制度,却不愿去遵守。在当今时代,却很难找到一块空间,可以供你任意抽辑.卫 平必担心影响你的邻居。 膀确实有这样个空间,那就是信息空间。这果原本是计算机边的由于瑞天地,但如今只要患 懂得到的各类人群应有思有,包括少年儿童、轻他的申身江、美籍匈牙利人、合计等。问题是他们 都能和睦相处吗?人们是否会因为害怕在子们躲在卧室理看网上的理带图片而将它封杀? 望首先要解决的问题是,什么是信息空间口我们可以抛开高速公路、前措新领域等比喻,把信 息空间看作一个巨大的庄园D请记住,庄


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