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2018年秋九年级英语上册 unit 3 teenage problems基础知识过关三导学课件 (新版)牛津版

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  • 文档编号:60834768
  • 上传时间:2018-11-19
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    • 1、单元基础知识过关三,基础知识清单,基础知识迁移,单元基础知识过关三,单元基础知识过关三,重点单词 根据提示,写出下列单词和相关变形 1分数;标记_ 2.或许,可能_ 3几乎不_ 4.想象,设想_ 5怀疑_ 6.值得;值钱_ 7原因_ 8.严格的,严厉的_ 9方法_ 10.解决;解答_ 11字典_ 12.答复,回答_,基础知识清单,mark,perhaps,hardly,imagine,doubt,worth,cause,strict,method,solve,dictionary,reply,单元基础知识过关三,13进展,进步_ 14大声地;出声地_ 15提及;说起_ 16.化学_ 17选择,挑选 vt._n._ 18唤醒,醒来 vt.&vi._醒着的adj._ 19.建议 vt._n._ 20沉默的;寂静的 adj._n._ 21担心 n. & v. _adj._,progress,aloud,mention,chemistry,choose,choice,wake,awake,suggest/advise,suggestion/advice,silent,silence,worry

      2、,worried,单元基础知识过关三,22正确的 adj._ adv._ 23发音 vt._n._ 24精神压力,紧张 n_有压力的,紧张的 adj._ 25价值 n& v_adj._ 26朋友 n_友谊 n_友好的 adj._,friendly,correct,correctly,pronounce,pronunciation,stress,stressed,value,valuable,friend,friendship,单元基础知识过关三,重点短语 根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语 1感到孤独_ 2有的时间_ 3列出一张单子_ 4期望_ 5有价值的建议_ 6对某人要求严格_ 7待在户外;(晚上)不回家_ 8算出;解决_,feel lonely,have time for,make a list of,look forward to,valuable advice,be strict with sb,stay out,work out,单元基础知识过关三,9根据_ 10值得(做)_ 11担心,烦恼_ 12陷入麻烦_ 13不客气 _ 14对感到骄傲 _ 15与同龄的 _ 16对不满意

      3、_ 17处理,对付_,according to,be worth doing,worry about,get into trouble,dont mention it,be proud of,be of sbs age,be unhappy with,deal with,单元基础知识过关三,18熬夜_ 19收到的信_ 20尽可能经常地_ 21取得进步_ 22交朋友_ 23嘲笑_ 24使某人受不了_ 25复习;回顾_,go over,stay up,hear from,as often as possible,make progress,make friends,laugh at,drive sb mad,单元基础知识过关三,单词回顾 .根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1 . Its impossible for Jim to get high _(分数)in the coming exam. 2 . _ (或许)Linda can help us with our problems. 3 . They were discussing the _ (原因)of the fire.,marks

      4、,Perhaps/Maybe,cause,基础知识迁移,单元基础知识过关三,4 . I really hope our _ (友谊)will last forever. 5 . Have they _ (开发) their own new products? 6 . I need _ (安静) when Im doing my homework. 7 . Do you think it is the best _ (方法)to solve this problem?,friendship,developed,silence,method,单元基础知识过关三,8 . Helen has made little _(进步)in Chinese recently. 9 . I dont know how to _ (发音)these words. 10 .Excuse me, do you have a _(字典) in your schoolbag? 11 . My cousin is weak in Maths and _ (化学). 12 . Mr White is looking f

      5、orward to getting Lindas _ (答复). 13 . Reading _ (出声地) can improve your spoken English. 14 . Jacks mother is always worried about his _ (课 业). 15 . Do you agree that the problem of _ (精 神压力) gets worse when you keep it to yourself?,progress,pronounce,dictionary,Chemistry,reply,aloud,schoolwork,stress,单元基础知识过关三,16True friendship is _(值钱) more than money. 17She is the person _(谁) I met at the school gate yesterday. 18Whenever she smiled, he would forget all about his _(担心). 19Step back and you will

      6、 find a good way to _(解决) the problem. 20Its smart to make a shopping _(清单)before going to the store.,list,worth,whom,worries,solve,单元基础知识过关三,.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1 . You look too tired. Why not _(stop)to have a rest? 2 . To my surprise, I found my daughter _ (wake)at midnight. 3 . Its time for you to make a _ (choose)between the two. 4 . Do you have any difficulty _ (find)the new restaurant? 5 . Nothing is more _(value) than time.,stop,awake,choice,finding,valuable,单元基础知识过关三,6 . Ho

      7、w about _(plan) your time carefully? 7 . Dont worry about your _(pronounce)Try your best, and it will improve. 8_(silent) is sometimes the best answer. 9 . Im afraid nobody here can answer all the questions _ (correct). 10 . Could you give us some useful _ (suggest) on how to keep slim?,planning,Silence,correctly,suggestions,pronunciation,单元基础知识过关三,句型突破 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 . 我没有足够的睡眠,所以在课堂上有时候感到 困倦。 I dont _ . So sometimes I _ . 2 . 杰克,不要熬夜做练习题,这对你的身体不好。 Jack,dont _ do the exercises. It _ for your health. 3 . 杰克别无选择只能躺在床上,因为他的右腿伤得厉害。 Jack _ in bed because his right leg was hurt badly. 4 . 我经常怀疑在衣服上花如此多的钱是否值得。 I often _ its _ so much money on clothes.,have enough sleep,feel sleepy in class,stay up late to,is bad,had no choice but to lie,doubt whether/if,worth spending,单元基础知识过关三,5 . 在英语学习上,妈妈对我要求严格。 My mother _ my English study. 6 . 你介意教我怎样在爱好与学业之间取得平衡吗? Do you mind teaching me how to _

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