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    • 1、考满分GRE镇考机经词4.0(七天任务版) 词汇说明:所以词汇均来自于考满分填空机经1100题的答案选项,删除了一些特别简单的词,有同根词的时 候尽量只写一个代表性词汇。有任何问题欢迎在微信公众号“张巍老师”进行反馈! 词汇音标GRE常考意思机经同义词(六选 二) Day One abandonbndn(1)v. to leave and never return to 放弃 (2)v. to give (oneself) over unrestrainedly 放纵 abatebetv. to become weaker 减弱mitigate abbreviatebri:vietv. to make shorter 缩短 aberrationbrenn. something that is unusual or unexpected 异常anomaly abeyantbentadj. 中止的quiescent abnegationbngenn. denial especially: self-denial 否认 aboundbandv. to be present in large

      2、numbers or in great quantity 充满 proliferate absolutebslu:t(1) adj. complete and total 完全的 (2) adj. not limited in any way 不受限制 absolve bzlvv. to make (someone) free from guilt, responsibility, etc. 免罪 exonerate absorbingbs:badj. fully taking ones attention 吸引人的 abstemiousbsti:misadj. not eating and drinking too much 有节制的 abstinencebstnnsn. the practice of not doing or having something that is wanted or enjoyable 节制 abstracted frombstrktd phrase. 从.中分离divorced from abstractionbstrkn(1)n. the act

      3、of obtaining or removing something from a source 抽离 (2)n. a general idea or quality rather than an actual person, object, or event 笼统,抽象 (3)n. the state of someone who is not paying attention to what is happening or being said 心不 在焉 generality abstrusebstru:sadj. hard to understand 难理解的 absurdbs:dadj. extremely silly, foolish, or unreasonable 荒谬 的 abundancebndnsn. a large amount of something 大量glut abusebju:s(1)v. to treat (a person or animal) in a harsh or harmful way 虐待 (2)v. to use wrongly 误用

      4、 (3)n. a corrupt practice or custom 恶习 misuse 词汇说明:所以词汇均来自于考满分填空机经1100题的答案选项,删除了一些特别简单的词,有同根词的时 候尽量只写一个代表性词汇。有任何问题欢迎在微信公众号“张巍老师”进行反馈! 词汇 ?1 acceleratekselret(1)v. to move faster: to gain speed 加速 (2)v. to cause (something) to happen sooner or more quickly 促进 acceptksept(1)v. to receive or take 接受 (2)v. to endure without protest or reaction 忍受 accessionksen(1)n. the act or process by which someone rises to a powerful and important position 就职 (2)n. the act of becoming joined: adherence 遵守 acquies

      5、cence acclaimklemv. to praise (someone or something) in a very strong and enthusiastic way 称赞 hail accommodatekmdet (1)v. to make fi t, suitable, or congruous 适应 (2)v. to make room for 容纳 acerbic s:bkadj. expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way 尖刻的 mordant, vitriolic acknowledgeknld(1)v. to say that you accept or do not deny the truth or existence of (something) 承认 (2)v. to regard or describe (someone or something as having or deserving a particular status 感激 concede acquiescencekwie

      6、snsn. the act of acquiescing 默许accession acquirekwav. to gain (a new skill, ability, etc.) usually by your own effort 获得 adaptdpt v. to make fi t (as for a new use) often by modifi cation 适应,改编 adaptabilitydptbltn. 适应性,可改编性 fl exibility addictiondknn. an usually great interest in something or a need to do or have something 嗜好 adheredhv. to give support or maintain loyalty 遵守 admirabledmrbladj. deserving to be admired: very good 令人敬 佩的 adoptdpt(1)v. to take a child of other parents legally as you

      7、r own child 收养 (2)v. to begin to use or have (a different manner, method, etc.) 采用 foster adroitdrtadj. very clever or skillful 精明的,灵巧的nimble adulationdjulen n. excessive or slavish admiration or fl attery 谄媚approbation advanceddv:nstadj. being beyond others in progress or ideas 先 进的 词汇说明:所以词汇均来自于考满分填空机经1100题的答案选项,删除了一些特别简单的词,有同根词的时 候尽量只写一个代表性词汇。有任何问题欢迎在微信公众号“张巍老师”进行反馈! 音标GRE常考意思机经同义词(六选 二) 词汇说明:所以词汇均来自于考满分填空机经1100题的答案选项,删除了一些特别简单的词,有同根词的时 候尽量只写一个代表性词汇。有任何问题欢迎在微信公众号“张巍老师”进行反馈! 词汇 ?2 advantagedv:

      8、ntd(1)n. a good or desirable quality or feature 优势 (2)n. benefi t or gain 利益 adversarialdvseriladj. involving two people or two sides who oppose each other 对立的 antagonistic adversedv:s(1)adj. bad or unfavorable 不利的 (2)adj. acting against or in a contrary direction 逆 的 advocatedvket(1)n. a person who argues for or supports a cause or policy 拥护者 (2) v. to support or argue for 支持 aesthetici:setk(1)adj. of or relating to art or beauty 审美的 (2)adj. pleasing in appearance 美观的 affablefbladj. friendly an

      9、d easy to talk to 和蔼可亲的easygoing affi nityfnti(1)n. a feeling of closeness and understanding that someone has for another person because of their similar qualities, ideas, or interests 紧密联系 (2)n. likeness based on relationship or causal connection 类同 (3)n. liking for or an attraction to something 吸引 力 affi rmf:m v. to say that something is true in a confi dent way 确信 aggravatervetv. to make more serious or severe 加剧exacerbate aimlessnessemlsnsn. 无目的,盲目性 alacritylkrtin. a quick and cheerful readiness to do something 乐意 alarmistl:mstn./adj. to cause unnecessary fear or anxiety that something unpleasant or dangerous is going to happen 危言耸听者;危言耸听的 alien


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