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2018年秋九年级英语上册 unit 8 detective stories自我综合评价八导学课件 (新版)牛津版

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  • 文档编号:60834490
  • 上传时间:2018-11-19
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    • 1、单元自我综合评价八,单元自我综合评价八,.单项选择(20分) 1On Earth, gravity (引力) keeps our feet on the ground and makes anything we drop _ towards the ground. Ato fall Bfalling Cfall Dfalls,C,单元自我综合评价八,2Some people think its the parents job to _ their children _ a clean and comfortable environment at home. Aoffer; to Boffer; with Cprovide; with Dprovide; to,C,解析 考查动词搭配。offer sb sthoffer sth to sb,意为“给某人提供某物”,provide sth for sbprovide sb with sth,综合选项,正确答案为C。句意:一些人认为,在家给孩子提供一个干净舒适的环境是家长的职责。,单元自我综合评价八,3Why is Harveys mothe

      2、r so happy? Because only three students _, _ his son Harvey. Afailed the exam; besides Bmade progress; except Cmade progress; including Dpassed the exam; without 4. The park is far away from here indeed. Its about _ walk. Aa three hour Ba three hours Ca threehours Da threehour,C,D,单元自我综合评价八,5. What would you like _ your afternoon tea, Jane? Just a cup of coffee _ some sugar and milk. Aof; with Bof; without Cfor; with Dfor; without,C,解析考考查介词的用法。句意:“简,你想来点什么作为下午茶?” “就来一杯加点糖和牛奶的咖啡吧。”根据“your afterno

      3、on tea”可知,表示“用什么当下午茶”,应该用for;第二空根据some可知,表示肯定,故应用with。故选C。,单元自我综合评价八,6Mr Wang is strongly_ cutting down trees, because the environment is becoming worse and worse. Aup Bfor Cagainst Ddown 7Shiyan is one of the best places _ people would like to visit. AThat Bwhich Cwhere Dwho,B,A,解析先行词有最高级修饰,因此只能用that。,单元自我综合评价八,8If the weather _ to be rainy, we may have to cancel the sports meeting. Aruns out Bbreaks out Cfinds out Dturns out,D,解析 run out意为“短缺,耗尽”; break out意为“爆发”;find out意为“找出,查明”;turn out意为“结

      4、果是,证明是”。根据句子中“to be rainy”及句意可知这里要用“turn out to be形容词”,表示“结果”,故选D。,单元自我综合评价八,9What did Tom say to you just now, John? He asked _ Awhy I am so happy today Bwhat will I do for the weekend Cwho did I play football with after school Dif I could go to the movies with him tonight 10Excuse me, can I sit here? _. The old man who sat here will be back soon. AYoure welcome BYes, please CYoud better not DNo problem,C,D,单元自我综合评价八,.完形填空(30分) One Saturday afternoon, Kate went to buy something for her sister a

      5、nd herself. As Kate was coming out of a _11_, a young lady walked towards her. She said she was Miss Greena good friend of Kates sisters.Kate _12_ her. Then she called a taxi to send Kate home. She _13_ the driver where he should go. Kate was _14_ that it was not in the direction of her home. “_15_ ?” Kate asked. The lady smiled.,单元自我综合评价八,When they came to a quiet road, a big rough man _16_ on the road. He stopped the taxi driver, knocked him down, tied him, and threw him out of the _17_. At th

      6、e same time, Miss Green took out a knife and _18_ it at Kate. She asked Kate to keep _19_. The man then started the taxi. “Oh, God! Im being kidnapped(绑架),” Kate said to herself. She tried to escape, but not _20_. Suddenly an _21_ came to her. She took out a lipstick(口红) from her pocket, wrote “SOS” on the window, and covered the word with her _22_.,单元自我综合评价八,A few minutes later, a police car _23_ and the policeman saw the sign. When the kidnappers saw the policeman, they stopped the taxi, jumpe

      7、d into the grass, and ran away. The policemen then _24_ Kate up and sent her home. When her parents knew what had happened, they were greatly surprised. But they were also _25_because their daughter had finally come back safely.,单元自我综合评价八,11A. school Btaxi Cshop Dfriends 12A. knew Bbelieved Cthanked Dremembered 13A. told Basked Cwondered Dchecked 14A. sure Bexcited Csurprised Dpleased 15A. What BWhere CWhen DWhy,单元自我综合评价八,16A. drove Bclimbed Cfell Dappeared 17A.road Bsight Ctaxi Dhome 18A.shoute

      8、d Bplayed Churt Dpointed 19A.healthy Balive Crelaxed Dquiet 20A.happened Bfailed Csucceeded Dhurried,单元自我综合评价八,21A.idea Banswer Cinterest Dorder 22A.hands Bback Cdress Dlipstick 23A.stopped Bleft Cpassed Dturned 24A.lifted Bheld Cput Dpicked 25A.worried Bhappy Cproud Dsuccessful,单元自我综合评价八,解析 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.C 15D 既然不是正确的方向,Kate一定会问“为什么”。 16D 由下文“He stopped the taxi driver, knocked him down, tied him”可知一个粗野的大个子男人“出现”在路上。 17C 结合选项,根据上下文可确定歹徒把司机扔到了“出租车”外。 18D 19D 由上文歹徒把司机击倒并绑起来,可知Miss Green用刀子威胁K

      9、ate并要她保持“安静”,应选D。,单元自我综合评价八,20C 由but可知与前句意思相反,即没有成功。 21A 由下文的“She took out a lipstick from her pocket, wrote SOS on the window”可知她想出了自救的“办法”,应选A。 22B 在车上,又不要让歹徒发现自己的求救信号,结合四个选项,应选B才符合当时的情景。若选A,则很容易引起歹徒的注意。,单元自我综合评价八,23C 警察在“路过”时发现了SOS信号。 24D 由“sent her home”可知警察把她救下来了,并送她回家。pick up在此是“搭救,营救”的意思。 25B 从“their daughter had finally come back safely”可知她父母当然非常高兴。,单元自我综合评价八,.根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文(20分) Policemen were called by a shop early one Christmas morning. When they arrived, they found two burglars were kept in a lift 26.w_ a heavy box of money. The two men were in their twenties. They 27.b_ into an office in the shop an

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