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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、 1 供应商协议 SUPPLIER AGREEMENT 本供应商协议(“本协议”)由 (“供应商”)和沃尔玛(中国)投资有 限公司(“公司”)签订,以约定供应商的资格以及公司与供应商之间交易往来应当遵循的一般条款。双方 同意,所有供应商向公司出售并交付的商品(定义见下文),以及所有由公司发出的订单(定义见下文), 均遵循本协议、供应商标准(见附件一)以及由经授权的采购员(定义见下文)为公司签署或草签(以电子 或其它方式)的任何订单中的条款。公司对本协议的签订和交付并未给公司强加任何向供应商购买商品的义 务。 This Supplier Agreement (“Agreement“) between _ (“Supplier”) and Wal-Mart (China) Investment Co., Ltd. (“Company”) sets forth Suppliers qualifications and the general terms of the business relationship between Company and Supplier. The parties

      2、 agree that all sales and deliveries of all Merchandise (as defined below) by Supplier to Company and all Orders (as defined below) by Company will be covered by and subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Standards for Suppliers (which is attached and incorporated by reference) and any Order signed or initiated (electronically or otherwise) by an Authorized Buyer (as defined below) for Company. The execution and submission of this Agreement by the Company does not impose upon Company any ob

      3、ligation to purchase Merchandise from Supplier. 供应商的一般信息 General Supplier Information 请填写供应商的国税登记证号码或营业执照号码: Enter the State Tax Registration Number or Business Registration Certificate Number of the Supplier: 供应商类别( 如果适用) Type of Supplier ( if appropriate) 公 司 个 人 (个体经营者) 合 伙 Corporation Individual (Sole Proprietor) Partnership 外商投资企业 国有企业 其它 (请注明) Foreign Invested Enterprise State Owned Enterprise Other (Pls. specify) 供应商纳税人类型( 如果适用): Taxpayer category of Supplier (if appropriate): 增值税一般纳税人 增值

      4、税小规模纳税人 农产品生产者 个人 General VAT Taxpayer Small Scale VAT Taxpayer Farm Product Producer Individual 供应商出具发票种类( 如果适用): Category of Invoice issued by Supplier (if appropriate): 增值税专用发票 普通商品销售发票 农产品收购发票 货运发票 VAT Invoice General Goods Sale Invoice Farm Product Collection Invoice Freight Invoice 其它(请注明) Other (Pls. specify) 注意:农产品收购发票由公司出具。 Note: Farm Product Collection Invoice is issued by Company. 供应商收款银行资料: Suppliers Bank Account Information 供应商收款银行名称(全称)/Bank Name of Supplier (Full Name): 供应商收款银行帐号/

      5、Bank Account Number of Supplier: 营业执照上的公司名称, 必填必填或加盖供应商公章 填写国税登记证上的税证号码(必填必填) 根据营业执照,必须选择一项必须选择一项 根据发票、一般纳税人资格证书等信息,必须选择一项必须选择一项 根据发票种类,必须选择一项必须选择一项一 填写开户银行的全称(必填必填) 正楷填写,帐号(数字之间不能有空格)不能超过 25 个字符(必填必填) 2 如果曾经合作过,选择“是” 供应商收款银行地址/Bank Address of Supplier: (必填必填) 省 市(县) 邮编: Province, City (County) . Post Code: 用于交换财务单据的联系方式: Please specify the address for the exchange of payment documents: 供应商的财务单据需退回时,将由公司以到付邮资方式退回供应商。 Payment documents will be returned to Supplier at Suppliers expense on delivery

      6、 if necessary: 邮寄地址/mail address: 收件人/Attn: 邮编/Post Code: 联系人/Contact 电话/Tel: _ 传真/Fax: _ 供应商电子邮件地址: E-mail Address of Supplier: 供应商或其任何关联机构曾经或正在与公司进行交易?是_ 否_。如果是,是以何名义以及以何供应商号 码从事业务?_。 Has Supplier or any of its related entities previously conducted or is conducting business with Company? Yes _No_. If so, under what name(s) and Supplier Number? _. 供应商证实以上所列及附件二中的任何及所有供应商的信息均属实。如供应商的该等信息有任何变化,供应 商应立即通知公司。 否则, 供应商应负责赔偿因任何该等供应商信息的变化而给公司造成的所有损害、 损失、 支出和费用。 Supplier has verified that any and all of

      7、Suppliers information specified above and set forth in Appendix 2 are correct. If any change of such Suppliers information occurs, Supplier shall notify Company immediately, or otherwise, Supplier shall be responsible for all the damages, losses and costs and expenses caused by such change of any of such Suppliers information. 标准条款和条件 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. 定义。在本协议或公司出具的任何订单中,下列术语具有如下含义: 1. DEFINITIONS. As used in this Agreement or any Company issued Order, the following capitalized wo

      8、rds shall have the following meanings: (a)“应收款权”指根据本协议所产生的收取款项的权利。 (a) “Account“ shall mean any right to receive payments arising under this Agreement. (b)“提前付款”指公司于到期日之前支付债务,该支付将引起对供应商应付账款的调整。 (b) “Anticipation“ shall mean the payment of obligations prior to the due date which results in a monetary adjustment in amounts payable to Supplier. (c)“经授权的采购员”指任何被指派到与所购商品相对应的类别/部门的公司的商品总经理/总监、区域商品 经理、商品经理、一级采购员、二级采购员或三级采购员或补货经理。 (c) “Authorized Buyer“ shall mean any General Merchandise Manager/Directo

      9、r, Divisional Merchandise Manager, Buyer 1, 2 or 3 or replenishment manager assigned to the Company category/department corresponding to the purchased Merchandise. (d)“商品”指由供应商向公司供应的全部产品、货物、材料、设备、物品和有形物件,以及它们所包含的所 有包装、使用说明、警告、保证、广告和其他服务。 财务单据的邮寄地址(必填必填) 接收财务等信息的邮箱地址,(必填必填) 前面选择“是”,此处需要填写曾经合作时的供应商名称以及供应商号码 3 (d) “Merchandise“ shall mean all products, goods, materials, equipment, articles, and tangible items supplied by Supplier to Company and all packaging, instructions, warnings, warranties, advertising and other services included therewith. (e)“电子数据交换”(“EDI“) 指两个或两个以上企业之间在特定交易过程(订货、co-op 协议、报告、通知等) 中以电子方式发生的信息交换。信息按公司规定的标准进行编排并通过电子方式传输。 (e) “Electronic Data Interchan


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