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2018-2019学年九年级英语下册 module 2 education(第3课时)分层训练课件 (新版)外研版

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  • 文档编号:60814315
  • 上传时间:2018-11-18
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    • 1、第3课时分层训练,Module 2 Education,课内基础自测,课后巩固提升,课内基础自测,第3课时分层训练,.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子 1Their new school is as beautiful as o_. 2Lucy is short, so she sits in the front r_ in the classroom. 3There is a small swimming p_ in my garden. 4My brother gave me a new _ (领带) for my last birthday. 5Everyone _ (穿) school uniforms in our school from Monday to Friday.,urs,ow,ool,tie,wears,.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1Tony enjoyed _(play) basketball very much in the past. 2Oh, the dumplings are tasty. Did you make them _(you), Sar

      2、a? Yes, I made them this morning. 3It looks _(real) great. 4He is _(surprise) to see the _(surprise) present. 5Linda, may I have a look at the photos you _(take) in Africa last month? Sure, here you are.,第3课时分层训练,playing,yourself,really,surprised,surprising,took,.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 1Wow, your house is so big. So it is, but Damings house is a bit _ than mine. 2When Jim was a child, he _ to travel around the world.,also, excellent, big, more, hope,bigger,hoped,第3课时分层训练,3Please give me two _ cups of w

      3、ater. Im too thirsty. 4Tom speaks Chinese, Japanese and _ a little English. 5We can invite Mr Brown to hold the car exhibition for us. What a(n) _ idea!,more,also,excellent,第3课时分层训练,.根据汉语意思完成句子 1我确信总有一天他会成功的。 Im sure he will succeed _ _. 2孩子们正在成排地坐着。 The children are sitting _ _,one day,第3课时分层训练,in rows,3请仔细看一看桌子上那些茶杯。 Please _ _ _ at the cups on the table carefully. 4这件黑色的衬衫有点儿小。 The black shirt is _ _ smaller. 5你在北京的学校生活怎么样? _ your school life in Beijing _?,have/take a look,a bit/little,Whats

      4、like,第3课时分层训练,课后巩固提升,.单项填空 ( )1.2017滨州As a teacher, I really feel worried to see so many students _ glasses. Awearing Bdressing Cputting on Dbeing in,第3课时分层训练,【解析】考查动词(短语)的辨析。wear强调“穿、戴”的状态,其宾语是衣帽或眼镜等名词;dress意为“打扮”,其后常接人;put on强调“穿”的动作;be in表示状态,其后接衣服或颜色。句意:作为一名老师,看到这么多学生戴眼镜,我真的感到很担忧。空格处表示状态,且宾语是glasses,故选A。,A,( )2.Grandpa Li has two sons. _ is in Shanghai, and _ is in Guangzhou. AOne; another BFirst; the other COne; the other DOne; other,C,第3课时分层训练,【解析】 表示两者中的“一个另一个”用“oneand the other”。,( )3.20

      5、16重庆Im sorry I know _ about it. Its a secret between them. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything,A,第3课时分层训练,( )4.We enjoyed_ in the park yesterday. Aus Bour Courselves Dwe,C,第3课时分层训练,( )5.In our school _ students like English, but _ of them can speak English smoothly. Aa little; a few Ba few; few Ca few; little Da little; few,B,第3课时分层训练,( )6.Im good at maths, but his English is_ than mine. Aa bit better Bmore better Cvery better Dmuch best,A,第3课时分层训练,( )7.2017河北Is this Kates bicycle?

      6、 No, _ is under the tree. She put it there this morning. Ahis BHers Cmine Dyours,B,第3课时分层训练,【解析】考查代词的辨析。句意:“这是凯特的自行车吗?”“不,她的在树下。早上她把它放在那里了。”设空处指代凯特的自行车。故选B。,( )8._? He is of medium height and has straight hair. AWhat does his uncle do BWhat does his uncle look like CWhat can his uncle do DWhat is his uncle doing,B,第3课时分层训练,【解析】由答语可知,问句询问的是外貌特征。,.补全对话,方框中有两个多余选项 A: Hi, Cindy! 1._ B: Hi, Tom. Its nice to see you and so many old classmates. A: So it is. 2._ B: Youre right. Its really a long time. A

      7、: Did you see the old photos on the wall? B: I sure did. 3._,第3课时分层训练,A: But those are some great memories. B: 4._ A: Yes, it is. I remember he used to stay up all night studying. B: 5._ A: Yes. He was the only one left in the class when he woke up. B: That was really funny.,第3课时分层训练,AWhat happened? BLong time no see! CWho took these photos? DIsnt that John over there? EWe looked so funny in the photos. FI cant believe its been ten years. GAnd then he would fall asleep in class.,第3课时分层训练,【答案】 15

      8、 BFEDG,.按要求完成下列各题 1There are forty students in our class.(对画线部分提问) _ _ students are there in your class? 2I hope I can pass the exam.(改为同义句) I hope _ _ the exam.,How many,to pass,第3课时分层训练,3Did you enjoy yourself in London?(改为同义句) Did you _ _ _ _ in London? 4Can you give me a little water?(改为同义句) Can you give me _ _ _ water? 5She is a kind lady.(对画线部分提问) _ she _?,have a good/great time,a bit of,Whats like,第3课时分层训练,.任务型阅读 Woodlands Junior School Hunt Road, Tonbridge, Kent, the UK officewoodlands_junior.kent.sch.uk Welcome to Woodlands Junior School. Our school is big and it has 380 students aged 711. However, it only had 108 students and four teachers when it was open on September 10th, 1964.,第3课时分层训练,Main Teaching Building As you can see, t

      《2018-2019学年九年级英语下册 module 2 education(第3课时)分层训练课件 (新版)外研版》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018-2019学年九年级英语下册 module 2 education(第3课时)分层训练课件 (新版)外研版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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