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    • 1、2018-2019九年级英语全册阶段综合测试卷含答案人教新目标版阶段综合测试测试范围:Units 1114时间:60分钟满分:100分. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)()1.The country is rich in oil, and its _ mainly comes from it.Awealth BhealthCculture Dpride()2.Smoking too much is _ to your health, so youd better give it up.Agood BharmfulCkind Dpleased()3.When I got to the hall, the wonderful speech _, so I missed its beginning.Astarted Bwas startingCwould start Dhad started()4.The TV play is so great and interesting that it _three times in the past three months.Aplay

      2、ed BplaysChas been played Dwill be played()5._ more hardworking you are, _ youll get.AThe; more BA; the mostCThe; the more DA; more()6.Excuse me, can you tell me _?Sure. Theres a good restaurant on Main Street.Awhere I can post lettersBwhat movie I can see hereChow I get to the bus stationDif theres a good place to eat()7._ difficult question it is! Can you help me with it?OK. Let me see.AWhat BWhat aCHow DHow a()8.We all like the teachers _ classes are interesting and creative.Awhich Bwhose Cwh

      3、o Dthat ()9.This blue skirt _ belong to Lucys sister. She just likes yellow.Amust BcouldCcant Dshouldnt()10.Where are you going to stay when you get to Beijing?Ill live _ in a hotel _ in a friends house. I can live in my uncles.Aboth; and Beither; orCneither; nor Dnot only; but also()11.We all look forward to _ Beckham, because he is such a great player.Ameet BmetCmeets Dmeeting()12.I need your fathers help. Where is he?He _ his car in the garden.Awashes BwashedCis washing Dhas washed()13._ Apri

      4、l Fools Day, people often play all kinds of tricks and jokes _ each other.AAt; on BIn; atCOn; at DOn; on()14.Mr. Smith _ know the world by radio, but now he _ surfing the Internet to know all.Aused to; is used toBused to; used toCis used to; used toDis used to;is used to()15.Dont throw away these old desks. They should be put to good _Ashow BsetCstop Duse.完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,共20分)One sunny day, Alice sat by a river with her sister. Then she _16_ a sound. She looked up and saw a white rabbit _17_ a

      5、coat passing by.“Oh dear! Ill be late!” said the rabbit. It took a _18_ out of its pocket and looked at the time. How _19_! Alice stood up and ran across the field after the rabbit. The rabbit jumped _20_ a big hole. Alice did not want to let the rabbit go away, so she jumped down the hole, too.Down, down, down. Alice fell for a long time, and then she hit the ground. She found _21_ in a long, low hall. There were doors all around, but they were all _22_. Alice saw a small key on a table, _23_ i

      6、t did not fit any of the doors.Then Alice noticed a small door and put the key _24_ it. The door opened! She could see a lovely garden on the other side. Alice tried to go through the door, but she was too _25_()16.A.listened to BheardCsaw Dheard of()17.A.in BonCat Dunder()18.A.book BcapCwatch Ddictionary()19.A.excited BhappyCamazed Damazing()20.A.down Bout ofCup Dover()21.A.itself BhimselfCherself Dthemselves()22.A.open BbrokenCopened Dlocked()23.A.and BbutCso Dor()24.A.to BonCunder Dinto()25.A

      7、.small BweakCstrong Dbig.阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,共20分)AThis is a story that changed my life many years ago.We live in College Station, Texas and we were driving on our way home from Houston at nine one Saturday or Sunday morning. I felt tired at 1:00 am., so I decided to stop at a gas station to have a rest and get some coffee. It was a good hour and a half before we got home.When we got back into our car and before starting it, we found a man standing in front of the station. It seemed that he was an

      8、outcast man who often has nowhere to live. He went in and got himself some coffee and something warm to drink, because it was cold this time of the year. He must have not had enough money to get something to eat.Just then a dog walked up to the front of the building. I saw it was in great need of something to eat. I knew if it didnt eat anything soon, it might die.My wife and I sat there and looked at it. We found that many people walked by and no one looked at it. It looked just the same as the homeless man. Then the homeless man went back into the store. What he did moved us. He went into the store and with all the money he had, bought some dog food and fed that dog.This story isnt the most moving, but it plays a great part in our lives. I would remember this story all my life. The story about the homeless man shows me what I should do in my life.()26.How long did the writer


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