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    • 1、China Culture 中国文化介绍 For SC&PE CC,General 概况 Life Elements 生活要素 Cultural Elements 文化要素 Chinese Philosophy 中国哲学,Chinese Dynasties 中国朝代的更迭,3000BC 三皇五帝,China Geography 中国版图,4 History 存续历史: More than 5000 years 五千年以上,1 Population 人口: 1.4 billion Chinese people 亿,2 GDP 国民总产值: 10 trillion US dollars in 2015 万亿,3 Area 国土面积: 9.6 million square kilometers ,China Economy 中国经济状况,GDP is the second of world. 国民总产值世界第二,But GDP per capital is not so good. 但人均产值却在发展中国家居中,General 概况 Life Elements 生活元素 Cultural E

      2、lements 文化元素 Chinese Philosophy 中国哲学,Clothing 衣,In the Past,before PRC establish(1949), Traditional styles, and no more choices. People wore clothes depending on their social statue. 物质匮乏,可选择性差,审美标准单一。,Nowadays, People choose what they like, depend on personality. China follows international fashion closely. 物质丰富,需求多样化。 越来越多人在海外购物,选择国际品牌,Cuisine 烹饪,Sichuan (川菜) Shandong(鲁菜) Jiangsu(苏菜) Hunan(湘菜) Guangdong(粤菜) Fujian(闽菜) Zhejiang(浙菜) Anhui(徽菜),8 Series cuisine base on regions,First Class 19 Citie

      3、s Second Class 36 Cities Third Class 73 Cities Forth Class 76 Cities Fifth Class 200 Cities Total 404 Cities More than half people Living in Countryside,Shanghai,Beijing,Kunshan,Countryside,Housing 住,Transportation 出行,China used to be called Kingdom of bicycles. 过去是自行车王国,264 million motor vehicles totally Restriction policy is published in some cities:Beijing,Shanghai,Tianjin,Hanghzou,Shenzhen 2.64亿机动车保有量,包括农用车等 限行政策在大城市发布,包括北京,上海,天津,杭州,深圳,Various transportation method 其他出行方式,158 airports totall

      4、y 435.6 million people-time in 2015. 全国有158个机场 2015年4.3亿人次。,19 thousand km totally. 800 million people-time in 2015. Current Speed 300km/h Test Speed 605km/h 2015年底,总长1万9千公里,8亿人次,目前运行速度300km/h,测试速度达到605km/h.,Beijing subway has 15 lines at end of 2015. 527 km totally at end of 2015 2.8 billion people-time in 2015 Some new lines are under working. 2015年底,北京地铁有15条线路,总长527公里,全年28亿人次,目前仍有信线路在施工。,General 概况 Life Elements 生活元素 Cultural Elements 文化元素 Chinese Philosophy 中国哲学,Chinese Cultural Elements 中国文

      5、化元素,Tea Ceremony 中国茶文化,China 中国瓷器,Chinese Painting 中国国画,Chinese Folk Art 中国民间艺术,Chinese Chess Culture 中国棋文化,The Development of Chinese Characters 中国汉字发展史,Chinese Zodiac 中国十二生肖,Traditional Chinese literature 中国传统文学,Chinese tradition festival 中国传统节日,Chinese Opera 中国传统戏剧,Chinese Ancient Architectures 中国古代建筑,Traditional Chinese Medicine 中国中医文化,Chinese National Musical Instrument 中国民族乐器,Chinese Traditional Enlightenment Education 中国传统蒙学,Chinese Kung Fu 中国功夫,Chinese Characteristic dress 中国传统服饰,Chinese

      6、 Wine Culture 中国酒文化,Green tea; (Long Jing Tea , 西湖龙井,产自杭州) Red tea; (祁门红茶,产自安徽) Oolong tea;(Ti Kwan Yin 铁观音,大红袍,产自福建) Yellow tea;(君山银针,产自湖南岳阳) White tea;(Bahao Yinzhen 白毫银针,产自福建) Black tea ;(Puer Tea普洱茶,产自云南),Tea Ceremony 茶道,Tranquil, Refreshing, Comfortable , Neat locale,China is the hometown of china, the invention of china is a great contribution to world civilization. In English,china means porcelain.,China,中国是瓷器的故乡,瓷器是汉族劳动人民的一个重要的创造。在英文中“瓷器(china)”与中国(China)同为一词,瓷 器,Wintersweet/ orchid /Bam

      7、boo/chrysanthemum 梅/兰/竹/菊,Chinese Painting 中国画,Figures 人物 Landscapes 山水 Flowers 花 and Birds 鸟,Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival 清明上河图,Chinese Characteristic dress 中国传统服饰,Hanfu 汉服,Tang Suit唐装,Cheongsam 旗袍,Chinese Tunic Suit 中山装,Chinese Chess Culture 中国棋文化,Chinese chess 中国象棋,I-go 围棋,Chess play ( I-go ) 围棋对弈,Chinese Wine Culture 中国酒文化,Traditional Wine Brewing 传统葡萄酒酿造,Create Hero (Heroes of the Marshes) - Wu Song 武松打虎,The great poet Li Bai 伟大诗人李白,Chinese Zodiac 中国十二生肖,Total12 animals, each repres

      8、ent one year, like constellation in west. 12 animals will rotate in fix order (Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig) 十二生肖代表十二年每一年的年兽, 相似于国外的星座,十二生肖的顺序不能改变,通过出生日期,可以推算出你的属性。,Chinese tradition festival中国传统节日,The Spring Festival 春节 Lantern Festival 元宵节 Qingming Festival 清明节 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Double Seventh Festival 七夕 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Double Ninth Festival 重阳节 Winter Solstice Festival 冬至,Chinese Opera 中国传统戏剧,生(male) 旦 (female) 净(mask) 丑(cl

      9、own),皮影戏 Shadow play,昆曲、豫剧、湘剧、京剧、皮影戏、越剧、川剧、黄梅戏、京戏脸谱、地方戏等,共有5大类,三百六十多种,北京已京剧为代表剧种。,5 category, more than 360 kinds of operas in China. Beijing Opera, Kunqu, Shaoxing Opera, Shanxi Opera, Huangmei Opera. Colorful mask for various role: White=sinister, Red=brave,loyal, Green=implulsive Black=Rough, Yellow=ambitious, Blue=steadfast,Chinese Folk Art 中国民间艺术,Chinese National Musical Instrument 中国民族乐器,琵琶 Pipa,二胡 Erhu,笙 Sheng,古琴 Chinese zither,笛子 Flute,More than 70 categories of Chinese National Musical Instruments. Below are 5 main representatives. 中国民族乐器大约有70多种,并有自己的民族乐团。,At the beginning KunFu is for prevent hit from others, we can see from hit. 制止侵袭 Real Kung Fu is a combination of self cultivate and technique武术是个人修为和技能的结合 Daily exercise for body strengthen, like Taiji 大众化 Entertainment, like Kung Fu film and Kung Fu star 娱乐化,Chinese Kung Fu 中国功夫,Oracle Bone Inscription 甲骨文,Chinese Characters Develop 汉字发展,Four Treasures of the Study 文房四宝,Chinese calligrap


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