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新概念英语第二册 lesson 2 breakfast or lunch

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    • 1、Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch?,Do you stay up late in the evenings? When do you usually go to bed? When do you usually get up in the morning? Now lets look at the story about a boy who gets up really late. What happened?,New words and expressions,until prep.“一直到为止“ “在以前“ Ill wait here until 5. 我会在这里等到5点钟。 (延续动词,肯定句) She cannot arrive until 6. 她到6点才能来。 (短暂动作的动词,否定句) He waited until it stopped raining. He didnt leave until it stopped raining,un-til,直到下课他才醒来。 He didnt wake up until the class was over

      2、. He had been asleep until the class was over.,outside adv./n 外面,外表(作状语或宾语) He is waiting for me outside. It is cold outside. Lets go and fight outside. Dont judge a man from his outside. 不要以貌取人,out-side,ring v.(铃、电话等)响 vi. 鸣,(铃、电话等)响(这种响是刺耳的, 往往是提醒人做某事) Every morning the clock rings at 6. The telephone(door bell) is ringing. (而风铃等响要用jingle,jingle (bell) (铃儿) 响叮当) vt. 打电话给(美语中用call) ring sb. 给某人打电话 Tomorrow Ill ring you. n. (打)电话 give sb. a ring Remember to give me a ring. n. 戒指,ring-rang-rung,a

      3、unt,aunt n.姑妈 uncle cousin nephew niece,repeat v. 重复 vt. 重复 Will you repeat the last word? They are repeating that wonderful play. 人人皆犯错,只有傻瓜一犯再犯。 Anyone can make a mistake, but only a fool repeats it. vi. 重做,重说 Please repeat after me. Dont repeat.,re-peat,listen to the tape and answer the question,Why was the writers aunt surprised?,It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.,What day was it? Does the boy get up early on Sundays? Until when does he s

      4、tay in bed sometimes?,Get up :起床 On Sundays: 复数表示很多星期天,Lunchtime:午餐时间,Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside.,What about last Sunday? What was it like outside? How did he know it was dark outside?,look out of :朝窗外看,What did he think of the day? Did he like the weather or not? What happened just then?,“What a day!” I thought. Its raining again. Just then, the telephone rang.,What a day!:真是个鬼天气!/ (或)天气真好啊 just then: 就在那时,It was my aunt Lucy. Ive just arrive

      5、d by train, she said. Im coming to see you.,Who was it? Where was his aunt? Why was she there? What was she going to do?,Aunt: 姑,姨,婶,舅妈 By train: 乘火车,Im coming to see you:我马上来看你。,But Im still having breakfast, I said.,What was he still doing ?,What are you doing? she asked. Im having breakfast, I repeated.,What did his aunt ask? Why did she ask this question? What did the boy repeat?,Repeat: 重复,再说一遍,Dear me, she said. Do you always get up so late? Its one oclock!,Was his aunt surprised? What did

      6、 she say to him then?,Dear me: 天哪,【课文讲解】,1、It was Sunday. it指时间、天气、温度或距离,it被称为“虚主语”(empty subject)。作为第三人称单数的中性代词,it可以指一件东西、一件事件或用来指是什么人: It is a lovely baby. Who is knocking at the door? Its me.,it 的用法,2、I never get up early on Sundays. - on Sundays: 所有的星期天,每逢星期天,与一般现在时连用,表示经常性的行为。 on Monday,on Monday morning,on that day 当使用last,next,this,that时,介词(以及定冠词)必须省略: Ill see you next/this Friday. - never =助动词+not I dont like her.=I never like her. - get up early 起得早 The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿

      7、有虫吃。,频度副词,3、I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. 在表达卧床时bed前不需加冠词: Its time for bed now. You must stay/remain in bed for another two days. 你必须再卧床两天。,频度副词,“never” 频度副词(0%) 100% all the time 90% almost, always 60-70% often, frequently 20-30% sometimes, at times 5% rarely, hardly, seldom 位于be、助动词后面,实意v.之前,与一般现在时连用,频度副词,4、Ive just arrived by train. by 直接加交通工具(不能有任何修饰词, 复数);如果加修饰词, 就要换掉by用in或on I go out by bus. I go out in/on two buses. (指具体的两辆车介词用in/on) Long ago people could go to America only by

      8、 ship/sea. 如果是特指的交通工具,则要加冠词或其他限定词: My aunt left by the 9:15 train. by air 乘飞机 by bicycle/bike 骑自行车 on foot 步行,乘坐交通工具,5、Im coming to see you. 我将要来看你. 用 come 的现在进行时态 be coming 表示一般将来,表示近期按计划或安排要进行的动作。同样用法的动词有:go,come,leave,arrive,land,meet,die,start,return,join,be doing表即将发生的动作,6、Dear me!天哪! 英国人说Dear (me)!或My dear! 美国人说 : My god!,dear me,【Key structures】,现在进行时表示说话的当时正在发生或正在发生的事件,也用来表示现阶段(一段时间)的动向。常与now,just,still等副词连用: I am working as a teacher. “现阶段“ He is still sleeping. (现在还在睡觉) Jane is just dr

      9、essing up. 简正在打扮 一般现在时表示习惯性动作, 真理, 是过去、现在和未来都会发生的事情。与频率副词often,always,sometimes,never,frequently,rarely,ever等连用。 Helen never writes to her brother Tony. She sometimes rings him.,现在进行时和一般现在时,【Special Difficulties】,在英语中可用what引导的感叹句来表示惊奇、愤怒、赞赏、喜悦等感情。 感叹句的结构为:What +a/an (+adj.)+n.(+主语+谓语)! What a good girl (she is)! 有上下文和一定的语境, 才能省略形容词。一般省略形容词表示批评或不大好的意思。 What a thing to say! 多么难听的话啊! What (a lot of) trouble( he is causing)!,感叹句,How + adj./adv. + (主谓) How thundering the picture is.,Look at the pictures below, and repeat what you have learned in the text with the help of key words given.,Never / on Sundays,late /look out of,repeat,dark / raining / just then,dear me!/ get up,have breakfast,arrive/ by train,Speak out freely:,下面的话可以脱口而出吗?,睡到午饭时间才起床 真是鬼天气 电话铃响起来 原来是Lucy 阿姨 我刚到 我就来看你 天啊 ! 乘火车,Do you get up early or late? Do you find it difficult to get up early? When

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