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河北省南宫市奋飞中学2018届高三英语复习课件:着眼于高考题型 — “语法填空” (共30张PPT)

  • 卖家[上传人]:绿**
  • 文档编号:60544019
  • 上传时间:2018-11-17
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:1.37MB
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    • 1、Unit 4,Wildlife Protection,着眼于高考题型 “语法填空” 复习词汇用法,Important words and phrases,Step I,保护 n. 保护不受(短) 野生的;野的 在野外(短) 减少 增加 损失;遗失;丧失 n. v. 回答;响应;做出反应 v. n. 对回答,做出反应(动短),protect from/against,in the wild,increase,lose,respond to,response,protection,wild,decrease,loss,respond,at a loss,in response to,(lost , lost),1,远的;遥远的 n. 减轻,解除 n. 如释重负(短) v. 笑声 n. v. 突然笑起来(短) 重要性 n.,be very important =_ _ _ importance,burst into laughter= burst _ _,distance,in relief,relieve,laugh,distant,relief,laughter,importance,b

      2、e of great,out laughing,burst into_ /= _ _ _,tears,burst out crying,强大的;强有力的 adj. n. 掌权(短) 影响 v. n. adj. 对有影响(短) 注意力;关心; n. adj. 注意(短) 鉴赏;感激v. n. 感激做某事 (短),have _ _ _,pay attention to,attentive,power,powerful,affect,an effect on,attention,appreciate,appreciation,come into/to power,effect,effective,appreciate doing sth.,成功 v. 成功做某事(短) n. adj. adv. 雇佣;利用(时间,精力) n. 雇主;老板 员工 损害;危害 v. n. adj. 对有害(短) 叮,咬,employee,do _ _/ be _ _,succeed,succeed in doing sth.,success,successful,successfully,employ,emplo

      3、yment,employer,harm,harmful,bite,bitten,bit,harm to,harmful to,词汇知识微填空练习,Step II,Test 1.,a) -Dont worry, Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu.-What _(relieve)! b) Much _ my _(relieve), the house was not destroyed.,a relief,to,relief,Test 2. I would appreciate _ if you could teach me _ to use the computer. b) He expressed his _(appreciate) for what his students did. c) I would appreciate _ (receive) your invitation.,it,appreciation,how,receiving,Test 3 a)- What about Janes job? -Well, he succ

      4、eeded_ (find) a job./ he found a job_ (success) b) Mo Yan is _(succeed) as a writer. / Mo Yan is a_ (succeed) as a writer.,in finding,successfully,successful,success,Test 4 a) I dont think there is a specific rule about how to beat stress. I generally find that what I do is _(effect) for me. b) She _(effect) deeply by the news of MH370s being lost. c) - Did the earthquake have an effect _peoples life? - Yes, those _(effect) by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.,effective,was affec

      5、ted,on,affected,Test 5 a)-What did the professor said? -He stressed that we should pay attention to _(protect) the environment. Namely(即是), we should do all we can _ (protect) the environment. b) So, what can women do to protect themselves _ heart disease? c)The _(protect) of the environment makes a difference _us human being.,against/from,protecting,to protect,protection,to,Test 6 This experiment was _(harm) to the animals. Instead, its good for them. b) It is _(harm) to the stomach to eat cold

      6、 food.,harmless,harmful,Test 7 a)Stop _(bite) your nails(指甲)! _(bite) twice by the neighbors dog, she was frightened to be close to their house.,Test 8 The _(power)the car is, the more difficult it is to handle it. The drug is as _(power) as that one. c)After George Bush ( 小布什 ) left office in 2009, Obama came into _to became President of the USA.,more powerful,powerful,biting,Having been bitten/Bitten,power,Test 9 When the students heard the joke, all of them burst _ laughing. b) When the stude

      7、nts heard the joke, all of them burst _ laughter.,out,into,Test 10 The future of human life depends on how we respond _ the risks of climate change. b) Many young people have volunteered to the remote areas to work in _ (respond)to the call of the party.,to,response,词汇在语篇中的运用,Step III,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。,Franklin: Tony, I (1)_(hunt) for a job to support myself these days. You know, I have little work experience, so Im completely(2) _ a loss. Can you give me some advice? Brown: Of co

      8、urse, I think you should try the (3)_ (employ) agencies first. Franklin: But the registration fee is so high. I dont want to spend (4)_ money. Brown: Eh,. Let me think. Well, you went to Africa 3 years (5)_, didnt you?,am hunting,at,employment,the,ago,Franklin: You mean in 2011 ? I went there to do some research on protecting animals as a volunteer? Brown: Yes, I heard that you and your students did much work (6)_the wild, where many kinds of animals were (7)_(die) out. Franklin: Youre right!(8)_is there anything to do with my job? Brown: Thats it ! I read in the newspaper that a commentator(解说员) is wanted in,in,dying,but,the local Animal Science and Technology Museum. You love animals and know much about the living habits of many animals. Why not have a try? Franklin: Really? I am quite interested in it. You know the number of some rare animals(9) _ _(decrease) in the last decades. Not only can I tell people some knowledge about the life of animal

      《河北省南宫市奋飞中学2018届高三英语复习课件:着眼于高考题型 — “语法填空” (共30张PPT)》由会员绿**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河北省南宫市奋飞中学2018届高三英语复习课件:着眼于高考题型 — “语法填空” (共30张PPT)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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