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2018-2019学年九年级英语上册 module 9 great inventions词句精讲精练(含解析)(新版)外研版

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    • 1、Module 9 Great inventions词句精讲精练词汇精讲1. borrow; lend和keep(1) borrow是“借进”,即说话人向别人借东西供自己用,常用于borrow sth. from sb. / somewhere结构,意为“从某人/某地借来某物”。例如:He borrowed a lot of money from the bank. 他从银行借了很多钱。May I borrow your bike? 我可以借你的自行车吗?You can borrow the book from the library. 你可以从图书馆借这本书。(2) lend是“借出”,即说话人把自己的东西借给别人用,常用于lend sth. to sb. 或lend sb. sth.结构中,意为“借给某人某物”。例如:I dont like to lend my TV set to Tom. 我不想把电视机借给Tom。(3) keep 意为“保存”,是延续性动词,borrow是瞬间动词,如果与一段时间连用,要用keep代替borrow。例如:Can I keep the book a

      2、 little longer? 我借这本书的时间能长点吗?I have kept the book for two weeks. I will return it to the library this afternoon.这本书我已经借了两周了,今天下午我要把它还给图书馆。2. look throughlook through是动副结构,意为“浏览,仔细地看”。其后接名词或代词,但代词需放在look和through的中间。另外,look through还有“透过看”之意。例如: Before the meeting, I looked through the reports. 会议前,我浏览了报告。 The boy is looking through the window of his house. 那个男孩正透过他家的窗户看。【拓展】look 的相关短语: look up(在字典、参考书中)查询所需的信息 look for寻找 look over(医生)仔细检查 look around 环顾四周 look after照看 look at 看 look down on 看不起3.

      3、as a result as a result意为“作为结果;因此”,通常单独使用。例如:As a result, the discussion was put off until the following week. 结果,讨论被推迟到了下星期。 He fell off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday. As a result, he had to be away from school for two months. 昨天他从自行车上掉了下来,摔伤了腿。因此他不得不休学两个月。 He didnt practice, and as a result, he lost. 他没有练习,所以输了。 【拓展】as a result of意为“因为;由于的结果”,后接名词或名词性短语,表示原因。例如:He was late as a result of the heavy snow. 他迟到是由于大雪所导致的。 As a result of warning, nobody was hurt. 由于得到了警告,因此没有人受伤。4. in a wayin

      4、a way意为“从某种意义上说,从某种程度上说,从某一点来看”,是介词短语。例如:Ina way,it is an important book. 在某种意义上,这是一本重要的书。The work is well done in a way. 从某种程度上说,这项工作做得不错。【拓展】(1) in the way有“挡路;妨碍,阻碍”的意思。例如:Sorry, you are in the way. 对不起,你挡路了。Her social life got in the way of her studies. 她的社交生活妨碍了学业。(2) on the way 意为“在去某地的路上”。例如:On the way to the station,I bought some chocolate. 在去车站的路上我买了些巧克力。(3) by the way意为“顺便说一声”。例如:By the way,have you seen Harry recently?顺便说一句,你最近见过Harry吗?5. imagine imagine是动词,意为“想象,推测”,后面可接名词、代词、宾语从句、复合

      5、宾语,常用于结构:imagine doing sth. 想象做某事。例如: We cant imagine what China will be like in the future. 我们无法想象将来中国是什么样子。 I cant imagine leaving all my friends. 我无法想象离开我所有的朋友。 No one can imagine what would happen next. 没有人能想象出下一步会发生什么。6. by hand by hand意为“用手的,亲自的;手工”,是介词短语。例如:Rice farmers here still plant and harvest their crops by hand. 这里种植水稻的农场主仍是手工种植和收割庄稼。The dish was made of silver, beaten out by hand. 这盘子是银制的,是手工打造的。 The letter was delivered by hand.那封信是派专人送去的。【拓展】by the hand意为“牵手,拉手,握手”。例如:He clasped

      6、 his old friend by the hand. 他紧紧地握住老朋友的手. He took Dickson by the hand to lead him into the house. 他牵着迪克森的手把他领进屋。 7. more and more more and more意为“越来越多;越来越”。例如:More and more people are giving up smoking.戒烟的人越来越多了。The play gets more and more exciting in the last few scenes.这出戏在最后几场中越来越激动人心。【拓展】more and more 是“比较级+and+比较级”的结构,这种结构表示“越来越”。例如:The weather is getting warmer and warmer. 天气变的越来越暖和了。He runs faster and faster. 他跑的越来越快了。She looks more and more beautiful. 她看起来越来越漂亮了。8. allow sb to do sthallo

      7、w是动词,意为“允许,准许”,常用于allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事;allow doing sth.“允许做”。例如: My parents dont allow me to smoke. 我的父母不允许我抽烟。We dont allow eating in the classrooms. (我们)不允许在教室吃饭。Her boss doesnt allow her to use the telephone. 她的老板不允许她使用电话。9. put up(1)put up 是由“动词+副词”构成的动词短语,意为“张贴;公布”。例如: The principal put up the exam result.校长公布了这次考试的结果。(2)put up 意为“提高;增加;抬高(租金、价格等)”。例如 : My landlord was threatening to put the rent up by 10 dollars a week.我房东要挟说要把每周房租提高10美元。【拓展】(1)“动词加副词”构成的短语,如果宾语是名词时,宾语可以放在副词之前,也可以放在

      8、副词之后。例如:Please take the book away. = Please take away the book。请把这本书拿走。I put my coat on. = I put on my coat. 我穿上了我的外套。(2)“动词加副词”构成的短语,如果宾语为代词时,宾语只能放在副词之前。例如: I dont like the book. Please take it away. 我不喜欢这本书,请把它拿走。(不能说 Please take away it.) I took out my coat and put it on. 我拿出了外套,把它穿上。(不能说 put on it)10. at a time at a time意为“每次;一次”,强调具体的某一次,常用于“数词+atatime”的结构中。例如:Let your listener answer one question at a time.让你的听众一次回答一个问题。Hecheckedthemoffoneatatimeastheycamein.他们进来时,他一个一个地核对。She reads books for hours at a time. 她常常看一看书就是几个小时。【拓展】at times意为“有时;不时;间或”,强调这种事不止一次,不时都会发生的。例如:IlikeBobbuthesveryannoyingattimes.我喜欢鲍勃,但是他有时也很烦人。Shecallsonmeattimes.她有时来看我。词汇精练I. 英汉互译。1. 张贴 _ 2. on ones way to _3. 浏览_ 4. 由制成_5. at a time _6. by hand_7. 结果_8. hear from _9. allow sb. to do_ 10. 代替;取代_II. 根据首字母或汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。1. I dont think books can be r_ by

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