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    • 1、商务跨文化交际 Cross-cultural Communication in Business World,本门课程主要目的在于结合近年来国际商务(贸)活动发展趋势与具体案例,从现代商务结合跨文化交际的基本原则,跨国公司的团队建设原则,跨文化商务活动的常用技术、国际营销活动与文化的紧密关系,性别文化在商务活动中的凸现,有效进行非语言交际的技巧,文化冲突解决之道和文化对于技术引进的不同态度等负面对商务跨文化交际进行探讨总结。,考核方式:本课程的考核采取两种形式:形成性考核和期末考试。课程总成绩为百分制,形成性考核占30%,期末考试占70%。 1、形成性考核:包括平时作业和各项教学活动情况,以及学生对学习过程中的自我监控。 2、期末考试:笔试。,评价目标:本考试重点考查学生运用英语进行跨文化交际的能力。学生应能就商务活动中常见的话题进行连贯交谈,语言得体,能够表达自己的思想;能够介绍我国国情和文化,讨论有关交际的问题;并还要能够翻译内容比较熟悉的文字材料。 命题原则:根据教材所涵盖的日常交际话题、交际功能以及与教材难度相当的阅读写作技能命题,涉及教材内容不少于60%。,Chapter 1

      2、 General Introduction,Your Objectives:,By the end of this chapter, you should be able to : -distinguish what communication is -state the essential elements of communication -recognize the model of communication -distinguish what culture is -distinguish what cross-culture communication is -understand what cross-cultural communication mean to business people,Section 1 What is communication like?,China Tele-com Tele-communication China Bank of Communication Public communication Communication among

      3、people 沟通 传通 交流 交通 交际 通信 通讯,Definitions,Definition 1:the activity or process of giving information to other people or to other living things, using signals such as speech, body movements, or radio signals,e.g.: Insects such as ants have a highly effective system of communication. 定义1:交际是个人或团体通过符号向个人或团体传递信息、观念、态度或情感。,Definition 2:the systems of processes that are used to communicate or to broadcast information, especially those that use electricity or radio wave, e.g.: the current revolution in c

      4、ommunications 定义2:从最一般的意义上而言,交际是一个系统信源(信息来源)通过可选择的符号去影响另一个系统信宿(信息到达目的地)的过程,这些符号能够通过连接这两个系统的信息渠道得到传递。 Definition 3:a letter, telephone call or some other message; a formal use, e.g.: a secret communication from the Foreign Minister 定义3:交际也可以定义为通过迅息进行的社会互动,Essential Elements of Communication,Who are involved What for How to contact the other side How can the message be made understood Where to send the message When to send the message,Model of Communication,Case studies: Case 1,Direction: Use the

      5、theory raised by Claude Shannon & Warren Weaver (1949) to analyze the following case: John meets Mary at the bus station and says to her: “Morning, Mary!“ 1)The source of information is: John . 2)The encoder is: John. 3) The code is: English. 4)The message is: “Morning, Mary!“ 5)The channel is: face to face. 6) The medium is: air. 7) The noise is: the disturbance of the passing car. 8) The decoder is: Mary. 9) The retrieval of information is: Mary.,Case 2,Direction: Supposing that the “I“ is mal

      6、e, and the two participants are strange to each other, the antidote takes place in the West Lake Park, Fuzhou. Please analyze the following aspects of essential components in a social communication. I felt exhausted after much sightseeing. I looked for a seat to rest my legs. It so happened that on the nearby roadside there was a two-person stone chair with one place already occupied by a charming young girl. I hesitated, but still went over. “Is it occupied?“ I asked. “No“ was the answer. The m

      7、oment I sat down, the woman stood up and left. I was a bit hurt by her instant departure,Case 3,Direction: In a formal academic conference, Mr. Yao is being introduced to Professor Leach by Professor Guo. What is wrong with Mr. Yaos answer? Prof. Guo: Mr.Yao, let me introduce you to Professor Leach. Prof. Leach: How do you do? Mr. Yao: How do you do, Mr Leach?,Case 4,Direction: Prof. Liang has written a book in Chinese. He wants to have his book published by Thompson Publishers. He is talking to

      8、 Mr. Allright, a Thompson representative, through Li Yan, who is acting as his interpreter. What is the problem in this cross-cultural communication? Prof. Liang:奥莱特先生,这是鄙人的拙作。 Li Tan: Mr. Allright, this a clumsy book written by your humble servant. Mr Allright: No, no, no, youre not my humble servant.,More contrast between the Chinese and the American cultures,If you are being invited to have a dinner Chinese: “不”( “Please offer me again.“) American:“No.“ ( “I dont accept your invitation.“) If

      9、someone has helped you, what you do say to him? Chinese: “很对不起,给您添了不少麻烦。”(Sorry to have given you so much trouble.“ American:“Thank you for your help.” If you are praised by someone else, what do you respond? Chinese: “过奖,过奖。”或:“惭愧,惭愧。”(You are flattering me or I feel ashamed.) American: “Thank you.“It doesnt mean American people dont show any modesty.,In the following situation, you are going to offer a gift to another person, you may have different ways to introduce your gift based on the fact that you are a Chinese or you are an American. Please notice the difference in it. Chinese:This is nothing/a mere trifle, but please accept it (stressing “礼物很轻薄,不成敬意,请笑纳。”) American:Its not much. Its just a trifle, I picked it up in a bargain basement sale at Macys last week. I thought maybe you could use it (stressing “我买的便宜货对你是适合的。”),Section II What is Cross-Cultural Communication?,What is culture? Spiritual: such as beliefs, core of values, ethnics; Custom: s


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