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加拿大paper写作--Management psychology

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  • 文档编号:60319999
  • 上传时间:2018-11-15
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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心加拿大paper写作-Management psychologyIts always desirable to be a good manager, not to be a manager. To be a good manager, one should not only have the ability to manage, but also have convincing temperament and reasonable management philosophy. In this semester, I have benefited a lot from the study of management psychology. I have learned more management knowledge. Combined with the previous courses like management and the history of management thoughts, I have initially formed a

      2、 brief management concept. This article mainly shares some of my insights on organizational behavior and motivation, which is also because my ability is not enough to express all knowledge points of management psychology, please forgive me.As an important subject in modern psychology and management science system, management psychology aims at how to fully mobilize the behavior enthusiasm of people in management, while the performance of peoples behavior enthusiasm and potential depends largely

      3、on the level and method of management motivation. Therefore, the research on motivation and related issues should be taken as the core of modern management psychology theory, and with this as the center, efforts should be made to establish a scientific modern management psychology theory system with Chinese characteristics. Motivation refers to the psychological process that stimulates peoples behavioral motivation. In management, it is also known as the problem of motivation. A correct understa

      4、nding of incentive theories and models and the timely adoption of appropriate incentive methods and means are of great guiding significance to managers at all levels. The main purpose of studying management psychology is to master the psychology of individuals and groups, motivate everyones enthusiasm and make the best of their talents.Motivation is actually a response to some kind of result, and what we want to do is to connect that kind of result to a certain kind of feeling, to have the kind

      5、of good result that you like coming up again and again. If a child says a bad word, if he gets a slap in the face right away, he will remember that he cant do this thing, and he will have scruples when he wants to say it again. If he gets a chocolate bar right away, hell know that swearing is good, and hell say it more often, more often, more often. Slap and chocolate are a response. If you often get the slap, the swear word will be less, or no; If he gets chocolate a lot, hell basically say bad

      6、 words. This is called reinforcement. But if you give him that slap or chocolate a week later, he doesnt know what that has to do with swearing, and even if you tell him why, it doesnt really impress him, and neither the slap nor the chocolate has anything to do with swearing, so he doesnt feel anything. Can deduce from this, when employees make a certain contribution to an organization, in a timely manner to give a certain reward, that the employees or other employees will therefore increasingl

      7、y eager to make contributions for the organization, while not giving any rewards, employees will produce negative psychology and loss of interest to make a contribution, even can also affect the other employees.Herzbergs two-factor motivation theory, like maslows hierarchy of needs theory and McLeelands achievement motivation theory, focuses on trying to persuade employees to value certain work-related performance reasons. It is one of the most controversial motivational theories available, perh

      8、aps because it has two unique aspects. First, the theory emphasizes that some work factors can lead to a sense of satisfaction, while others can only prevent a sense of dissatisfaction. Second, job satisfaction and dissatisfaction do not exist in a single continuum. By examining the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity among a group of accountants and engineers, and by conducting semi-structured interviews, hertzberg has amassed data on the factors that influence how these peop

      9、le feel about their work, suggesting that there are two different kinds of factors. The first category is motivational factors, including work itself, recognition, achievement and responsibility, which relate to positive feelings about the job and the content of the job itself. These positive feelings relate to past accomplishments, recognition, and past responsibilities, based on enduring rather than fleeting achievements in the work environment. The second type of factor is health care, including company policy and management, technical supervision, salary, working conditions and interpersonal relations. These factors relate to the negative aspects of work, as well as the atmosphere and environment of work. That is to say, these factors are external to the work and the work itself, while the motivating factors are internal, or internal factors associated with the work.The fact that employees get paid, like a base salary, doe

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