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    • 1、大学英语 1 单选题 1 The industrial community should be distant enough from the crowed center to reduce _dangers. C A feasibleB positiveC potentialD substantial2 The writer was so _ on her work that she didnt notice him enter the room C A absorbedB abandonedC focusedD concerned3 I _ to him that I should come. C A justifiedB evaluatedC indicatedD reckoned4 The teacher _ be in the office; maybe he is in the library. C A mightB couldC may notD can not5 The term “SOHO” has _ a lot recently in the newspapers

      2、 and magazines. C A come acrossB come byC come upD come round6 Tom attended the meeting _ his company. B A on behalfB on behalf ofC on the behalfD on the behalf of7 Physicists from all over the world came to the U.S. to _ the hundredth anniversary of Einsteins birth. B A congratulateB celebrateC decorateD participate8 Everything Ive described went wrong. _, the whole affair was a disaster. C A In kindB In allC In shortD In general9 He _ get up early while he was in the middle school. B A was use

      3、dB used toC got used toD become used to10 There is always _ for improvement no matter how much you have already done. C A placeB areaC roomD space11 _ the football game will be played depends on the weather. C A IfB ThatC WhetherD Since12 The article made no _ to previous research on the subject. D A researchesB entrancesC accessesD references13 When he was a boy he _ his talent for writing. A A demonstratedB clarifiedC illustratedD approved14 Youll have more chances of promotion _ you work hard

      4、. D A sinceB whileC asD once15 Floods cause billions of dollars worth of property damage _. C A relativelyB actuallyC annuallyD comparatively16 He doesnt believe the worker can _ to assemble the motorcycle all by himself. C A succeedB pursueC manageD handle17 I’m _ watching television; let’s go for a walk. D A am tired ofB am tired outC tired outD  tired of18 It is time that such practices _. C A are endedB be endedC were endedD must be ended19 Im _ to leave the job, but another

      5、 firm has offered me a high salary. B A willingB reluctantC hesitantD determined20 They took _ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. D A efficientB beneficialC validD effective21 By signing the lease we made a _ to pay a rent of 450 a month. C A commentB communicationC commitmentD decision22 Professor James Baldwin will deliver a lecture on how to _ a job interview this afternoon. A A succeed inB succeed withC succeed atD succeed for23 Because I am allergic to alcohol, I always avoi

      6、d _ wine. C A to drinkB drinkC drinkingD with drinking24 Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to, _ the color of his skin. D A with the exception ofB in the light ofC by virtue ofD regardless of25 Arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the _ which occurred in his dormitory. C A occasionsB factorsC incidentsD issues26 Even though I made a great effort _ for the interview, I failed nevertheless. A A to prepareB preparingC have preparedD having prepared for27 Pa

      7、rents need to be fully informed so they can make a _ decision. A A rationalB rightC profitableD beneficial28 we could only see a _ outline of a ship in the distance. B A darkB dimC faintD black29 Im sorry; this kind of T-shirt is not _ in your color and size. B A unavailableB availableC avoidableD able30 The work_ be completed before this weekend. B A oughtB mustC had better toD should to31 _ she is, she acts like a grown-up. C A A child asB Though a childC Child asD Child though32 _ is what I a

      8、m anxious to know. B A How do you get rid of miceB How you get rid of miceC How can you get rid of miceD How could you get rid of mice33 The traffic police were searching for evidence to prove the mans _. B A mistakeB faultC shortcomingD error34 _ would like to help, I have other work to do. A A Much as IB As much IC How much as ID Much I35 The police have begun to _ the murder case, but in vain. A A look intoB look upC look outD look after36 He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable _. A A abilityB futureC possibilityD opportunity37 Can you figure _ this puzzle? A A outB inC onD for38 It does not change the fact that he was the ma


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