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    • 1、大学英语1 1 单选题 1 Leo: Unbelievable! I have failed the test again!Martha: _ This is not the end of the world. B A Good luck.B Cheer up.C Go ahead.D No problem.2 Roger: How are you feeling?Peter: Much better._ A A Thanks for coming to see meB You look greatC You are so kindD Dont mention it3 Paul: Bob, _?Bob: Oh, thats my father! And beside him is my mother.  B A what is the person over thereB  whos talking over thereC what are they doing D which is that4  One half of the earth is in d

      2、arkness _ the other half is bright.  B A as B  while C sinceD  because 5  Customer: Excuse me, we ordered a coffee without milk instead of this white coffee.Waiter: I m sorry. _ A A Ill change it right away.B Yes, the coffee is white.C Its terrible. D You talk with the manager.6 I am committed _ part in the meeting. A A to takingB to takeC takingD taken7 Linda: Mary, Im afraid I have to be leaving now.Mary: _ B A That sounds wonderful.B Oh, so early?C Not at all.D Good luck!8

      3、 People usually _ spring with sunshine and flowers. D A regardB imagineC welcomeD connect9 His supposition is good in theory _ cannot be put into practice. C A andB orC butD while10  Honesty and hard work _ to success and happiness. B A helpB contributeC bringD compare11 One half of the earth is in darkness _ the other half is bright. B A asB whileC sinceD because12 The price is $14.90, _ postage. B A includesB includingC to includeD included13 Jim: How often do you go swimming?Ted: _ C A T

      4、omorrow.B Yesterday.C Every other day.D For a year.14 _ the workers are unskilled. A A A number ofB A quantity ofC An amount ofD The number of15 The film is _ a best-selling novel. A A based onB taken onC brought onD picked up16  His dream will _ sooner or later. B A come byB come t rueC come overD come down17 He has _ a lot of responsibilities. B A presumedB assumedC restoredD resumed18  Husband: Tell you what, dear. I just got promoted.Wife: Really? _. B A Take it easy.  B Oh, I

      5、m thrilled. C Its unexpected. D  Youll work hard later on, I guess. 19 Tom: Hey, Jack, whats up?Jack: _ B A Yes, definitelyB Oh, not muchC What is happening in your lifeD You are lucky.20 We regard him _ our close friend. B A isB to beC beD being2 阅读理解 1 After a 300 million yuan renovation project, Lidai Diwang Miao, or the Imperial Temple of Emperors of Successive Dynasties, was reopened to the public last weekend.Originally constructed about 470 years ago, during the reign of Emperor Jiaj

      6、ing of the Ming Dynasty, the temple was used by emperors of both the Ming and Qing to offer sacrifices to their ancestors.It underwent two periods of renovation in the Qing Dynasty, during the reigns of emperors Yongzheng and Qianlong. From 1929 until early 2000, it was part of Beijing No. 159 Middle School.The temples Jingdechongsheng Hall contains stone tablets memorializing 188 Chinese emperors. The jinzhuan bricks used to pave the floor, the same as those used in the Forbidden City, are fine

      7、ly textured and golden-yellow in color. According to Xi Wei, an official from the Xicheng District government present at the re-opening of the temple, jinzhuan bricks were made in Yuyao, Suzhou, specially for imperial use.The renovation was done strictly according to that carried out at the orders of Emperor Qianlong, and only those sections of the temple too damaged to repair have been replaced. 2  For any Englishman,there can never be any discussion as to who is the worlds greatest writer. Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him:that of William Shakespeare. Every Englishman has some knowledge of his work. All of us use words and phrases from Shakespeares writings that have become a part of the English-speaking people. Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, made full use of the English language. Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal emp


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