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北美paper写作--Modern communication technology

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  • 文档编号:58672063
  • 上传时间:2018-10-31
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:28KB
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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务北美 paper 写作-Modern communication technologyWith the continuous development of social economy and information technology, modern communication technology has been developing rapidly in recent years. The development of communication technology strengthens the efficiency of information exchange, optimizes the communication and contact between people, and also optimizes the speed of social development. This paper analyzes in detail the developme

      2、nt status and trend of modern communication technology.With the continuous development of information technology and network technology, modern communication technology in our country has a very rapid development in recent years, especially as an important part of modern communication technology, optical fiber technology, this technology in our country in recent years the development speed is quite amazing, but also provides the information data transmission security, speed significantly. Theref

      3、ore, it is significant to discuss the development status and trend of modern communication technology.The network has become a necessity for people to live and work in the current society. The communication technology in families and units is mainly realized with the help of optical fiber communication technology. The application of optical fiber communication technology not only improves the communication speed of the network, but also significantly improves the communication quality. At presen

      4、t, the application of wired communication media is mainly dominated by optical fiber. The transmission of information data by optical fiber can realize the fast transmission of information data. At the same time, it is also a significant representative of reform and development in communication technology. The application of optical fiber communication technology has the functions of high confidentiality, large communication capacity, high frequency bandwidth and strong anti-interference, which

      5、has significantly changed the various defects of the twisted pair in the traditional transmission medium and has a very significant application value.Microwave is also a representative medium development in data communication and transmission. As a transmission medium, microwave has the common features of digital communication and micro-blog communication. Weibo transmission medium is commonly used together with optical fiber transmission medium. In the current situation, due to the high constru

      6、ction cost of microwave transmission medium, it cannot be widely used in all communication lines. In general, microwave is applied in important environment, and it is used as the main line. Microwave communication is a complementary method of optical fiber communication, especially after some natural disasters, microwave technology can be used to solve network fault problems in time, so as to optimize user network experience.摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务With the continu

      7、ous development of computer technology and network technology, the rapid speed of mobile communication technology is also remarkable. Chinas mobile communication technology has entered the fourth stage, which can provide users with fairly fast information transmission speed and quality. Under the new social environment, after entering the information age, peoples life and work is cannot leave the network, the rapid development of mobile communication technology, fully meet the demand of the peop

      8、les work and life, in the current era of smart phones, people use mobile phones can deal with the rising number of transactions, it also indirectly improve the phones application value and necessity of the matching of mobile communication technology, it is very important, directly decides the convenience of peoples lives. At present, the mobile 4G network with LTE as the standard can basically meet the requirements of modern people on the function of mobile network.In the future development of c

      9、ommunication technology, wider frequency transmission is the main development direction, that is, increasing the amount of information transmission per unit of time. How to use the limited wireless frequency resource to realize the wireless communication of broadband and ultra broadband is very important to improve the use value and efficiency of the frequency resource. At present, there are various related technologies to improve the information capacity of wireless communication systems, as well as the use value and efficiency of spectrum. At the same time, some new wireless access technologies also have some practical applications, some of which are direct manifestations of broadband development trend.In the future, communication technology is bound to integrate all kinds of information, resources, services and networks for application. With the continuous development of communication technolo

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