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美国paper写作--Maintenance of computer software

  • 卖家[上传人]:0**
  • 文档编号:58581760
  • 上传时间:2018-10-30
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:31KB
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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务美国 paper 写作-Maintenance of computer softwareAlong with the continuous advancement of Chinas Internet age, Chinas computer science and technology is also in the process of continuous development and innovation. In the process of Chinas continuous development of computer technology, computer software occupies a very large part. As an important part of computer system, computer software system in the process of running can effectively realize t

      2、he various functions of the computer and application, but in the process of computer operation, very prone to problems and loopholes, so we need to in the process of computer daily operation to make the necessary maintenance, only to the daily maintenance of computer software for computer development premise, can effectively improve computer application effect, enlarge the range of computer. This paper mainly elaborates and analyzes the maintenance measures of computer software. It is hoped that

      3、 through the elaboration and analysis of this paper, the application effect of computer software in China can be effectively improved and the application assumption of computer software can be achieved. Meanwhile, it also contributes to the continuous development of computer technology in China.In the process of computer operation in China, computer related software is particularly important. According to the time proportion of computer operation, the maintenance time of computer software and th

      4、e overall workload of computer software maintenance can account for about 70% or more of the overall life of computer software. Therefore, in the process of computer software application, we should pay enough attention to the maintenance of computer software. In the process of computer software maintenance work, we mainly refers to the computer software for computer software that was put into application in four kinds of maintenance work, the first is the correct maintenance of computer software

      5、, the second is adapt to the maintenance of computer software, again is the perfect maintenance of computer software, the last is the preventive maintenance of computer software. In the process of performing the above four kinds of computer software maintenance work, software maintenance is as important as software development and software production, which is very complicated. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the maintenance of computer software in the process of software maintena

      6、nce, and targeted maintenance should be carried out according to software problems, so as to effectively realize the maintenance effect of computer software. In the process of computer maintenance, we still have a lot of work to deal with and try, so the maintenance of computer software is still a long and arduous work, which needs our attention in the future work.According to the above elaboration, we can know that in the process of computer software maintenance, there are mainly four ways of s

      7、oftware maintenance. The following is a detailed elaboration and analysis.摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务In the process of computer software maintenance, corrective software maintenance mainly refers to software maintenance in the case of errors in the process of computer software application. According to the relevant statistics of software application, when the computer software is delivered and used, the coding errors and other problems in the computer software will of

      8、ten occur, accounting for about 3 of the overall computer software. Although this data is relatively small, but in the computer software coding set up very large, which will virtually increase the number of computer software coding, computer software applications brought a very large interference. So we are in the process of computer software maintenance, modification and maintenance according to this problem, to correct errors in the actual work mainly can be divided into 5 types, first is the

      9、calculation error of the software, followed by the software of logic errors, the third is the software coding errors, again is a software documentation errors, the software of data error, the above five kinds of computer software error in the process of practical application of high frequency, thus in the actual computer maintenance work in the process to pay due attention to the problem of this type of computer software, and in a timely manner for processing and maintenance.In the process of computer software maintenance, adaptive software maintenance mainly refers to the targeted maintenance of the adaptability of computer software to the external environment in the application process. In computer software application in the process of the external environment change of computer software, mainly includes four kinds of external environment change, first of all is that computer related hardware u

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