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澳洲paper写作--Ecological ethical design

  • 卖家[上传人]:0**
  • 文档编号:57759552
  • 上传时间:2018-10-24
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:34.50KB
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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务澳洲 paper 写作-Ecological ethical designEcological ethics refers to a series of moral norms that human beings deal with the relationship between themselves and their surrounding animals, environment and nature, which is usually the ethical relationship and regulatory principle formed by human beings in the activities related to natural ecology. Relevant research shows that the product redesign system based on ecological ethics is helpful to the

      2、 development of enterprise product strategy in the future and has positive significance to the improvement of human living environment. Based on the interpretation of the concept of ecological ethics, this paper applies relevant research conclusions to specific product design from the aspects of function, form, structure and materials of product redesign, and takes ecological ethics as the basis of product redesign, which is also of great significance to regulate and restrain design behavior.Wit

      3、h the rapid development of economy and the improvement of scientific and technological level, human society is experiencing unprecedented prosperity and also facing challenges.The high development of industrialization and the excessive discharge of waste residue, waste gas and waste water by factories have overloaded the self-cleaning capacity of the ecological environment, directly causing serious environmental pollution in many countries, and not only did not stop but also continued to develop

      4、 towards worse forms.In recent years, the greenhouse effect, ozone hole, acid rain and other severe weather have seriously affected global development. These are also self-inflicted consequences. As CO2 is continuously released to the earth, large forests are cut down, resulting in higher and higher atmospheric CO2 concentration, warming climate and rising sea level. Large amounts of chlorinated and brominated compounds gradually spread into the atmosphere, creating holes in the protective ozone

      5、 layer. In addition, too much SO2 released by industrial production will lead to acid rain, which will damage plants, soil, water quality, etc., and affect peoples quality of life.The level of economic development is rising rapidly, the population base is getting larger and larger, people are demanding more and more resources, and mankind is facing a resource crisis. The reduction of freshwater resources, serious water pollution, the gradual shrinking of arable land available, the soaring global

      6、 energy consumption, the overexploitation of mineral resources and the unsustainable development of some resources have become major constraints on energy.Globally, biological species are gradually disappearing, with thousands of species 摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务dying out every year. The main reason for the extinction or mass reduction of species is the loss of habitat on which plants and animals depend, which is also caused by the increasing frequency of human acti

      7、vities. The loss of species breaks the balance of natural ecology.As a result of indiscriminate clearing of land, deforestation, destruction of plants, soil erosion, reduction of forest and grassland area and degradation, a number of natural disasters that could have been avoided have occurred, further causing soil desertification. Once the soil desertification will aggravate the situation of soil erosion and eventually lead to a vicious circle of ecological environment.Production of products ba

      8、sed on ecological ethics is in conformity with the historical inevitability, due to the traditional economic model has shortcomings, product design through two industrial revolution, human beings create enormous wealth, thus for human dilemma of industrial civilization, more and more ignored the importance of the harmonious development of man and nature, as a result, the design of the traditional economic products or exposed a lot of disadvantages.Traditional product design is to use resources f

      9、or production to meet consumption, and finally waste emission of the design idea. The use of resources is extensive and disposable, so that resources are wasted, and many natural resources are finally exhausted with the shortage. Another design idea is to excavate materials and energy with high intensity. Regardless of whether the product is finally discharged in the form of pollutants or wastes, the available product resources are constantly turned into garbage and pollute the environment, causing an irreparable cost to the natural ecology. The ultimate consequences of this traditional product design method are far beyond the scope of the definition of ecological ethics, with insufficient resource supply capacity, insufficient environmental self-purification capacity, and increasingly acute contradiction between product design and nature.Traditional product design method without considering the consequ

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