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    • 1、2018/10/23, Andersen Consulting 2000,1,Lecture Management Consulting: An Introduction,2018/10/23,2,AGENDA,Introduction/Expectations Example consultant company Consulting: Nature, Trends, Careers Selected Methods (frameworks) Research (some basics) Graphics (from data to chart),2018/10/23,3,AGENDA,Introduction/Expectations Example consultant company Consulting: Nature, Trends, Careers Selected Methods (frameworks) Research (some basics) Graphics (from data to chart),2018/10/23,4,Our Mission: Help

      2、ing our clients create their future.,zccy: MISSION AND VISION,Our Vision: To become one of the worlds leading companies, bringing innovations to improve the way the world works and lives.,2018/10/23,5,One Global Firm Act to enhance the collective values of the global partnership, while sustaining local culture.,Stewardship Think future oriented; act and invest to build a stronger firm for tomorrow.,Integrity Act with openness and honesty. Always.,Respect for the Individual Treat each person as w

      3、e would like to be treated.,Quality Client Service Understand and meet client expectations 100 percent of the time.,Best People Are highly competent and make a commitment to excellence, teamwork, and the success of our clients.,zccy: CORE VALUES,2018/10/23,6,1989 Andersen Consulting becomes a separate business unit from Arthur Andersen $1.6 billion 21,400 employees1991 Horizon 2000 Initiative to develop mission and strategic plan $2.3 billion 25,000 personnel1993 Andersen Consulting issues its f

      4、irst annual report $2.9 billion 27,000 employees,1997 Andersen Consulting creates a global network of communications-focused solution centers in an effort to set the standard for speed and quality of performance $6.6. Billion53,000 employees1998 $8.3 billion 65,000 employees2000 Joe Forehand becomes Managing Partner and introduces the 100 Day Plan Andersen Consulting wins arbitration against Arthur Andersen01.01.01 zccy, formerly known as Andersen Consulting,zccy: IMPORTANT MILESTONES,2018/10/23

      5、,7,zccy GLOBALLY,Employees: over 65,000 Countries: 48 Revenue 99: 8,9 Billion USD Clients: The vast majority of Fortune 30 most profitable global public companies Nearly 75% of Fortune 200 global companies 100 of the most significant “Industry Standard” Internet companies,2018/10/23,8,zccy: DEVELOPMENT OF REVENUES,(U.S. Billions),2018/10/23,9,zccy: GLOBAL PERSONNEL GROWTH,1997,53,426,1996,44,801,1995,38,027,1994,32,711,1998,65,134,2018/10/23,10,Americas,EMEAI,Asia/ Pacific,Hamburg,Frankfurt,Mnch

      6、en,Dsseldorf,Berlin,Wien,Zrich,ASG Austria, Switzerland, Germany,zccy IN ASG,2,750 Employees 7 Offices Revenues: 1,24 Mrd. DM,2018/10/23,11,Global Competitive Overview,Strategy,Digital Equipment,McKinsey,Andersen Consulting,Organization,Processes,Information Technology,Business Process Management (Outsourcing),Cap Gemini Sogeti,UNISYS,IBM,Computer Sciences,EDS,Boston Consulting,Booz Allen,2018/10/23,12,zccy: MARKET UNITS,Financial Services Banking Health Services Insurance Products Automotive, I

      7、ndustrial Equipment, Travel & Transportation Consumer & Pharmaceutical Products Retail Communications & High Tech Communications Electronics & High Tech Media & Entertainment Resources Chemicals Energy & Natural Resources Utilities Government,2018/10/23,13,zccy: SAMPLE CLIENT LIST,2018/10/23,14,AGENDA,Introduction/Expectations Example consultant company Consulting: Nature, Trends, Careers Selected Methods (frameworks) Research (some basics) Graphics (from data to chart),2018/10/23,15,NATURE, TRE

      8、NDS, CAREERS,Nature and purpose of consulting,Recent trends and current challenges,Staff and career paths in consulting,2018/10/23,16,NATURE AND PURPOSE OF CONSULTING,Nature and Purpose of ConsultingDefinition of Consulting“ Brief look into history Different types of consulting Consulting market overview Consultant: Profession description Consulting strategies Short overview over the consulting process Reasons for clients to hire external consultants Guidelines for the client - consultant relati

      9、onship,2018/10/23,17,DEFINITION OF CONSULTING,Definition of Consulting To give expert advice or provide expert counsel.“ (IKS) Consulting provides value by diagnosing, strategizing, designing, constructing, integrating, operating, or implementing solutions. Consulting utilizes relevant knowledge, based on integrity and objectivity, in both expert and advisory roles.“ (Consulting Services Team)Consulting is whatever a consultant does.“ (Cambridge Computer Services),2018/10/23,18,CONSULTING HISTOR

      10、Y (1/2),Brief look into history 1532 Macchiavellis Il Principe“ 1886 Foundation of the analytical testlab“ by Arthur D. Little 1895 A piece rate system“ by F. Taylor 1909 Foundation of Arthur D. Little, Inc. 1911 The principles of scientific management“ by F. Taylor 1911 Motion Study“ by F. Gilbreth 1912 Consulting Firms“ by F. Gilbreth 1914 E. Booz sets up Business Research Services 1925 J.O. McKinsey starts his Consulting firm 1934 Urwick, Orr & Partners: Management ist lehr- und lernbar 1939 Peter Drucker The end of economic man“ 1947 Foundation of the Travistock Institute,


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