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    • 1、黑龙江省通河县黑龙江省通河县 2015 英语阅读理解一轮暑假练习(英语阅读理解一轮暑假练习(2)及答案)及答案高考英语冲刺阅读理解专项高考英语冲刺阅读理解专项-A NOT all memories are sweet. Some people spend all their lives trying to forget bad experiences. Violence and traffic accidents can leave people with terrible physical and emotional scars. Often they relive these experiences. Now American researchers think they are close to developing a pill, which will help people forget bad memories. The pill is designed to be taken immediately after a frightening experience. They

      2、 hope it might reduce , or possibly erase(抹去), the effect of painful memories. In November, experts tested a drug on people in the US and France. The drug stops the body releasing chemicals that fix memories in the brain. So far the research has suggested that only the emotional effects of memories may be reduced, not that the memories are erased. The research has caused a great deal of argument. Some think it is a bad idea, while others support it. Supporters say it could lead to pills that pre

      3、vent or treat soldiers troubling memories after war. They say that there are many people who suffer from terrible memories. “Some memories can ruin peoples lives . They come back to you when you dont want to have them in a daydream or nightmare. They usually come with very painful emotions,“ said Roger Pitman, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. “This could relieve a lot of that suffering.“ But those who are against the research say that changing memories is very dangerous becau

      4、se memories give us our identity (特质). They also help us all avoid the mistakes of the past. “All of us can think of bad events in our lives that were horrible at the time but make us who we are. Im not sure we want to wipe those memories out, “said Rebecca Dresser, a medical ethicist(论理学家).Some people fear that although the drug would first be uesed in only very serious cases, it would become more and more common. “ People always have the ability to misuse science,” said Joseph Le Doux, a New Y

      5、ork University memory researcher.” All we want to do is to help people have better control of memories.”1. Whats the main idea of this passage?A People often suffer from bad memories.B American researchers are trying to develop a pill.C Forget bad memories, and be happy.D The researh has caused a heated argument.答案解析:答案为 D。本题为主旨大意题。第一段引出话题人们想忘记痛苦的回忆,第二、三段介绍科学家研究可以消除痛苦回忆的药物,该研究引起了人们的激烈争论,有人支持,有人反对,文章的重心着重于人们的争论,文章的大意就是“研究引起了激烈的争论” 。 故答案为 D。2. The underlinded word “ it “ in Para 4 refers to _A the

      6、 new drug B the research into the drugC the bad memory D the chemical drug答案解析:答案为 B。本题为词义推理题。结合划线的 “it” 出现的语境 “The research has caused a great deal of argument. Some think it is a bad idea, while others support it.” 可以推断, “it”指代的是“the research”,再结合前面第二、三段的内容可知, “it”指代的是对药物的研究,故答案为 B。3. Which of the opinions is NOT the opinion of the supporters?A The pill can erase all the memories of the pastB Some memories can ruin peoples lives. The pill can relieve emotional suffering.C The pill can also hel

      7、p many other types of people who suffer from terrible memories.D The pill can prevent or treat troubling memories in soldiers after war.答案解析:答案为 A。 本题为细节题。由第四段 “Supporters say it could lead to pills that prevent or treat soldiers troubling memories after war. They say that there are many people who suffer from terrible memories.” 和第五段 “Some memories can ruin peoples lives . They come back to you when you dont want to have them in a daydream or nightmare. They usually come with very painful emoti

      8、ons,” 可知,B、C、D 选项是支持者的意见。A 选项 “药物可以抹去所有过去的回忆”表达有误。故答案为 A。4. Which of the opinion is not the opinion of the opponents? A Our memories give us our identity.B The memories help human avoid mistakes of the past.C The drug should be used in only very serious cases.D People may not be sure whether they want to wipe the memories out.答案解析:答案为 C。本题为细节题。由第六、七段可知,A、B、D 选项都是反对者的意见。由最后一段首句 “ Some people fear that although the drug would first be uesed in only very serious cases”可知,C 选项是文中的一个事实,不是反对者的意见,故答案为

      9、C。阅读理解 When 47-year-old volunteer Susan Boyle stepped on to the stage of Britains Got Talent and announced she was unemployed, had never been married and “never been kissed, actually”, few in the audience would have wondered why. This Ms. Boyle, looking unfashionable, from a village in Scotland, shocked the three judges and the audience with the song “I Dreamed a Dream” from the musical Les Miserables on a show of “Britains Got Talent”, one of the hottest reality shows in Britain.She couldnt hide the awkwardness when walking to the center of the stage in a housedress, and everyoneincluding the judgesseemed laughing at her when she said she wanted to be as successful as Elaine Paige. As soon as she began singing, however, everyone present fell silent, then rose within seconds to applaud her incredible voice as the celebrity(名人)


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