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黑龙江省宁安市东京城林业局第三中学高中英语外研版必修1学案《module 3 my first ride on a train》3

  • 卖家[上传人]:小**
  • 文档编号:57515255
  • 上传时间:2018-10-22
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:111KB
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    • 1、I. Studying aims 学习目标: 1.know about some words about vehicles 2. have a general comprehension of this passage. 3. know about how to describe a trip 学指导:自学下列内容,掌握其用法。 (方法:自学为主,教师点拨。 ) Step1. Reading Comprehendsion 2. The central part of Australia can be described as . A. hot and dry B. warm and damp(潮湿) C. a place suitable for living D. a land for farming 3. The last paragraph mainly tells us . A. it was since the 1920s that the Afghans began to use camels B. people had no rights to kill the came

      2、ls C. there were few camels left at that timeD. camels had been a very serious problem 4. On the whole, . A. the writer enjoyed his first ride on a long-distance train B. the writer showed no interest in the trip at all C. the writer didnt tell the readers anything about the trip D. the writer didnt want to travel at all 5. From the passage we can know . A. the scenery along the railway was unchangeable B. Australians used camels from Afghanistan for meant C. horses were better for traveling a l

      3、ong distance D. the conditions for transport were very hard for Australians in the past 6. The main idea of the passage is A. a train ride to Sydney B. taking the train to Australia C. traveling to the central part of AustraliaD. a child visiting her grandmother 7. 翻译出一下句子(1) For many years, trained camels carried food and other supplies, and returned with wool and other products. (2)In 1925, they passed a law which allowed people to shout the animals if they were a problem. Module 3 My First Ri

      4、de on a Train Introduction and Reading 第二课时I. Studying aims 学习目标: Understand the usages of some words and phrases Master some sentence patterns 学指导:自学下列内容,掌握其用法。 (方法:自学为主,教师点拨。 )Language Points 1. a ride on a horse /in(on)a train to sp. giv e sb. a ride/ a lift2. What a ride! 将下列句子变为感叹句。 It is hot today. It is a hot day. They are good students. It is fine weather today. 3. Im 18 years old. =Im an 18-year-old boy 一座 100 米长的桥 一堵 20 米高的墙 一眼 50 米深的井 一条 30 米宽的街道 4. We ate great meals cooked by expert

      5、s. We saw abandoned farms. Trained camels carried food 过去分词短语必须作后置定语 e. g. clothes made of this cloth 被父母抛弃的孩子们 从网上买的东西 发达国家 有组织的活动 a paid holiday a used book 5. We spent two days and nights on the train 在农村度过的日子(days) 他每月花很多钱买衣服。 two ways: spend time / money on sth (in) doing sth 6. Why is the train called the Ghan ? 该句为含主补的句式,下列单词可跟名词作宾补或主补:make think find consider call name elect (选举)choose made London the base for his revolutionary work make / choose him monitor Translation: 他被选为大会主席(chairma

      6、n) 我们经常称他为老王 表独一无二的官职的名词在句中作宾补,主补或同位语时,不加冠词。 e. g. He was elected president of American for the second time. 7. be short (for ) 简略的,缩写的 His answer was short and to the point. Doc is short for doctor. 比较:be short of 缺少=run short of in short 总而言之 8. supply vt. n. supply sb. with sth. =supply sth. for /to sb. 农民们给我们提供大量的食物和蔬菜。 food or medical supplies 粮食或医药供应 a good supply of fish /meat /fruit 鱼类/肉类/水果供应 9. .did this until the 1920s 今天下午一直睡到三点。 昨天晚上我直到 12 点才睡。 10allow doing sth. sb. to do sth. 我们老师不允许任何学生在课堂上说话或吃东西。 教室里不准抽烟。

      《黑龙江省宁安市东京城林业局第三中学高中英语外研版必修1学案《module 3 my first ride on a train》3》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《黑龙江省宁安市东京城林业局第三中学高中英语外研版必修1学案《module 3 my first ride on a train》3》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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