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    • 1、,The Translation of Idioms,,Company Logo,Teaching Contents,,Company Logo,I. Definition of Idioms,In the narrow sense, idioms refer to the set phrases or clauses used in a language.,,Company Logo,I. Definition of Idioms,Broadly speaking, they comprise all the idiomatic and special expressions in that language, including all the set phrases, colloquialisms, proverbs, slang, and clichs in English and all the four-character set phrases, common sayings, proverbs and two-part allegorical sayings in Ch

      2、inese.,,Company Logo,I. Definition of Idioms,Definition: an idiom can be defined as a group of words with a meaning different from the combined meanings of its component words. It is a combination of two or more words which are usually structurally fixed and semantically hard to understand, and function as a single unit of meaning.,,Company Logo,II. Methods of Translating Idioms,,Company Logo,1. Borrowing or Idiom for Idiom,滴水石穿 Constant dripping wears the stone. 破釜沉舟 To burn ones boats. 隔墙有耳 Wa

      3、lls have ears. 积少成多 Many a little makes a mickle.,,Company Logo,1. Borrowing or Idiom for Idiom,三思而后行 Look before you leap. 无风不起浪 There is no smoke without fire. 一箭双雕 To kill two birds with one stone 一言既出,驷马难追 What is said cannot be unsaid.,,Company Logo,1. Borrowing or Idiom for Idiom,一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃 One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. 谋事在人,成事在天 Man proposes, God disposes.(tr.by David Hawkes) Man proposes, heaven disposes.(tr.by Yang Xianyi & Gladys Yang),,Company

      4、Logo,1. Borrowing or Idiom for Idiom,,Company Logo,,Company Logo,,Company Logo,,Company Logo,1. Borrowing or Idiom for Idiom,The burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 宁为鸡头,不为凤尾 Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成 To kill the goose that lays golden eggs 杀鸡取卵,,Company Logo,1. Borrowing or Idiom for Idiom,Strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁 To fish in the air 缘木求鱼 Dont wash your dirty linen in public. 家丑不可外扬 All good things must come t

      5、o an end. 天下无不散的筵席,,Company Logo,1. Borrowing or Idiom for Idiom,A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智 Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings. 饥不择食,,Company Logo,Principles of Translating Idioms I.,Principle for translating Idioms with idioms,,Company Logo,1. Borrowing or Idiom for Idiom,As timid as hare 胆小如鼠 羞怯如兔,,Company Logo,Principles of translating idioms II.,2.Avoid using seemingly identical but actually erroneous idioms in translation,,Company Logo,Principle of avoiding borrowing

      6、wrong idioms,You are pulling my leg. 你在拖我的后腿。 你在开玩笑。 A horse stumbles that has four legs. 有四条腿的马会失蹄。 人非圣贤,孰能无过。,,Company Logo,Principles of translating idioms(2),To lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen 亡羊补牢 贼去关门 I am dead-beat today. 今天我被打成重伤。 今天我已经精疲力竭。,,Company Logo,2. Literal Translation,易如反掌 As easy as turning over ones palm 鼠目寸光 As short-sighted as mice 君子动口不动手 A gentleman uses his tongue, not his fists. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 As long as green mountains are there, one need not worry ab

      7、out firewood.,,Company Logo,2. Literal Translation,海内存知己,天涯若比邻 A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near 千里之行,始于足下 A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step. 千里送鹅毛,礼轻情义重 The gift itself may be as light as a feather, but sent from afar, it conveys deep feelings.,,Company Logo,2. Literal Translation,削足适履 To cut the feet to fit the shoes 远水救不了近火 Distant water cannot put out a nearby fire. 良药苦口利于病 Good medicine is bitter in the mouth, but good for disease.,,Company Logo,2. Liter

      8、al Translation,To head a wolf into the house 引狼入室 An eye for eye, a tooth for tooth. 以眼还眼,以牙还牙 God helps those who help themselves. 自主者天助,,Company Logo,Principles of translating idioms III.,3.Principle of retaining the image,,Company Logo,2. Literal Translation,To play with fire 玩火 To show ones cards 摊牌 To be armed to teeth 武装到牙齿 To shed crocodile tears 掉鳄鱼的眼泪,,Company Logo,Principle of retaining the image,一寸光阴一寸金 An inch of time is an inch of gold. 君子动口不动手 A gentleman uses his tongue, not his fists.,,Company Logo,3. Paraphrasing or Free Translation,王小二过年,一年不如一年 To be going from bad to worse 擀面杖吹火,一窍不通 To know practically nothing about 碰一鼻子灰 To be rejected 打开天窗说亮话 Frankly speaking,,Company Logo,3. Paraphrasing or Free Translation,不管三七二十一 Regardless of the consequences 小巫见大巫 To be simply nothing compared to 十五个吊桶打水,七上八下 To be extremely upset,,Company Logo,3. Paraphrasing or Free Translation,


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