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    • 1、Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings,Time 3*90,Objectives Focus 1.1 Introducing yourself 1.2 Saying where you are from 1.3 Introducing other people Sum-up Assignment,ObjectivesWhen the learners finish learning this unit, they should be able to making introduction making self-introduction,Content,Focus Initiate a conversation Establish a relation,Content,1.1 Introducing yourselfA Discussion,Content,1. Read the two pictures and work out:,What are they doing? How are they doing? What are they speakin

      2、g?,introduction,shake hands, smile, make eye-contact, bend body, exchange business card,Glad to meet you,Content,2. Unlike in Chinese, self introduction in English is conducted in this way (on board):,1) greeting (Hi)-presenting ones name (My name is/ I am XXX )-showing willingness for the meeting (nice to met you).2) respond with showing happiness (nice to meet you, too)- present ones name (My name is/ I am XXX ).,Content,2. Role play 1) Practice with partner as at a business meeting where you

      3、are strangers to each other.2) Help is offered when needed but encouragement is more needed as students are not used to this practice, while some think this is too easy.,Content,3. Demonstration1) Come to the stage to demonstrate. The first group should be the one who have not practiced seriously. By demonstration, they can realize that practice doesnt mean reading is enough.2) The later group should be volunteers.,Content,4. Discussion on demonstration with such questions:1) Is there any room f

      4、or improving ?2) What suggestion would you make?,Content,5.Sum up the discussion: Not only verbal devices should be employed, non-verbal devices also are required in self introduction, such as hand shake, smile, bend body, offer business card, and etc.,Content,C Listening,1. Listen to the recording.2. After listening, all students are to give oneself a new name and put it on a slip. Collect the slip and then ask some one to take one of them and then start looking for the one bearing the name on

      5、the slip.3. Useful expression:Excuse me. Are you XXX?Sorry for interruption.Thats alright.,Content,1.2 Saying where you are fromA Reading1. Read the advertisement on the book. Are the statements true or false?,Content,Suggested answer:,1) T, 2) T, 3) F, 4) T, 5) F, 6) T, 7) T, 8) F, 9) T,Content,B Listening,Match the guests names to the office. Name Office 1)Anopow Beijing 2)Brown New Delhi 3)Hernandez Colombia 4)Singh Moscow 5)Narayan New Delhi 6)Yin Brussels 7)Pousset New York,Content,2. Liste

      6、n to the tape twice.,Suggested answer: Name1) Moscow, 2) New York, 3) Colombia, 4) New Delhi, 5) New Delhi, 6) Beijing, 7) Brussels,Content,C Role play,1. Read the file on Page 116 and 118 respectively and make sure that the aim of the task is clear and well understood.2. Practice in pairs while teacher should tour round in the classroom and offer help in case it is needed. Encouragement is motivation.3. Demonstration and comment.,Content,1.3 Introducing other people,A Listening1.Complete the co

      7、nversation with the phrases in the box. 1) Complete the conversation on the book with the phrases below. Cream and sugar, please.He works in Milan.How are things?Pleased to meet you, Mr Toncini.Have a seat, Giovanni,Do you know Brian Turner?,Content,Suggested answer:,1) How are you? 2) do you know Brian Turner?3) He works in Milan. 4) Please to meet you, Mr. Tokini. 5) Have a seat, Giovanni. 6) Cream and sugar, please.,Content,2. Role play based on the completed conversation.,Content,3. Discuss:

      8、 Making introduction is a common practice in business career. How to do that? There are some tips:,Introduce the visited one to the visiting one first. Introduce the junior positioned one to the senior one first. Introduce the younger one to the elder one first. Introduce the male to the female first. After conducting introduction, the introducer usually should find an excuse as to leave the new acquaintances to chat.,Content,B Language focus,1.Study the examples in the box.2. Read the files on

      9、Page 63, Yukis file, File 29 and 30, discuss which of the four would be favorable as candidates?,Content,C Writing,Look at the pictures and work out what people are saying.This task is based on previous practice and it is always very easy for students majored in English. It can be taken as a relax as previous practice and discussion is some stressful.,Content,Sum-up,In this unit, we learnt: 1. How to properly make a self introduction as to establish a relation. 2. How to properly make others known to each other by an introduction. 3. In communication, non-verbal devices are required.,Content,Assignment,1. Role pay: group leader should see that every one in the group practices the skills of introduction and self introduction. ( A demonstration is to be made in next session).2. Learn all the names of countries and cities by heart.,


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