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    • 1、The strategies and skills of reading comprehension,Mo yan,Mo yan believes his success comes from a large amount of reading.,_ plays an important role in our life.,Reading,Which part occupies the largestpercentage?,Questionnaire Do you have great difficulty finishing reading comprehension in the exam? Why? 2. Read Passage4&5&7&8 On Page105-109and find out which kinds of questions you feel difficult to answer.,3. Do you want to do all the questions in reading comprehension correctly?,If you want t

      2、o succeed, please follow me.,Find detailed information?,Guess the meaningof the word?,Give the main idea? Find the topic sentence?,Choose the best title?,1.The Fact Question(查找事实、细节型),Click to add title in here,The main question patterns,4.The Title/Main idea Question(概括主旨大意型),2.Words in the Context (猜测词义型),3.The Inference Question(判断推理型),In what way can we work out the meaning of new words?,二、,四、根据上下文判断 词意,判断词义,一、构词法,定语从句,三、近、反义词,Is it difficult for you to get up in the morning? Do you sometime

      3、s oversleep?,Tip1: 根据合成词中的已知词含义进行整合, 放入语境中进行猜测。,overcrowded, overwork,over=too much,合成词:睡过头,A plumber is someone who knows how to fix broken pipes.,With their shining brown eyes, and unconditional help,dogs can provide the blind with confidence.,Tip2:根据生词中已学的词干和前后缀进行推测,Tip3: 找出定语从句,确定语境,进行词意辨析。,Prefixes: un, ir, dis, im.,无条件的,管道工,Twelveyearold Sally was an active girl,but her sister was quite sedate A. pretty B. calm C. protective D. energetic,Tip4:利用近义词猜测词义.(关键词:also, that is to say),利用反义词猜测词义.

      4、(关键词: but ,never,unlike, however, instead, on the other hand.),The old woman has a strange habit to keep over 100 cats in her house. Her neighbors also called her an eccentric lady. A. kind B. strange C. special D.strict,Alberts success after much effort and practice proves the value of persistence. A. time B. competition C. insistence D. beginning again,Tip5: 根据上下文语境翻译该生词所在的句子然后进行判断。,For players, playing well and winning are often life-and-death events.,Pantomime means a short play in which no

      5、words are spoken.,Practice makes perfect,Be punctual when you are going to the party. Never be late.,哑剧,生死攸关的,准时的,二、,四、根据上下文判断 词意,判断词义,一、构词法,定语从句,三、近、反义词,判断推理 Inference Question,一、命题方式,二、解题技巧,一 :命题方式: 问句中都含有suggest, infer, conclude,The author suggests/infers_ 2. Where can we find this kind of passage?_ 3. From the passage it can be inferred that_ 4. It can be concluded from the passage_. 5.What conclusion can be drawn ?_. 6. The passage is mainly written for _sb_ 7. What can we learn from the pa

      6、ssage?_.,判断推理题的设问方式:,B:1.He was struggling to tie his shoes. I was struggling with whether I should help him. I did and he was grateful.2.“Tell me about the world as you see it.” I said.3.“ Most people can see if someone is comfortable with them or not in their eyes. I see it in their feet,” he said. “ If people keep moving their feet, I just let them go , because I know theyre impatient with me. I dont want to make people uncomfortable.”4.“What about me?” I asked.5.“ I could see your compassion

      7、. And then you came down to my level. I was the one who was nervous,” he said. “ I dont normally have someone look me in the eyes.”6.“ They dont know what theyre missing,” I told him. We can infer from the passage that_ the disabled man had sth. wrong with the mans level not many people went down to the mans level C. the man was good at telling people about the world D. the writer would not give the man more help.,Practice makes perfect,I decided that I would save my paper delivery(送) money, and

      8、 in three weeks I had the seven dollars that I thought would cover the cost of her window. I put the money in an envelope (信封) with a note saying that I was sorry for breaking her window and hoped that the seven dollars would cover the cost of repairing it.The next day, I handed the old lady her paper. She thanked me for the paper and gave me a bag of biscuits she had made herself. I thanked her and ate the biscuits as I continued my route.After several biscuits, I felt an envelope and pulled it

      9、 out of the bag. When I opened the envelope, I was shocked. Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said,“Im proud of you.” 23. What can we infer(推断) from the story? A. The old lady was such a rich woman that she didnt care about the money. B. The old lady forgave the boy for what he had done and returned him the money. C. The old lady was too proud to accept the money the boy paid for the broken window. D. The old lady didnt forgive the boy for what he had done though he said sorry to her.,二、Lets try:,Tip6:根据题干中的关键词或选项中的线索,找到原文的相关句,对相关句进行合理推理和概况,选出正确答案。,主旨大意,The Title/Main idea Question,What is the main subject /the best title of the passage? 2. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? 3. The title that best expresses the main idea of the passage is _. 4. Choose the best title for the passage.,


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