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    • 1、2012新版新目标七年级上册,重点短语和句子复习,Starter unit 1,1.早上好! 2.下午好! 3.晚上好! 4.你好吗? 5.我很好,谢谢! 6.我还行. 7.你好?,Good morning!,Good afternoon!,Good evening!,How are you?,I am fine, thanks.,Im ok.,How do you do?,starter unit 2,1.用英语 2.一幅地图 3.一个橙子 4.一床被子 5.拼写它,in English,a map,an orange,a quilt,spell it,1.这个用英语怎么说? 2.它是一把尺子. 3.请拼写出来. 4.拼写,what is this in English?,Its a ruler.,Spell it , please.,Ruler. r-u-l-e-r.,Starter unit 3,1.什么颜色 2.黑白相间 3.一件绿色得夹克衫 4.一块橡皮,what color,black and white,a green jacket,an eraser,1.它是什么颜色的

      2、? 2.它是红色的。3.它是一支蓝色的钢笔。4.它是黑白相间的。5.这支钢笔是黑色的。6.这是一块白色的橡皮。7.这是什么?,What color is it?,It is red.,Its a blue pen.,Its black and white.,The pen is black.,This is a white eraser.,What is this?,Unit 1 My names Gina.,1.你的名字 2.她的名 3.他的姓 4.电话号码 5.车牌号 6.一张身份证 7.回答这个问题,your name,her first/given name,his last / family name,telephone number,car number,an ID card,answer this question,1.我叫吉娜. 2.我是吉姆. 3.你叫什么名字? 4.看到你很高兴. 5.看到你也很高兴. 6.她的名是什么?,My name is gina.,I am jim.,whats your name?,Nice to meet you.,Nice to mee

      3、t you, too.,whats her first name?,7.他姓什么?8.她姓smith. 9.李新,你的电话号码是多少?10.她的电话号码是多少? 11.他的身份证是多少?,Whats his last name?,Her last name is smith.,Whats your telephone number,li xin?,whats her telephone number?,whats his ID Card number?,Unit 2 This is my sister.,1.为而感谢 2.因为某人做了某事而表示感谢3. 的图画 4. 的照片 5.一张我的全家福照片6.一张我的全家福照片 7.我的朋友,thanks for,thank sb for doing sth,a picture of ,a photo of ,a photo of my family,my family photo,my friend,8.一个猫的名字 9.家谱 10.看 11.全家福照片 12. 我的一个朋友 13. dave和 lucy的哥哥14. 玛丽家人在北京的照片15

      4、. dave和 lucy的书包,the name of a cat,family tree,look at ,family photo,a friend of mine,dave and lucys brother,marys family photo of beijing,daves and lucys bags,1.这些是你的书吗?2.是的,它们是。3.不,它们不是。4.这是你的哥哥吗?5.这是你的姐妹吗?,Are these your books?,Yes, they are.,No, they arent.,Is this your brother?,Is this your sister?,6.这是我的狗. 7.这是艾玛的家庭. 8.这是我的哥哥tony. 9.看,这是艾玛的家庭照。10.那是我的表妹.,This is my dog.,This is Emmas family.,This is my brother, tony.,Look, this is Emmas family photo.,Thats my cousin.,11.这是我的父亲. 12.这些是我的祖父母.

      5、 13.这些是我的朋友,汤姆和莉莉. 14.她是你的妹妹吗? 15.是的,她是。,This is my father.,These are my grandparents.,These are my friends,tom and lily.,Is she your sister?,Yes, she is.,16.阅读短信.17.画出艾玛的一家人. 18.画出你的朋友. 19.谈谈这幅画. 20. 那是她的两个儿子.,Read this letter.,Draw a picture of emmas family.,Draw a picture of your friend.,Talk about this picture.,Those are her two sons.,Unit 3 Is this your pencil?,1.你的双肩背包 2.她的字典 3.他的卷笔刀 4.电脑游戏 5.失物招领,your backpack,her dictionary,his pencil sharpener,computer game,lost and found,6.在失物招领处 7.校牌

      6、8.二中 9.给mary打电话 10.一串钥匙 11.请打315,in the lost and found case,school Id card,No.2 middle school,call mary,a set of keys,please call 315,1.这是你的铅笔吗? 2.是的,它是。3.不,它不是。4.那是Tim的书吗?5.你怎样拼写它? 6.谢谢你.,Is this your pencil?,Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,Is that Tims book?,How do you spell it?,Thank you.,7.不用谢. 8.我10岁. 9.你是tony? 10.是的,我是。 11.不,我不是。,Thats all right./ thats ok./ youre welcome.,I am ten.,Are you tony?,Yes. I am.,No, Im not.,Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?,在双肩背包里 在他的抽屉里 在地板上 在海伦的椅子上 在桌子下面 在她的沙发下面 在书柜后面,in

      7、the backpack,in his drawer,on the floor,on helens chair,under the table,under her sofa,behind the bookcase,在你的书桌后面 数学书 语文书 英语书 电子游戏 闹钟 录像带 吉姆的帽子 这些东西,behind your desk,math book,Chinese book,English book,computer game,alarm colck,video tape,Jims hat,those things,一些东西 把这本书带给你的朋友 把你的笔记带到学校来写留言条 一幅中国地图 在辽宁 在学校 在床和沙发之间 紧挨着窗户,some things,take this book to your friend,bring your notebook to school,write a note,a map of china,in liaoning,at school,between the bed and the sofa,next to the window,1.棒球在哪儿?

      8、 2.它在抽屉里. 3.她的钥匙在哪儿? 4.他们在椅子下面. 5.你的橡皮在梳妆台上吗?,where is the baseball?,Its in the drawer.,where are her keys?,They are under the chair.,Is your eraser on the dersser?,6.不,它不在. 7.我不知道. 8.数学书在书柜上. 9.请把这些东西带给你的妹妹. 10.他的笔记本在床上.,No, it isnt.,I dont know.,The math book is on the bookcase.,Please take these things to your sister.,His notebook is on the bed.,11.林涛的的钥匙在抽屉里. 12.你能把一些东西带到学校来吗? 13.我需要我的帽子. 14.你会踢足球吗? 15.是的,我会.,Lin taos keys are in the drawer.,Can you bring some things to school?,I need my hat

      9、.,Can you play soccer?,Yes, I can.,16.不,我不能. 17.这是我的房间. 18.我的棒球在床下面的地板上. 19.那些是我的唱片. 20.这是我的房间.,No, I cant.,This is my room.,My baseball is on the floor,under the bed.,Those are my CDs.,Here is my room.,Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?,1.网球拍 2.踢足球 3.打排球 4.打电脑游戏 5.戴帽子的男孩 6.穿红衣服的女孩 7.有许多俱乐部 8.在早晨 9.在下午,tennis racket,play soccer,play volleyball,play computer games,the boy in hat,the girl in red,have many clubs,in the morning,in the afternoon,10.吃早饭 11.看电视 12.做运动 13.体育俱乐部 14.英语俱乐部 15.一个大型的体育用品收集 16.九个棒球 17.欢迎来到某地,have breakfast,watch TV,play sports / do sports,sports club,English club,a great sports collection,nine baseballs,welcome to + 地点,1.窗户在墙上. 2.墙上有一幅我们教室的地图 .3.北京在中国 . 4.穿白衣服的女孩是我妹妹. 5.树上有只鸟.,Theres a window in the wall.,There is a map of our classroom on the wall.,Beijing is in china.,The girl in white is my sister.,Theres a bird in the tree.,6.树上有许多苹果. 7.我有一台电视. 8.你有一台电脑. 9.我们有一位英语教师. 10.你们有一些好朋友.,


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